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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | **Low pressure intensifies off the coast today...another "clipper" system approaches from our northwest on Thursday...heavy rain threat later Sunday**

Paul Dorian

Low pressure intensifies offshore today and it’ll remain cold in the Mid-Atlantic region with a bit of a breeze as well. Another “clipper” system will drop southeast from the Great Lakes on Thursday and it can produce snow showers in the NYC metro region…maybe even a brief period of steadier snow with possible small accumulations. It turns much milder at the end of the week and the mild conditions will continue through the weekend. A strong cold front will slide in this direction on Sunday and this can lead to a heavy rain event along the eastern seaboard. In addition to the potential of heavy rainfall, winds may become very strong late in the weekend and thunderstorms may be mixed into the picture as well. A colder air mass will follow into the eastern states for the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | *A weak "clipper" system pushes to our south and east*

Paul Dorian

Clouds will increase today ahead of a weak “clipper” system that drops southeast across the Upper Midwest on its way to a position over the western Atlantic by early Wednesday. This system is limited in its moisture content and, as such, is unlikely to produce anything more than a bit of rain and/or snow around here from later tonight into early Wednesday. It stays on the cold side behind it through the day on Thursday, but then turns noticeably milder for Friday and Saturday. A strong cold front approaches on Sunday and this could lead to a soaking rain event along the eastern seaboard to close out the upcoming weekend with a cold shot to follow for the early part of next week.  

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3:00 PM | **Potential for a significant storm system this weekend with wide ranging impacts from severe weather-to-heavy rain/strong winds-to-accumulating snow**

Paul Dorian

It appears more and more likely that there will be quite a strong and impactful storm system this weekend which could have an impact on a wide part of the eastern half of the nation. If ingredients come together, this storm system could produce heavy rain along the eastern seaboard with strong and potentially damaging wind gusts, a strip of heavy snow from the Mississippi Valley to the Great Lakes, and possibly some severe weather in the Deep South. On its heels, a cold air outbreak will encompass much of the eastern half of the country during the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Moderate cold next couple of days with a weak "clipper" system*

Paul Dorian

A relatively weak high pressure system pushes into the Mid-Atlantic region today on the heels of low pressure that is now working its way into southeastern Canada. There will be a weak “clipper” system that drops southeast from Canada into the northern US on Tuesday and it could produce a bit of rain and/or snow in the Mid-Atlantic region later tomorrow night into early Wednesday. High pressure returns for the latter part of the week with with dry weather expected here on Thursday and Friday and it turns milder by the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *December begins on the damp side with occasional rain or drizzle from later today through the upcoming weekend*

Paul Dorian

December will begin with chilly conditions in the NYC metro region and quite likely some rainfall during the late afternoon and evening hours. Low pressure pushes towards the Great Lakes later in the day and its moisture field will advance in this direction resulting in some rain here and then a cold front passes through in the overnight hours. The weekend turns milder and there will be lots of clouds around on both days. There can be occasional light rain or drizzle this weekend as a couple of low pressure systems push this way from the southeastern states. Looking ahead, a “clipper” system will drop southeast from Canada next week and it could bring some snow and/or rain to the Mid-Atlantic region by mid-week. 

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7:00 AM | *November ends on a dry note...rain returns later tomorrow*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will moderate some today under mostly sunny skies reaching seasonably chilly levels for the last day of November. Low pressure will approach the area on Friday and there can be some PM rainfall along with chilly conditions. Other waves of low pressure will move up from the south this weekend providing us with additional opportunities for rainfall in the NYC metro region and it’ll turn milder for both days.

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7:00 AM | *Still cold, but not nearly as windy...moderation in temperatures on Thursday...more rain possible later Friday/Friday night*

Paul Dorian

The first snowflakes of the season were seen by many in the Mid-Atlantic region on Tuesday and today’s early morning temperatures are at their lowest levels for most. This is not, however, the beginning of a sustained winter weather pattern as temperatures will return to more seasonal levels on Thursday and rain can fall here on Friday. It stays seasonally cool this weekend with lots of clouds and more rain is a possibility from a couple of different low pressure systems.

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7:00 AM | ***Coldest conditions so far this season and snow shower activity is likely all the way into the I-95 corridor...quick small accumulations on the table***

Paul Dorian

The coldest air mass of the season so far becomes more firmly established across the region today and there can be some snow shower activity as well making its way all the way into the I-95 corridor from the eastern Great Lakes. The snow showers can hit at just about any time today and there can be quick small accumulations potentially resulting in briefly hazardous travel conditions. Temperatures should do no better than the upper 30’s for afternoon highs and then drop to the middle 20’s late tonight – the lowest levels this season - and persistently strong W-NW winds will produce even lower wind chills. It stays on the cold and breezy side on Wednesday, but a noticeable moderation in temperatures will take place for the late week and upcoming weekend and rain will once again become a threat in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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12:30 PM | **An Arctic blast…significant lake-effect snows…snow showers on Tuesday into I-95 corridor with quick small accumulations possible…teleconnection indices as November winds down**

Paul Dorian

Arctic air is charging across the Great Lakes today and right toward the Mid-Atlantic region. Winds will increase markedly later today in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor following the passage of a strong cold frontal system. As the Arctic air pushes across the still relatively warm waters of the eastern Great Lakes, lake-effect snows have developed and there will be several inches of accumulation in some of the places just downstream by the middle of the week. There can even be some snow shower and snow squall activity on Tuesday all the way into the I-95 corridor as the Arctic air mass becomes firmly established. In fact, quick small accumulations are on the table in the I-95 corridor which can make for hazardous travel conditions. Temperatures will reach the lowest levels of the season so far late tomorrow night in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and persistent winds will make it feel even colder than the actual air temperatures. A look at some teleconnection indices such as the NAO, AO and MJO suggest this Arctic outbreak will be rather short-lived and indeed, temperatures should moderate noticeably for the late week and weekend.

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7:00 AM | **Increasingly windy today with passage of strong cold front...coldest air mass yet on Tuesday/Tuesday night**

Paul Dorian

Winds will increase markedly today with the arrival of a strong cold frontal system from our northwest. That front will usher in an Arctic air mass for Tuesday and Tuesday night with some of the lowest temperatures so far this season and snow showers cannot be ruled out around here. In fact, this cold air outbreak that pushes across the Great Lakes will result in significant lake effect snows in places just downstream of the still relatively warm lake waters. Temperatures will moderate later this week and another rain event is possible in the Mid-Atlantic region at the end of the week.

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