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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Somewhat unsettled weather conditions for today, tonight and Saturday...dry and warm on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday*

Paul Dorian

It remains somewhat unsettled across the region today with a nearby upper-level disturbance and there can be scattered afternoon showers, maybe even a thunderstorm.  A second disturbance on Saturday will continue the threat of scattered showers and thunderstorms, but a frontal passage on Saturday night will pave the way for dry and warm weather on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

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7:00 AM | *Slightly cooler today following the passage of a frontal system*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system has pushed through the region and it’ll be slightly cooler today with afternoon highs close to the 80 degree mark.  While there can be a shower or thunderstorm later today, a better chance probably arrives on Thursday as an upper-level disturbance reaches the area. Following the passage of this next system, the end of the week is likely to feature dry and warm conditions with some sunshine to end the work week.

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7:00 AM | *Chance of showers and thunderstorms later today, tonight and on Tuesday*

Paul Dorian

The weather stays unsettled today and it’ll stay so through the first half of the week.  The chance for showers and thunderstorms will increase this afternoon and that threat will stick around here right through tomorrow night. Temperatures over the next couple of days will run at very warm levels not far from the 90 degree mark for afternoon highs and then it turns slightly cooler at mid-week.

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7:00 AM | *A flirtation with the 90 degree mark later this weekend*

Paul Dorian

The weather remains unsettled today and it’ll stay so right into the middle part of next week. The chance for showers and thunderstorms will increase today and that threat will stick around all the way into at least Wednesday of next week. Temperatures over the next few days will run at quite warm levels and likely flirt with the 90 degree mark for highs on Sunday and Monday.

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2:00 PM | ***Excessive rainfall in Texas next several days with a focus on the Rio Grande…severe storm threats central US-to-Mississippi Valley***

Paul Dorian

The central third of the nation will be the part of the country with the most rainfall in coming days and also the highest likelihood for severe weather.  An area of focus for the rainfall will be the state of Texas with a big concern for excessive amounts in the Texas/Mexico Rio Grande border region.  Severe weather including isolated tornadoes is a threat today from Kansas-to-Oklahoma and to the east of there across Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi. Severe weather will remain as a threat in the same (central) part of the nation in coming days as well.

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