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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *Chilly and dry today with an increasing NW wind*

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region late yesterday and, in its wake, today will feature chilly and increasingly windy conditions with NW winds gusting to 30 mph or so. It stays chilly and dry on Wednesday, but then turns somewhat milder on Thursday ahead of the next cold frontal system. That next front will bring us a threat of PM showers on Friday and then another chilly air mass should push into the Mid-Atlantic region for the weekend.

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2:30 PM | ***A more active weather pattern and a cold air outbreak to sweep across the nation next week…just in time for Thanksgiving Day...teleconnection indices support change to cold***

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern has been rather quiet across much of the nation in recent days, but a more active pattern appears to be setting up as we approach the middle of November. In the near term, a strong storm system will slide east across the Gulf of Mexico producing significant rainfall in the region from Louisiana to Florida where it has been quite dry in recent weeks. In addition, California and the rest of west coast will get significant rainfall (low elevations) and snowfall (high elevations) during the second half of the week. In the longer term, there are signs for a strong system by the middle of next week that can have an impact in the eastern states during a busy travel time. In terms of temperatures, this unfolding weather pattern appears to be one that can feature multiple cold air outbreaks across the northern states and this idea is supported by some teleconnection indices such as the MJO and EPO. One such cold air outbreak may very well sweep across the nation later next week…just in time to make for a cold Turkey Day for many.

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7:00 AM | *A cold start to the week in the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

High pressure is in control as we begin the new work week and will remain so making for generally quiet weather in the Mid-Atlantic region. It will be quite chilly for the next few days, but temperatures will modify later in the week. Showers will become a threat at week’s end with the approach of a strong cold front from our northwest.

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6:30 AM | *Much cooler today with the threat of occasional light rain...the chill sticks around into early next week*

Paul Dorian

Colder air will push into the Mid-Atlantic region today following the passage of a cold front and this time, the chilly air will stick around. After the threat of occasional light rain today, Canadian high pressure will take control of the weather as we head into the weekend and it’ll help to anchor this chilly air mass in place. As a result, temperatures should stay below-normal from today through Monday with the return of milder air later next week. One final note and for those interested, it looks like it’ll be chilly (40’s) and dry tomorrow in State College, PA for the noontime game between Penn State and Michigan.

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7:00 AM | *Colder weather moves in for Friday and this time the chill will stick around*

Paul Dorian

Our “up and down” temperature pattern of recent days will continue for the next couple of days with a jump up today and then a drop down on Friday to close out the work week. A warm front will lift north of the area this morning paving the way for milder conditions during the afternoon and then the passage of a cold front will usher in a colder air mass for Friday and - this time - the chill will stick around in the Mid-Atlantic region. Canadian high pressure takes control of the weather around here this weekend and into the early part of next week and this will result in below-normal temperatures for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. One final note and for those interested, it looks like it’ll be chilly and dry on Saturday in State College, PA for the noontime game between Penn State and Michigan.

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7:00 AM | *Much cooler today and then much milder again on Thursday...setting up for a chilly weekend*

Paul Dorian

The passage of a cold front late yesterday will pave the way for a much cooler mid-week in the NYC metro region as our recent “up and down” temperature pattern continues for another few days. It turns much milder again on Thursday following the passage of a warm front and then much cooler again at the end of the work week. Looking ahead, it looks like it’ll stay chilly on both days this weekend and right into the early part of next week. One other note, for those interested, it looks like it’ll be chilly and dry on Saturday in State College, PA for the noontime game between Penn State and Michigan.

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7:00 AM | *Milder today and then much cooler on Wednesday following the passage of a cold front*

Paul Dorian

The passage of a weak warm front overnight will pave the way for a milder day in the Mid-Atlantic region and then the passage of a cold front later tonight will pave the way for a much cooler middle of the week. Temperatures will continue to run “up and down” later in the week with a milder day coming on Thursday only to be followed by chillier weather for Friday - and it looks like it will stay quite cool for the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *A couple of weak frontal systems to deal with next few days*

Paul Dorian

High pressure is in control as we begin the new work week and then a couple of weak frontal systems will head in our direction during the next couple of days. Temperatures will be up and down for the next several days with highs this afternoon in the mid-to-upper 50’s and then milder on Tuesday following the passage of a weak warm front and cooler on Wednesday following the passage of a weak cool front.

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7:00 AM | *A decent weekend to start off the month of November*

Paul Dorian

High pressure shifts off the coast on Friday and temperatures will modify for the first weekend of the new month with dry conditions expected on both Saturday and Sunday. Another cold front is likely to approach the Mid-Atlantic region from the northwest by the middle of next week. One final note…it is time to turn back the clocks an hour early Sunday morning.

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7:00 AM | *Quite a decent first weekend of November on the way for the Mid-Atlantic...turn the clocks back an hour early Sunday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure that had its origins in northern Canada will control the weather around here through tonight and temperatures will remain at well below-normal levels for the early part of November. This same high shifts offshore on Friday and temperatures will modify noticeably for the first weekend of the new month and sunshine is expected on both days. Another cold front is likely to approach the Mid-Atlantic region from the northwest by the middle of next week.

One final note…this is the weekend in which we turn the clocks back an hour to get back to standard time.

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