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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

1:00 PM | *Hurricane Florence remains a threat to the US east coast for the mid-to-latter part of next week…the remains of Gordon to contribute to a swath of heavy rainfall in the near-term*

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Florence continues to churn slowly to the northwest over the central Atlantic and it remains a threat to the US east coast.  Tropical Depression Gordon has nearly grinded to a halt over the south-central US and it will combine with a strong cool frontal system to produce a wide swath of heavy rainfall over the next several days extending from the south-central US to the Mid-Atlantic. And if that isn’t enough, there is a third tropical wave in the eastern Atlantic that has an excellent chance of intensifying in coming days as it likely takes a more “southern” track compared to Florence.

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7:00 AM | *Closely monitoring the Atlantic tropical activity*

Paul Dorian

The climatological peak of the Atlantic Basin tropical season comes in mid-September and this year is certainly holding true to form. Tropical Storm Gordon came ashore early yesterday in the vicinity of the Alabama/Mississippi border region and it is now well inland south-central US. While Gordon has been downgraded to tropical depression status, it is likely to contribute to an extended swath of heavy rainfall in coming days. Meanwhile, Florence has intensified into major hurricane (category 3) status out over the central Atlantic. There is still a chance that Florence gets “captured” by an eastward-moving upper-level trough of low pressure this weekend over the north Atlantic, but odds favor it being “left behind”. If indeed Florence is not “captured” by the trough this weekend then strong and expanding high pressure ridging to the north early next week could very well steer it westward towards the US east coast. Any potential impact on the US east coast by Hurricane Florence would likely come during the middle or latter part of next week.

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11:25 AM | *Hurricane Florence remains a threat to the US east coast for mid-to-late next week…the remains of Gordon to contribute to a swath of heavy rainfall*

Paul Dorian

The climatological peak of the Atlantic Basin tropical season comes in mid-September and this year is certainly holding true to form.  Tropical Storm Gordon came ashore overnight in the vicinity of the Alabama/Mississippi border region and is now well inland over the central part of Mississippi.  While Gordon has been downgraded to tropical depression status, it is likely to contribute to an extended swath of heavy rainfall in coming days.  Meanwhile, Florence has intensified into major hurricane (category 3) status out over the central Atlantic.  There is still a chance that Florence gets “captured” by an eastward-moving upper-level trough of low pressure this weekend over the north Atlantic, but odds favor it being “left behind”.  If indeed Florence is not “captured” by the trough this weekend then strong and expanding high pressure ridging to the north early next week could very well steer it westward towards the US east coast. Any potential impact on the US east coast by Hurricane Florence would likely come during the middle or latter part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Gordon comes ashore in the north-central Gulf...Florence churning over the Atlantic*

Paul Dorian

The climatological peak of the Atlantic Basin tropical season comes in mid-September and this year is certainly holding true to form. There are currently three tropical systems to monitor and other systems are likely to form in coming days. Tropical Storm Gordon made landfall near the Mississippi/Alabama border region. Florence has reached major hurricane status and it is moving on a WNW track out over the open central Atlantic. There is a chance that Florence gets "captured" by an eastward-moving trough this weekend; however, if it is left behind then the evolving pattern could become quite threatening for the US east coast. Yet another system trails Florence relatively close to Africa’s west coast and it will also likely become a concern in coming days.

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7:00 AM | *Gordon headed towards the central Gulf coast...Florence out over the Atlantic*

Paul Dorian

The tropical Atlantic has become quite active as we head towards the climatological peak of the tropical season (mid-September). In fact, there is now a tropical storm (Gordon) over the Gulf of Mexico on its way towards Mississippi and another tropical storm (Florence) out over the Atlantic Ocean. Yet a third system follows Florence closer to the Africa west coast – looks like quite an active period for the next couple of weeks in the tropical Atlantic.

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7:00 AM | Atlantic Basin tropical activity picking up as August comes to an end

Paul Dorian

The climatological peak of the Atlantic Basin tropical season is around the middle of September and it certainly looks like there will be a ramp up in activity after a relatively quiet month of August. In fact, there very well may be a burst of activity with potentially several named storms over the next 2 or 3 weeks taking us right into the middle of September. Two areas of interest currently exist and the "front-runner" of these two systems could actually have an impact on Florida and the Gulf of Mexico by early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Watching the tropics as activity is ramping up*

Paul Dorian

The Atlantic Basin tropical season has been quiet in recent weeks, but it looks like it’ll “flip like a switch” as the calendar turns from August to September this weekend. There are currently multiple areas of interest in the tropical Atlantic and there is the chance that one system nears the state of Florida or the Gulf of Mexico by the time the Labor Day holiday rolls around. High pressure over the Northeast US and SE Canada assures that systems that form in the SW Atlantic in coming days will be able to travel from east-to-west in the clockwise flow around the high pressure region. Signs point to a potential active time period in the tropics not only next week, but perhaps right into at least mid-month.

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7:00 AM | Frontal system approaches the region, but it doesn't look like it'll bring us much relief

Paul Dorian

Hot and humid air remains well entrenched in the Tennessee Valley and we’ll reach the 90’s again this afternoon for highs. A weak cool front will approach the region later today and raise the prospects for showers and storms and it’ll stall out nearby later in the week. As a result, it’ll stay quite warm and remain somewhat unsettled as we head into the Labor Day weekend.

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7:00 AM | Up in the 90's next few days

Paul Dorian

Hot and humid air is well entrenched across the Tennessee Valley and we’ll reach the 90’s for highs over the next couple of days. A weak cool front will approach the area later Wednesday into Thursday and raise the prospects for showers and storms and it’ll stall out nearby late in the week. As a result, it’ll stay quite warm and remain somewhat unsettled as we head into the Labor Day weekend.

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7:00 AM | Hot start to the last week of August

Paul Dorian

High pressure has pushed off the northeastern US coastline and the return flow around this system has ushered in very warm and humid air into the Tennessee Valley. It looks like we’ll stay very warm and humid through mid-week with a small shot at showers and storms. Later this week, a cold front will drop southeastward across the Great Lakes and it could bring us brief relief in the heat and humidity for just a day or two, but then it’ll turn hot and humid again for the weekend.

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