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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

8:00 PM | Wild night in the Mid-Atlantic

Paul Dorian


A powerful and rapidly deepening storm is now situated over eastern Virginia and it is causing some wild weather as of 8PM throughout the Mid-Atlantic. Severe thunderstorms have broken out in SE VA in the warm sector with winds gusting past 60 mph near Richmond, VA during the past couple of hours. Meanwhile, on the colder side of the state, thunderstorms have broken out near Culpepper, VA with north winds gusting to 40 mph. Heavy rain is currently occurring in and around the DC metro region and winds are gusting to near 40 mph at Dulles Airport. Rainfall has already exceeded two inches for the day at Reagan National Airport. Winchester, VA is now snowing and Leesburg and Chantilly will likely change over in a couple of hours (after 10PM). Farther north, it has been snowing for several hours at State College, PA and Scranton, PA and snow is now mixing in near Harrisburg, PA. “Thundersnow” is currently occurring in south-central PA (Mt Holly Springs) and the rain should change over to snow in the northern and western suburbs of Philly sometime shortly after midnight. Another batch of very heavy rain is closing in on the New York City metro region. All in all, quite an interesting night across the Mid-Atlantic.