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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *A nice first weekend of November across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

The chilly weather of recent days across northern Alabama will give way to milder conditions and the first weekend of November looks quite nice indeed. Temperatures this weekend should climb back into the 70’s and both days should feature some sunshine. The stretch of nice weather will continue through the first half of next week with high pressure in control across the southeastern states. One final note…this is the weekend in which we turn clocks back an hour to get back to standard time.

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7:00 AM | *Back to the 70's this weekend...turn the clocks back an hour early Sunday*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will remain below-normal levels today and there could be another late night with patchy frost, but moderation is on the way. In fact, temperatures will climb back to the 70’s this weekend – the first weekend of November – and there should be sunshine on both days.  

One final note…this is the weekend in which we turn clocks back an hour to get back to standard time.

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7:00 AM | **Temperatures remain well below-normal today, but first weekend of November is shaping up nicely**

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will remain well below-normal today and the next couple of nights can feature patchy frost with low temperatures near the freezing mark. Significant moderation in temperatures will take place on Friday and the first weekend of November may very well feature quite pleasant conditions throughout the Tennessee Valley with highs back up in the 70’s. One final note…this is the weekend in which we turn clocks back an hour to get back to standard time.

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7:00 AM | *Below-freezing conditions likely in many spots next couple of late nights/early mornings*

Paul Dorian

The coldest air of the season so far has pushed into the eastern third of the nation on the heels of the passage of a cold frontal system. Temperatures for the next couple of days will be held near 50 degrees for afternoon highs and overnight hours at or below the freezing mark are likely across northern Alabama. Moderation in temperatures will take place late in the week and the first weekend of November may feature quite pleasant conditions across the Tennessee Valley.

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11:00 AM | **Cold air outbreak sweeping across the nation on its way to the eastern states…numerous records to be set with this cold shot…additional cold outbreaks next couple of weeks**

Paul Dorian

A cold air mass is sweeping across the nation as we wind down the month of October and it will reach the eastern states shortly on the heels of a late day strong cold frontal passage. Record low temperatures have been set or threatened in many spots today all the way from California to the nation’s mid-section and numerous record lows are likely to be set with this cold air outbreak during the next few mornings. Looking ahead, many signs point to additional cold air outbreaks from Canada into the US during the next couple of weeks and snow may become an early season threat in many parts of the country where it hasn’t already fallen.

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7:00 AM | *Cold air intrusion results in at or below-freezing conditions here by early Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

The coldest air mass of the season so far is moving south and east as we begin the week and into the Tennessee Valley.  Temperatures today will be noticeably lower than Sunday and we’ll get down to near 30 degrees by the time early Wednesday rolls around. Moderation in temperatures will take place later in the week and we’ll get back to mild levels again by the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Unseasonably warm through the weekend...much cooler first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

Unseasonably warm weather will continue around here through Sunday with temperatures soaring to the lower or middle 80’s each of the next three afternoons. High pressure stays in control as we begin the weekend, but a cold frontal passage will bring about much cooler conditions on Monday and it becomes rather chilly on Tuesday and Wednesday; especially, when compared with the unseasonably warm weather here during the next few days.

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2:00 PM | **Snowstorm from Montana to the Dakotas and NW Minnesota…cold shot reaches Mid-Atlantic/NE US by mid-week…snow is on the table across interior, higher elevation locations**

Paul Dorian

Accumulating snow is falling today from Montana to the Dakotas and NW Minnesota and the cold air mass in that part of the country is going to spread south and east in coming days. In fact, the transition on the calendar in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US from the last few days of October to the first few days of November will be quite dramatic. Record challenging warmth in the northeastern quadrant of the nation will extend into the first half of the weekend and there will be a step down in temperatures early next week so that by early Wednesday morning, temperatures will be at their lowest levels so far this season. The influx of the cold air mass may even lead to some snow or a mix of snow, ice and rain across interior higher-elevation locations by the middle of next week.

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