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2:00 PM (Tuesday) | **The transition from high heat and humidity to a cool and unsettled holiday weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region will include some heavy rainfall and possible strong storms**


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

2:00 PM (Tuesday) | **The transition from high heat and humidity to a cool and unsettled holiday weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region will include some heavy rainfall and possible strong storms**

Paul Dorian

Deep upper-level low promises to impact the 4th of July weekend weather in the Mid-Atlantic region leading to cool and unsettled conditions.  Map courtesy NOAA,

Deep upper-level low promises to impact the 4th of July weekend weather in the Mid-Atlantic region leading to cool and unsettled conditions. Map courtesy NOAA,


The weather for Memorial Day weekend was quite cool in the Mid-Atlantic region with some rainfall as well and the best weather day turned out to be the Monday holiday. Unfortunately, there are some similarities between that holiday weekend and what could happen this 4th of July weekend.  The high heat and humidity of today and Wednesday will transition to cooler conditions for the end of the week and for the upcoming holiday weekend and the conversion is likely to include some heavy rainfall and possible strong storms.  In addition to the cooler-than-normal weather this weekend, it’ll remain unsettled in the Mid-Atlantic region and as with the Memorial Day weekend, the best weather day may turn out to be the Monday holiday.

The high heat and humidity of today and Wednesday in the Mid-Atlantic region will be replaced by the weekend with cooler-than-normal conditions.  Map courtesy NOAA,

The high heat and humidity of today and Wednesday in the Mid-Atlantic region will be replaced by the weekend with cooler-than-normal conditions. Map courtesy NOAA,


Temperatures have soared to the 90’s today in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and dew points are at uncomfortable levels.  Thunderstorms will be isolated later today and tonight in the Mid-Atlantic region and there will be an increased chance later tomorrow and tomorrow night.  An even better chance of showers and thunderstorms will come on Thursday and Friday and some of this rainfall will likely be significant.

A frontal system will edge into the Mid-Atlantic region later in the week and this slow-moving system will act as a focus point for the development of showers and potential strong thunderstorms.  Any shower or storm that forms from later tomorrow into the end of the week can result in heavy rainfall and gusty winds as well.  Many spots could easily see more than a couple of inches of rain later this week as we transition from hot and humid to cooler-than-normal.

The transition from today’s heat and humidity to a much cooler weekend will no doubt include some heavy rainfall in the Mid-Atlantic region and possible strong thunderstorm activity.  Map courtesy NOAA

The transition from today’s heat and humidity to a much cooler weekend will no doubt include some heavy rainfall in the Mid-Atlantic region and possible strong thunderstorm activity. Map courtesy NOAA

Temperatures will peak on Wednesday afternoon in the I-95 corridor – likely in the mid-to-upper 90’s – but will then begin a downward trend on Thursday.  It is possible that highs in much of the I-95 corridor will be confined to the 70’s from Friday on through the weekend and an upper-level low will keep it unsettled with additional chances for rain.  By late in the weekend, this upper-level low will push to the east of the Mid-Atlantic region and this could pave the way for a nicer day on Monday with warmer conditions and the return of sunshine…in much the same manner as with Memorial Day weekend.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

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