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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Threat later today for strong-to-severe thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

An unstable atmosphere remains across the region today and tonight and there is a good chance of showers and thunderstorms. In fact, the thunderstorms that form later today could be on the strong-to-severe side with isolated tornadoes even on the table. The main culprit for the severe weather threat will be an approaching cold front that will push into our very unstable air mass that contains lots of moisture. After any early day showers on Wednesday, drier air will push into the region following the passage of the cold front and a couple of nice days will follow later in the week.

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7:00 AM | ***A threat of severe thunderstorm activity later Tuesday with isolated tornadoes on the table***

Paul Dorian

An unstable atmosphere will exist across the region into mid-week with the chance of showers and thunderstorms today and tonight and an even better chance on Tuesday. In fact, the thunderstorms that form later tomorrow could be on the strong-to-severe side with isolated tornadoes even on the table. The main culprit for the severe weather threat later tomorrow will be an approaching cold front that will push into a very unstable air mass containing lots of moisture. After any early day showers on Wednesday, drier air will push into the region following the passage of the cold front and a couple of nice days will follow later in the week.

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7:00 AM | *An overall wetter weather pattern may unfold next week across the Tennessee Valley region*

Paul Dorian

Following the passage of a frontal system, the work week will come to an end with pretty decent weather conditions featuring comfortable temperatures and plenty of sunshine. The weekend will start off nice, but there will be an increase in moisture on Sunday leading to more clouds and a returning threat of showers. Broad southwesterly flow by early next week will likely result in an unsettled weather pattern featuring warm, humid conditions and the chance of showers and storms in the Monday-to-Wednesday time period.

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7:00 AM | *Weekend shaping up to be pretty nice across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure ridging aloft has produced warm weather around here for the past couple of days and it’ll stay warm again today, but there will be a chance of showers and thunderstorms. An upper-level trough and its associated cold frontal system are pushing into the Tennessee Valley and the resultant chance of showers and storms will continue into early Friday. This system will push to the east of here by the weekend setting us up for pretty nice weather on both Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase from later tomorrow into Friday*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure ridging aloft has produced nice weather around here for the past couple of days and it’ll stay dry and very warm today as well. The pattern will change later in the week as an upper-level trough and its associated cold frontal system push to the east across the southwest US and central states. Ahead of the front, it’ll become increasingly humid around here by tomorrow and the chance of showers and storms will be on the increase. This system will likely push to the east of here by the weekend setting us up for pretty nice weather on Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Middle 80's likely this afternoon across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure ridging aloft produced nice weather here on Monday and it’ll stay dry today as well, but temperatures will turn even warmer climbing to the middle 80’s later in the day. The pattern will change later in the week as an upper-level trough and its associated cold frontal system push to the east across the southwest US and central states. Ahead of the front, it’ll become increasingly humid around here and the chance of showers and storms will be on the increase.

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7:00 AM | *Above-normal temperatures to start off the week with highs in the lower 80's*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure ridging aloft will build into the eastern states over the next couple of days and temperatures at the surface will respond noticeably. In fact, in response to the changing pattern, temperatures should climb to at least the 80 degree mark this afternoon across northern Alabama and then into the 80’s on Tuesday and Wednesday. Later in the week, a cold front will push into the Mississippi Valley from the nation’s mid-section and it could enhance the chance for thunderstorms around here during the second half of the week – some of which can be severe.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled conditions for tonight and Saturday,...nice weather to close out the weekend*

Paul Dorian

The weather becomes unsettled around here by tonight and on Saturday as low pressure moves to the northeast from the south-central states. Showers are possible tonight and the threat of showers and thunderstorms will exist from tomorrow into tomorrow night. Nice weather should close out the weekend, and then a big time warm up will ensue early next week as strong upper-level ridging builds eastward into the eastern states. Temperatures here should flirt with the 80 degree mark for highs on Monday then likely top out well into the 80’s on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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12:20 PM (Thursday) | *Another unusually cold night in the Mid-Atlantic region…rain event coming from late Saturday into early Sunday…big time warm up later next week with 80+ degrees on the table*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures dropped to the freezing mark in many spots along the I-95 corridor region of the Mid-Atlantic earlier this morning and there will be one more unusually cold night to deal with in the DC, Philly and NYC metro regions. The abnormal cold this morning was widespread across the nation with record or near record lows extending from the eastern seaboard to the Rocky Mountain States. There will be a noticeable modification in temperatures on Friday in the Mid-Atlantic and the weekend should turn out to be seasonably mild, but rain will dampen the scene from late Saturday into early Sunday. Looking ahead, a big time warm up is coming to the eastern US later next week and 80+ degrees will be on the table in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | ***Very chilly to start the day, but temperatures modify nicely next few days and a big time warm up is coming for early next week***

Paul Dorian

A very chilly start to the day across northern Alabama with patchy frost in the area, but temperatures will modify noticeably in the afternoon with plenty of sunshine. It becomes unsettled for Friday and Saturday with the chance of scattered showers returning and perhaps a thunderstorm or two. Nice weather should close out the weekend, and then a big time warm up will ensue early next week as strong upper-level ridging builds eastward into the eastern states. Temperatures here should flirt with the 80 degree mark for highs on Monday then likely top out well into the 80’s on Tuesday afternoon.

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