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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Cold pattern continues for much of the eastern half of the nation including the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

Cold weather pattern continues today in the Tennessee Valley and there can be enough instability for some shower activity – perhaps even mixed with ice pellets at times. Even colder air pushes into the region early Thursday and this can lead to a bit of ice mixing in with any shower activity that may continue. Temperatures tomorrow night should drop below freezing, but a bit of a warm up will begin on Friday.

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7:00 AM | *Chilly and stormy pattern continues*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure pulls away from the Mid-Atlantic coastline this morning and high pressure will build into our region with unseasonably cold air for this time of year (normal high is 66 degrees). Yet another wave of low pressure will pull out of the Gulf states at mid-week and spread more cold rain into the Tennessee Valley as it moves northeastward towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline. With cold air already in place, it is not out of the question that there be a brief period of frozen precipitation at the onset; however, the bulk of this event should be in the form of rain. Another cold blast of air will drop southeastward across the Great Lakes at the end of the week and chill down the eastern US for the weekend.

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7:00 AM | Cold and active weather pattern continues

Paul Dorian

An unseasonably cold weather pattern continues for much of the eastern half of the nation and this includes the Tennessee Valley. One cold blast of air pushed into the eastern states over the weekend and another is on the way. Low pressure will push northeast today from the Gulf of Mexico and once this system passes by to our northeast, the flood gates will open once again for an Arctic blast of air to drop southeastward from the Northern Plains. The chilly weather will stick around for much of the week, but there are signs for a Thanksgiving week warm up across much of the nation. A second storm near the east coast will have to be monitored for the second half of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Very cold pattern setting up for the Tennessee Valley next week or so*

Paul Dorian

An unseasonably cold weather pattern is setting up for much of the eastern half of the nation for the next week or so and this includes the Tennessee Valley. One cold blast of air is pushing into the region today and another one will arrive during the early-to-mid part of next week. Showers today will signal the arrival of the first cold shot of air and more rain is likely on Monday just ahead of the second blast.

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11:30 AM | **An extended stretch of winter-like cold for much of the nation**

Paul Dorian

Much colder-than-normal air has already infiltrated much of the northern US and soon it will extend to the east coast.  This change to colder-than-normal conditions will stick around for awhile as a reinforcing shot of Arctic air will plunge southward into the Northern Plains by early next week and then spread eastward to the east seaboard on Tuesday night and Wednesday.  In terms of precipitation, another soaking rain event is coming to the Mid-Atlantic region on Friday with the heaviest and steadiest rain likely to fall during the PM hours.  Once this system passes by to the northeast of here late tomorrow night, winds will intensify and cold air will pour in from the northwest just in time for the weekend. A second storm is likely to pull out of the Gulf states early next week and produce more soaking rain here in the I-95 corridor on Monday night and Tuesday as it intensifies into a powerful system. This system will be followed by very strong - and potentially damaging - NW winds on Tuesday night and Wednesday and the influx of another very cold air mass for this time of year.

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7:00 AM | An unseasonably cold pattern setting up for the Tennessee Valley beginning this weekend and continuing into the middle of next week

Paul Dorian

An unseasonably cold weather pattern is setting up for the Tennessee Valley and a noticeable change will take place by the start of the weekend. Temperatures on Saturday will be well below-normal for this time of year and while they may rebound some on Sunday, they will fall back again early next week as a reinforcing shot of cold air arrives. This active weather pattern will also continue to bring us a threat for rain and as the cold shot arrives early next week, we could even have a shot at some wintry precipitation for the first time this season.

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7:00 AM | Couple of cold air outbreaks on the horizon

Paul Dorian

Our break in the action won’t last too long as another strong cold front is headed our way and will impact the region later in the week. In fact, showers later in the week will signal the arrival of a quite chilly air mass from the northwest that will keep us below-normal at the end of the week and during the upcoming weekend.

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2:45 PM | *An early season Arctic blast to arrive in the eastern US by the middle of next week*

Paul Dorian

The active weather pattern that we have been experiencing in the eastern US during the past several weeks will continue through this week with a strong cold frontal passage later today and then another low pressure system to deal with on Friday. That late week low pressure system will usher in a much colder-than-normal air mass for the weekend, but that “initial” cold shot looks pale in comparison to what might arrive in the eastern US by the middle of next week. An Arctic air mass that originates in Siberia looks like it will push across the North Pole this weekend and then drop southward through Canada early next week. At the same time, low pressure is likely to push out of the Gulf of Mexico and towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline and potentially generate yet another soaking rain event in the Monday night/Tuesday time frame. The passage of this storm system will become the mechanism to allow the Arctic air mass to spread to the east coast in the Tuesday night/Wednesday time frame.

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7:00 AM | Diminishing threat this morning for showers and thunderstorms

Paul Dorian

The threat for showers and thunderstorms will diminish this morning and the afternoon should feature some clearing along with a westerly breeze. The break in the action won’t last too long, however, as another strong cold front will impact the region later in the week. In fact, showers later in the week will signal the arrival of a quite chilly air mass from the northwest that will keep us below-normal at the end of the week and during the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | **Multiple fronts to deal with this week as active pattern continues...severe weather threat tonight**

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will approach the area later tonight and we’ll turn warmer today ahead of it. Showers and thunderstorms are likely to develop this evening and there is the threat for severe thunderstorm activity in the overnight hours. It’ll turn noticeably cooler behind the frontal system for the mid-week time period. Another strong cold front will impact the region later in the week.

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