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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | **First freeze of the season in many spots late tonight/early Thursday**

Paul Dorian

The core of the cold air mass over the eastern states will push into the Mid-Atlantic region today and the first widespread freeze of the season is coming for late tonight and early Thursday. It’ll become breezy today and temperatures will stay well below-normal and then they’ll fall to near or slightly below-freezing levels from late tonight into early Thursday. It stays quite chilly on Thursday, but temperatures will moderate for the Friday, Saturday and Sunday time period paving the way for decent weather conditions during the first weekend of November. One final note…this is the weekend in which we turn clocks back an hour to get back to standard time.

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7:00 AM | **Cold air mass next few days and the first widespread freeze late tomorrow night/early Thursday morning**

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region late yesterday and ushered into the eastern states the coldest air mass of the season so far. Temperatures will remain at below-normal levels for the next few days and the first widespread freeze is likely late tomorrow night/early Thursday morning. Low pressure may form along the frontal boundary zone late tonight and it has the chance to generate plenty of clouds in the region and even isolated showers into early Wednesday. Moderation in temperatures will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and the weather looks pretty decent for the first weekend of November.

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11:00 AM | **Cold air outbreak sweeping across the nation on its way to the eastern states…numerous records to be set with this cold shot…additional cold outbreaks next couple of weeks**

Paul Dorian

A cold air mass is sweeping across the nation as we wind down the month of October and it will reach the eastern states shortly on the heels of a late day strong cold frontal passage. Record low temperatures have been set or threatened in many spots today all the way from California to the nation’s mid-section and numerous record lows are likely to be set with this cold air outbreak during the next few mornings. Looking ahead, many signs point to additional cold air outbreaks from Canada into the US during the next couple of weeks and snow may become an early season threat in many parts of the country where it hasn’t already fallen.

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7:00 AM | *Coldest air mass of the season so far headed in our direction*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will push across the region from later today into early tonight and the coldest air mass of the season so far will follow for the next few days. Temperatures are likely to drop to near 40 degrees late tonight and they can drop near freezing by early Thursday morning. Low pressure may form along the cold frontal boundary zone and it could throw some clouds and a few showers back into our area from late tomorrow night into early Wednesday. Moderation in temperatures will take place this weekend, but there can be another cold shot into the eastern states later next week.

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7:00 AM | *Unseasonably warm through tomorrow...step down in temperatures Sunday to Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

Unseasonably warm weather will continue around here through Saturday with temperatures climbing to near 80 degrees each of the next two afternoons. High pressure stays in control as we begin the weekend, but a series of cold frontal passages will bring about a step-down in temperatures from Sunday to Wednesday and by the time we reach the middle of next week, the coldest air mass of the season so far will be fully in place across Mid-Atlantic region.

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2:00 PM | **Snowstorm from Montana to the Dakotas and NW Minnesota…cold shot reaches Mid-Atlantic/NE US by mid-week…snow is on the table across interior, higher elevation locations**

Paul Dorian

Accumulating snow is falling today from Montana to the Dakotas and NW Minnesota and the cold air mass in that part of the country is going to spread south and east in coming days. In fact, the transition on the calendar in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US from the last few days of October to the first few days of November will be quite dramatic. Record challenging warmth in the northeastern quadrant of the nation will extend into the first half of the weekend and there will be a step down in temperatures early next week so that by early Wednesday morning, temperatures will be at their lowest levels so far this season. The influx of the cold air mass may even lead to some snow or a mix of snow, ice and rain across interior higher-elevation locations by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | **A surge of record challenging warmth next few days...cold shot next week**

Paul Dorian

High pressure will remain in control of the weather around here for another few days and a warming trend that began yesterday will intensify. After highs in the lower 70’s on Wednesday, temperatures should soar to near 80 degrees later today and again on Friday and Saturday - well above normal for late October and record-challenging in some spots. The passage of a series of cold fronts early next week will cause a dramatic step down in temperatures resulting in big-time changes from the unseasonably warm conditions of the near-term to winter-like chill in the 30’s by early Wednesday morning.

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10:45 AM | **Record challenging warmth later this week in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US to a cold shot next week including the chance for snow or a mix in higher elevation, interior locations**

Paul Dorian

The transition on the calendar from October-to-November will be pretty dramatic across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US from a weather point of view. The latter part of this week will feature record challenging warmth in much of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US where high temperatures of up to 80 degrees are on the table. The weather will change dramatically next week, however, with the influx of a cold air mass that could feature some snow or a mix of snow, ice and rain in the same part of the country that experiences the surge of warmth later this week. Next week’s cold shot promises to be fairly quick – likely a 2-3 day event – as warmer air is likely to surge back to the north and east into the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US by the first weekend of November.

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7:00 AM | *A very nice few days in the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will remain in control of the weather around here for another few days and a warming trend that began yesterday will intensify in coming days.  After highs in the middle 60’s on Tuesday, temperatures should peak near 70 degrees this afternoon and then climb to well up in the 70’s on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

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7:00 AM | *Warming trend gets underway today...stretch of nice weather to last into the weekend*

Paul Dorian

The week started off on the chilly side in the Mid-Atlantic region, but much milder weather is on the way. High pressure will be in control of the weather for the next few days and there will be a noticeable warming trend. Temperatures this afternoon should peak in the middle 60’s and they’ll climb well up into the 70’s for much of the second half of the week.

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