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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

7:00 AM | *A couple of nice days in the Mid-Atlantic region and then the next cold front brings rain here later Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure has taken control of the weather in the Mid-Atlantic region and it’ll provide us with pretty decent weather through tomorrow featuring plenty of sunshine each day and mild afternoons. A strong cold front arrives on Thursday and low pressure will form along the coastline resulting in a decent rainfall around here during the afternoon and evening hours. Colder air will follow the frontal passage to close out the work week with windy conditions expected as well on Friday.

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7:00 AM | *A couple of nice days in the Mid-Atlantic region and then the next cold front brings rain here later Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure has taken control of the weather in the Mid-Atlantic region and it’ll provide us with pretty decent weather through tomorrow featuring plenty of sunshine each day and mild afternoons. A strong cold front arrives on Thursday and low pressure will form along the coastline resulting in a decent rainfall around here during the afternoon and evening hours. Colder air will follow the frontal passage to close out the work week with windy conditions expected as well on Friday.

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7:00 AM | *A couple of nice days in the Mid-Atlantic region and then the next cold front brings rain here later Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure has taken control of the weather in the Mid-Atlantic region and it’ll provide us with pretty decent weather through tomorrow featuring plenty of sunshine each day and mild afternoons. A strong cold front arrives on Thursday and low pressure will form along the coastline resulting in a decent rainfall around here during the afternoon and evening hours. Colder air will follow the frontal passage to close out the work week with windy conditions expected as well on Friday.

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7:00 AM | *A cold front working its way through the region...pretty nice weather on Tuesday and Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

There will be plenty of clouds around the area today and lingering showers during the morning hours as a cold front works its way through the region. High pressure then takes control of the weather later tonight and the next couple of days will be rather nice with mild conditions and plenty of sunshine on each day. A strong cold front approaches on Thursday and it will bring additional showers to the area with colder air to follow for the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *A cold front working its way through the region...nice weather on Tuesday and Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

There will be clouds and maybe a lingering shower or two early today as a cold front works its way through the area and then high pressure takes control later in the day with the return of partial sunshine. In fact, the next couple of days will be quite nice around here with mild conditions on Tuesday and Wednesday and plenty of sunshine each day. A strong cold front approaches on Thursday and it will bring additional showers to the area with colder air to follow for the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *A cold front working its way through the region...pretty nice weather on Tuesday and Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

There will be clouds and lingering showers early today as a cold front works its way through the region and then high pressure takes control later today with some clearing skies. In fact, the next couple of days will be rather nice around here with mild conditions and plenty of sunshine on Tuesday and Wednesday. A strong cold front approaches on Thursday and it will bring additional showers to the area with colder air to follow for the end of the week.

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6:15 AM | *****Severe weather threat comes in two time frames...late tonight into mid-morning on Saturday...mid-day Saturday into Saturday evening*****

Paul Dorian

A powerful low pressure system will form in the central Plains on Friday and take a northeastward track towards the western Great Lakes region. There will be strong support in the upper-atmosphere for this system and a second strong upper-level low will slide eastward across the southern states on Saturday morning and then turn northeast to the Tennessee Valley. This southern system will combine with multiple jet streaks to help destabilize the atmosphere here from late tonight through tomorrow evening.  As a result, showers and thunderstorms are likely here from late tonight into Saturday night and some of the thunderstorms can reach severe levels with damaging wind gusts and strong tornadoes on the table. The greatest chance for severe weather may be in two different time frames…one being late tonight between 1 and 7am and the second from mid-day Saturday to late evening Saturday...stay tuned to all local warnings.

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6:15 AM | ***Windy, warm and wet on Sunday with possible strong-to-severe thunderstorms***

Paul Dorian

There will be plenty of cloudiness around early today, but clearing skies this afternoon can allow for temperatures to turn milder compared to Thursday and then they’ll surge later this weekend to very mild levels on Sunday. The weekend will become quite wet, however, with the chance of light rain/drizzle on Saturday and Saturday night, and then occasional rainfall is likely on Sunday. The rain on Sunday can become heavy at times and the winds can be quite strong as a cold front slides eastward towards the coast. In addition, there can be a strong-to-severe thunderstorm or two raising the chance for damaging wind gusts in the Mid-Atlantic region. It turns cooler on Monday following the passage of a cold front, but as is increasingly common for this time of year, the cool down should be short-lived. It should become very mild again in the Mid-Atlantic region by the middle of next week.

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