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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Very warm and humid conditions with continuing threat for showers and storms

Paul Dorian

More typical summertime heat and humidity has returned to the Tennessee Valley after a bit of a break and we’ll experience unsettled conditions for the next several days with a daily threat for showers and thunderstorms.  Any shower or thunderstorm that forms during the next few days can produce heavy rainfall in a short period of time given the persistent high moisture levels.

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7:00 AM | *More typical heat and humidity as we head towards the weekend and a daily threat of showers/storms...any shower or storm can produce heavy rainfall in a short period of time*

Paul Dorian

The comfortable weather conditions of the past few days are going away today and it looks like we’re headed for a pretty consistent stretch of high humidity and heat along to go along with the daily threat for showers and thunderstorms.  Any storm that forms during the next few days can reach strong-to-severe levels and produce heavy rainfall in a short period of time given the anticipated high moisture levels. 

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7:00 AM | Much warmer weather conditions coming along with summer-like humidity

Paul Dorian

The comfortable weather conditions of the past few days are going away and it looks like we’re headed for a pretty consistent stretch featuring high humidity and heat along with the daily threat for showers and thunderstorms.  Any storm that forms during the next few days can reach strong-to-severe levels and produce heavy rainfall in a short period of time given the anticipated high moisture levels.

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7:00 AM | One more day with rather comfortable conditions for the end of June

Paul Dorian

Temperatures should remain at or below normal for another day here in the Tennessee Valley, but a return to more typical summertime weather will take place later in the week.  With the return of the heat and humidity, there will be an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms across our area and that threat will continue into the weekend. Any storm that forms during the second half of the week can reach strong-to-severe levels and produce heavy rainfall in a short period of time given the anticipated high moisture levels. 

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7:00 AM | Can't complain about today's weather conditions for late June

Paul Dorian

Last week ended on a very active note with the threat of severe weather as we closed out the work week, but the new week brings us a rather pleasant start. A relatively refreshing air mass for this time of year has dropped all the way into the southern states from the Upper Midwest and our temperatures over the next couple of days will be comfortably warm for late June. Heat and humidity will return later in the week as will the daily threat of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | **Remains of tropical storm contributes to additional heavy rain and strong-to-severe thunderstorms**

Paul Dorian

Moisture from the remains of Tropical Storm Cindy will continue to result in showers and thunderstorms across northern Alabama as we close out the work week and begin the weekend.  Some of the rain today will be heavy at times and late day and early evening thunderstorms can reach severe limits with damaging wind gusts, downpours, hail and even isolated tornadoes. The remnants of the tropical system will push to the northeast of here by later tomorrow and a frontal system will slide through the Tennessee Valley from the north-to-the-south.  Following the frontal passage, the weather will turn quite nice for late June on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

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7:00 AM | *The remains of Tropical Storm Cindy could result in heavy rainfall for the region*

Paul Dorian

The remains of Tropical Storm Cindy will curve to the northeast shortly after landfall early today in the TX/LA border region and then it’ll head right towards the Tennessee Valley.  This track is likely to result in numerous showers and thunderstorms from Thursday into Friday across the local region.  There may even be enough moisture left behind the departing remains on Friday night for some lingering showers and thunderstorms in the northern part of Alabama. Total rainfall amounts by Friday night as a result of the remains of Cindy could be 2-3 inches in much of the Tennessee Valley region.

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7:00 AM | Closely watching Tropical Storm Cindy

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm Cindy is now over the west-central Gulf of Mexico with its latest winds clocked at 60 mph. This system is likely to continue on a general northwest track today and make landfall early tomorrow near the Louisiana/Texas border region.  After that, Tropical Storm Cindy is likely to recurve and head northeastward towards the Tennessee Valley by the end of the week.  Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Bret has dissipated overnight as it encountered strong wind shear over the central Caribbean Sea

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2:45 PM | *Two tropical storms to monitor in the Atlantic Basin*

Paul Dorian

There are now two named tropical storms to monitor in the Atlantic Basin with one over the central Gulf of Mexico and the second over the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea. Tropical Storm Cindy has formed in the central Gulf of Mexico and is likely to turn northwest over the next couple of days perhaps making landfall by early Thursday near Galveston, Texas. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Bret has pushed into the eastern Caribbean Sea and it will likely encounter some strong wind shear in the near term inhibiting further strengthening. It is unusual to have two named tropical storms in the Atlantic Basin during the month of June with the last couple of occurrences in 1959 and 1968. The US hasn’t had a hurricane landfall during June for over 30 years, but the US had three June hurricanes in 1886 – which was the most active hurricane year on record for the US.

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7:00 AM | *Keeping an eye on two tropical systems*

Paul Dorian

The tropics have become quite active and we’ll continue to monitor one system now over the south-central Gulf of Mexico and another one, Tropical Storm Bret, now over the southeastern Caribbean Sea. The Gulf system is likely to intensify somewhat over the next couple of days - perhaps reaching tropical storm status - as it slides to the north and then to the west. It is likely to then recurve and turn towards the northeast - perhaps having an impact in the Tennessee Valley region later this week. Meanwhile, Bret is liable to face some strong wind shear over the next couple of days which is likely to weaken it eventually back to tropical depression status.

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