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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *Another cool day in the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

The chilly and dry air mass that moved into the Mid-Atlantic region following the passage of a cold front will help to keep temperatures at below-normal levels for another day despite plenty of sunshine.  It turns somewhat milder on Friday and low pressure will try to organize near the east coast at the same time a frontal system pushes this way from the Midwest. The combination of the two systems can result in shower activity around here on Friday night and Saturday. High pressure is to return for the second half of the weekend with sunshine expected on Sunday.

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12:15 PM | *A double whammy on tender and newly planted vegetation in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US…potential frost/freeze late tonight and an excessively dry air mass...some tips on protection*

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days will be quite stressful for tender and newly planted vegetation in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US given the double whammy of possible frost/freeze conditions and the influx of an excessively dry air mass.  This is quite late in the season for a possible frost/freeze; especially, in the Mid-Atlantic region, but indeed that is on the table for late tonight/early tomorrow across interior sections of the northeastern states. This unusually chilly air mass for this time of year is also one that is very dry and dew points will drop into the 20’s over the next few hours.

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7:00 AM | *Cooler and breezy today following the passage of a cold frontal system...late night frost possible far N/W suburbs*

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region early this morning and today will turn out to be a breezy and cooler day than yesterday with temperatures likely peaking in the mid-to-upper 60’s. Temperatures should drop into the lower 40’s late tonight under clear skies and it is not out of the question that some outlying spots experience a late season patchy frost towards daybreak.  After another cool day on Thursday, it turns milder at week’s end and weak low pressure combined with a frontal system can produce some showers here on Friday night or Saturday. High pressure resumes control of the weather for the second half of the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Cool frontal passage later tonight to usher in cooler air for the mid-week and it becomes breezy as well*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will push to our south today and then a cold front will cross the area tonight, but only a couple of showers are possible around here as most of the rain will stay to our south. Canadian-born high pressure to our north will expand into the region on Wednesday and we’ll turn cooler with breezy conditions as well.  It stays dry and on the cool side for Thursday with milder weather coming back to close out the week as the same high pressure system exits off the east coast.

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7:00 AM | *Nice today with afternoon temperatures in the 70's...cooler, windy at mid-week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure remains in control of the weather today and then low pressure to our south and a cold front will influence conditions on Tuesday and Tuesday night with the chance for a couple of showers.  Canadian-born high pressure to our north will control the weather at mid-week resulting in cooler conditions and winds will become a noticeable factor as well on Wednesday. 

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6:30 AM | *Reaching the middle 80's this afternoon...shower threat returns later tonight and for Saturday*

Paul Dorian

After another nice day today to end the work week, a cool frontal system will pass through the region on Saturday bringing with it the chance of showers, maybe even an isolated thunderstorm, from later tonight into tomorrow. High pressure returns for Sunday and the weekend should end with plenty of sunshine and comfortably warm conditions.  A weak system will approach the region on Monday generating some clouds and maybe a shower or two.

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2:00 PM | ***Excessive rainfall in Texas next several days with a focus on the Rio Grande…severe storm threats central US-to-Mississippi Valley***

Paul Dorian

The central third of the nation will be the part of the country with the most rainfall in coming days and also the highest likelihood for severe weather.  An area of focus for the rainfall will be the state of Texas with a big concern for excessive amounts in the Texas/Mexico Rio Grande border region.  Severe weather including isolated tornadoes is a threat today from Kansas-to-Oklahoma and to the east of there across Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi. Severe weather will remain as a threat in the same (central) part of the nation in coming days as well.

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7:00 AM | *Quite warm next couple of days with plenty of sunshine*

Paul Dorian

High pressure continues to remain in control of the weather in the Mid-Atlantic region and we’ll have a couple more nice days featuring plenty of sunshine and warm conditions. Low pressure to our west early this weekend may come close enough to give us some shower activity late Friday night and on Saturday and then high pressure takes back control on Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *A nice few days for the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

High pressure builds into the Mid-Atlantic region today and will provide us with dry and increasing warm conditions through the end of the work week.  Temperatures will likely peak in the low-to-mid 70’s this afternoon and not far from 80 degrees on Thursday and then the low-to-mid 80’s on Friday. Low pressure to our west this weekend may be close enough to give us an increasing chance of showers on Saturday and then another chance of showers likely comes on Monday with the arrival of a frontal system.

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7:00 AM | *A bit cooler today with some sun...nice for the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will ride from NW-to-SE today along a frontal boundary zone in the Mid-Atlantic region, but its associated shower activity will stay south of the metro region. High pressure will build back into the region on Wednesday and the second half of the work week is looking quite nice with dry and increasingly warm conditions. The weather likely becomes somewhat unsettled this weekend with a returning chance of showers.

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