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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

12:00 PM | **Heavy rain and severe thunderstorm threat from late today into tonight...tropical update**

Paul Dorian

A potent cold front is headed towards the I-95 corridor and it may help to generate severe thunderstorms in DC, Philly and New York City from late today into tonight. Heavy rainfall is likely at times during this event and flash flooding is a concern for the entire region. Any thunderstorm can produce damaging wind gusts, downpours, hail, intense lightning and even possible isolated tornado activity. The most likely timetable for these potential powerful storms is 3pm -9pm.

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7:00 AM | Strong storms possible today as active pattern continues

Paul Dorian

A short-wave in the upper part of the atmosphere will combine with copious amounts of low-level moisture to raise prospects for showers and thunderstorms today across northern Alabama and some of the storms can be on the strong-to-severe side.  In fact, some signs point to the formation of a Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) that would potentially bring significant rainfall to the region and possible damaging wind gusts.

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7:00 AM | Hot and humid much of the week with a daily chance of showers/storms

Paul Dorian

Rather typical summer-like pattern has set up in the eastern US with high pressure residing over the western Atlantic.  This system is pumping very warm and humid air into the Tennessee Valley and that will lead to possible PM showers and thunderstorms over the several days. A weak front will try to reach our area from the north on Thursday, but odds favor it to dissipate without ever reaching northern Alabama and this is a pattern that may repeat quiet often over the summer. 

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7:00 AM | Typical summer-like weather

Paul Dorian

Rather typical summer-like pattern has set up in the eastern US with high pressure residing over the western Atlantic.  This system is pumping very warm and humid air into the Tennessee Valley and that will lead to possible PM showers and thunderstorms over the next few days; especially, at mid-week when an upper-level wave of energy approaches.  A weak front will try to reach our area from the north on Thursday, but odds favor it to dissipate without ever reaching northern Alabama. 

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7:00 AM | Turns hotter over the weekend

Paul Dorian

Temperatures today will climb into the 80’s today and tomorrow for highs and then to the 90 degree mark by Sunday afternoon.  On Monday and Tuesday temperatures will reach or slightly surpass the 90 degree mark and humidity will become quite noticeable. The chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase early next week and that rain threat will continue into the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | Quite cool tonight with overnight lows well down in the 50's

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region late yesterday and after a nice day today, temperatures overnight will drop into the pleasantly cool mid-to-upper 50’s.  An upper-level trough of low pressure will then shift to the east on Thursday and surface high pressure will build into the region.  It’ll stay cooler-than-normal tomorrow with highs in the comfortable upper 70’s.  It turns much warmer again this weekend and 90 degree highs are likely to return by early next week.

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