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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Severe weather threat later today as cold front arrives with the most threatening time between noon and 4pm**

Paul Dorian

The likelihood for showers and thunderstorms will continue today as a strong cold frontal system approaches from the northwest.  In fact, this setup will allow for the possibility of severe weather from noon through the late-afternoon hours as vigorous upper-level energy drops into the middle of the country and damaging wind gusts of up to 70 mph are the primary weather threat although hail is a possibility in some of the strongest storms and there can be a few isolated tornadoes. Cooler air follows the frontal passage for the latter part of the week.

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11:30 AM | *Severe weather threat tomorrow…”clipper” snow possible early Friday in Mid-Atlantic*

Paul Dorian

There could be a repeat performance on Wednesday of the strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity that was experienced in the Mid-Atlantic region this past Saturday. In similar fashion to Saturday, temperatures will surge to record or near record levels on Wednesday and a powerful cold front will close in from the northwest. This type of clash between spring warmth and winter cold resulted in numerous damaging wind reports on Saturday in the I-95 corridor along with a few isolated tornadoes - and the same scenario can take place later tomorrow all the way from the Mid-Atlantic region to the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | Strong storm possible through early afternoon...strong-to-severe thunderstorm threat on Wednesday with arrival of cold front

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain quite unsettled across northern Alabama today with showers likely this morning and early afternoon and possibly a strong thunderstorm or two. The chance for showers and thunderstorms will continue on Wednesday as a strong cold frontal system arrives from the northwest.  In fact, this setup on Wednesday will allow for the possibility of severe thunderstorm activity as vigorous upper-level energy drops into the middle of the country with damaging wind gusts the main weather threat around here.  Colder air follows the frontal passage for the latter part of the week.

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7:00 AM | An unsettled few days with a severe storm threat on Wednesday

Paul Dorian

The work week will start off on the unsettled side as a few disturbances roll our way and provide us with the daily chance of showers and thunderstorms and some of the storms can be on the strong side. By Wednesday, a strong cold front will be approaching from the northwest and it’ll continue the unsettled pattern with showers and thunderstorms likely across much of northern Alabama.  In fact, there is the chance for some severe weather associated with this frontal system late Wednesday so we’ll monitor that threat closely.  Cooler air follows for the latter part of the week.

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7:00 AM | Strong cold frontal passage tonight ushers in cooler air for the weekend...unsettled early next week and then another strong front to deal with at mid-week

Paul Dorian

The work week will close out with well above normal temperatures across northern Alabama, but then a strong cold front will bring an end to the current warm spell.  This cold front will arrive this evening and bring the threat of showers and possible strong thunderstorms with brief downpours and gusty winds.  Once the front clears the region by early Saturday, skies will clear and temperatures will be far cooler than they will be today holding in the 50’s for highs on Saturday afternoon.  After a sunny and pleasantly cool day to end the weekend, it’ll become unsettled early next week as a couple of weak disturbances pass by and then the arrival of a mid-week cold front could result in some severe weather for the area. Stay tuned on that.

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7:00 AM | Gulf of Mexico low pressure system slowly pulling away from region

Paul Dorian

Slow-moving low pressure over the Gulf of Mexico continues to feed some moisture into the region and there is the threat for another shower or two as well as some patchy fog later tonight. Temperatures will stay above normal for the remainder of the work week and there might even be a flirtation with the 80 degree mark for highs on Friday afternoon - just ahead of a cold front.  This strong cold front will pass through the region on Friday night - potentially with strong thunderstorms - and usher in a much cooler air mass for the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Gulf of Mexico low pressure system to impact region with soaking rain...cooler air returns for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

Slow-moving low pressure over the Gulf of Mexico will become the main player over the next couple of days and it’ll keep it unsettled around here and generate a soaking rainfall. Rain will arrive here later this morning and continue off and on into Thursday.  The end of the work week looks dry and warm, but a cold frontal passage on Friday night will usher in much cooler air for the weekend.  

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7:00 AM | A great way to start the week

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure will drop into the Central Plains today and southerly winds on its east side will push unseasonably warm and moist air into the area.  In fact, temperatures won't be too far from record territory (79 degrees set in 1986) as we begin the new work week.  After a dry start to the week, the increasing humidity and low pressure over the Gulf of Mexico will increase our chances for showers and thunderstorms as the week progresses.

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7:00 AM | Nice way to finish the work week...part of the weekend is unsettled

Paul Dorian

First, an update on the weather situation in California…an intense storm closes in today and it’ll produce widespread heavy rainfall across the state with up to ten inches possible in southern sections. In fact, this could turn out to be one of the worst storms in many years for southern California with strong winds, possible power outages and flash flooding to go along with the heavy rainfall. Yet another storm arrives early next week and this one is likely to primarily pound northern California with additional substantial rainfall - something they certainly don't need.

For this region, high pressure will provide us with plenty of sunshine as we close out the work week.  The early part of the weekend becomes unsettled with an upper low in the Lower Mississippi Valley bringing us the chance for showers.  High pressure returns for the second half of the weekend and it’ll remain nice going into the early part of next week.

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