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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

1:15 PM | **Cold shot reaches the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US next Tuesday/Wednesday…lake effect snow showers for the first time this season**

Paul Dorian

There have been a few chilly air masses that have reached the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US in recent weeks, but the one destined to arrive here for next Tuesday and Wednesday will likely be the chilliest so far this season. A deep upper-level trough of low pressure will tend to rotate around and intensify during the next few days over the Great Lakes and southern part of Canada and then this system will spin its way into the eastern US by the middle of next week. With lots of instability in the atmosphere and the cold air mass pushing over the still relatively warm of the Great Lakes, snow showers are likely just downstream for the first time this season.

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7:00 AM | **Thunderstorms later today into tonight can be on the strong-to-severe side**

Paul Dorian

A deepening upper-level trough of low pressure will pivot into the Great lakes and Ohio Valley later today and a surface cold front will approach us from the west. As a result, south-to-southwest winds will increase today and increasing amounts of moisture will generate instability as the frontal system approaches the area. Showers and thunderstorms will form later today and by this evening, some of the storms can be on the strong-to-severe side.

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7:00 AM | *Most active weather day this week comes on Wednesday with chance of showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will be in control for another day, but changes are coming to the Tennessee Valley at mid-week as a strong upper-level trough of low pressure drops southeastward from central Canada. A strong cool front will be lined up with the upper-level trough and the result here will the chance for showers and thunderstorms. The front should clear the area early on Thursday and nice weather will return by the end of the work week.

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7:00 AM | *Near 80 degrees today, but a cooler weekend on the way*

Paul Dorian

A cool front will pass through the region today without any precipitation; however, it will have an impact on temperatures as it’ll usher in another cool air mass to the Tennessee Valley. After highs near 80 degrees this afternoon, temperatures will likely be confined to the upper 60’s on Saturday and the coolest readings so far are possible by early Sunday morning. It’ll be comfortable on Sunday to close out the weekend and there should be a warm and quiet start to the new week on Monday and Tuesday.

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7:00 AM | *Back to the 80's today, but a cooler weekend is on the way*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure finally pushed away from the Mid-Atlantic coastline late yesterday and the result here will be a warming trend that will feature temperatures climbing to near 80 degrees later this afternoon and lower 80’s on Friday. A cool front slides across the region later tomorrow and its passage will usher in a cooler air mass for the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Comfortable weather next couple days with low pressure still spinning just off the Mid-Atlantic coastline*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure continues to meander off the Mid-Atlantic coastline and the result here is a continuation of comfortable and rain-free conditions. Daytime temperatures will be quite comfortable for the next couple of days and the overnights on the cool side. By Thursday, the low pushes away from the coast and we’ll warm up a bit, but another cool front follows by week’s end and it’ll usher in cooler air for the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Comfortable temperatures around here next couple of days*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure continues to meander off the Mid-Atlantic coastline and the result here is a continuation of breezy and cool conditions with rain-free weather. Daytime temperatures will be quite comfortable for the next couple of days and the overnights on the cool side. At mid-week, the low pushes away from the coast and we’ll warm up a bit, but another cool front follows by week’s end and it’ll usher in cooler air for the weekend.

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