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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

11:25 AM | *Winter is off to a fast start across much of the nation and the cold and stormy pattern looks like it will continue as December gets underway*

Paul Dorian

The winter has gotten off to a fast start across much of the nation and it looks like the overall cold and stormy weather pattern will continue as we head through the first half of December.  Colder-than-normal conditions have been widespread through the month of November so far and snowfall has been unusually early and unusually high in many places.  Signs point to more widespread cold across the US during the first couple weeks of December and the next ten days may feature copious amounts of snow in many of the same areas that received snow earlier this month.

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7:00 AM | *Another unseasonably chilly day around here, but a warm up is coming by the weekend*

Paul Dorian

A break in the cold weather will begin today as high pressure builds eastward into the Tennessee Valley. High temperatures today are likely to reach the middle 40’s and then into the middle 50’s on Thursday afternoon. The overall pattern will become more unsettled as well over the next few days with another important storm system to deal with by the early part of the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Another chilly day across the Tennessee Valley and overnight lows should bottom out in the middle 20's*

Paul Dorian

A cold, dry air mass will dominate the scene today in the Tennessee Valley and temperatures late tonight could bottom out in the middle 20’s – well below normal for this time of year. In addition to the chill, winds will be noticeable today making it feel cooler than the actual outside air temperature. A more active weather pattern will unfold for the second half of the week. One system may produce some shower activity on Thursday and Friday and then a stronger storm might result in showers and thunderstorms here as we begin the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Cold start to the new week*

Paul Dorian

A chilly, dry air mass will push into the region today in the wake of a frontal passage and it’ll stay quite cool for the next few days. Daytime temperatures will have trouble escaping the 40’s and will bottom out in the 20’s into mid-week. A weak disturbance will approach the Tennessee Valley on Thursday and it could set off some shower activity as it turns milder.

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7:00 AM | *Colder-than-normal for much of the week*

Paul Dorian

Following a frontal passage, cooler air will move into the region today as high pressure builds to the east from the central Plains. High pressure should remain in control for the next couple of days as well, but we’ll stay on the cool side of normal including for Turkey Day.

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7:00 AM | Close-to-normal for temperatures today, but cooler-than-normal for much of the week

Paul Dorian

The chilly weather pattern we’ve experienced during the past several will continue for much of this week although it’ll start off generally close-to-normal. High temperatures normally reach the middle 60’s this time of year in the northern part of Alabama, but after today, we’ll generally be stuck in the 50’s for much of Thanksgiving week.

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7:00 AM | Back to the 60's for the weekend

Paul Dorian

The cold weather pattern we’ve experienced during the past few days will ease some for the next few. Temperatures today should rebound to the mid and upper 50’s following yesterday’s much colder-than-normal day for mid-November with temperatures stuck in the 30’s. It should stay relatively mild through Sunday, but more frontal passages will bring us down again in temperatures during the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Way below-normal temperatures today, but there is improvement coming this weekend*

Paul Dorian

The cold weather pattern will continue in the Tennessee Valley for the next couple of days and there can be enough instability for some shower activity – perhaps mixed with ice pellets at times. Temperatures today will struggle to reach 40 degrees for highs and then could bottom out late tonight in the upper 20’s. A warming trend will begin on Friday and both weekend days could feature highs not far from the 60 degree mark.

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