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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Cold start to the day, but slightly milder air pushes in on southerly winds

Paul Dorian

The day will start off on the cold side, but a southerly flow will push slightly milder air into the Tennessee Valley on the back side of high pressure moving to our east. The combination of low pressure developing over the south-central US on Thursday and an upper-level trough to our northwest will increase chances for showers around here and the renewed threat of rain will continue right into the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Cold pattern continues in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure over the Plains will edge eastward into the Tennessee Valley and we’ll experience another day with below-normal temperatures along with dry and sunny conditions. Later this week, strong low pressure will form over the south-central US and spread moisture our way from the Gulf of Mexico region and into the Tennessee Valley. As a result, rain chances will increase around here on Thursday and the threat for rain is likely to continue into the early part of the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Carolina coastline storm slowly pulls away this morning*

Paul Dorian

Strong low pressure off the North Carolina coastline will push out-to-sea today and colder air will filter into the Tennessee Valley region from the north. As a result, light rain this morning could mix with snow before it winds down later in the day. High pressure will then build into the Tennessee Valley on Tuesday from the central part of the country keeping us precipitation-free for a couple of days. Moisture will spread northeastward from the Gulf of Mexico at the end of the work week and our chance for rain will increase dramatically late in the week and into the weekend as it turns milder.

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7:00 AM | *Strong storm to head from Texas to Carolina coastline this weekend*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure slammed into southern California yesterday and it will take a southern route over the next few days with a big impact on much of the southern half of the nation. This system will re-emerge over eastern Texas early in the weekend and from there it should move towards the Carolina coastline. Given this track, heavy rain is likely to fall across much of the Deep South/Tennessee Valley over the next couple of days and heavy snow is likely along and just to the north of Route I-40 from Oklahoma to interior North Carolina/southwestern Virginia. The heaviest snowfall may, in fact, end up occurring in the higher elevation locations of interior North Carolina and southwestern Virginia where 1-2 feet could ultimately accumulate over the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Big storm to impact southern half of the nation next few days*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will approach the southern California/northern Baja California region today from the eastern Pacific Ocean and it will then re-emerge over Texas by early Saturday morning. From there, this late week/weekend storm should head towards the North Carolina coastline and it should produce a swath of heavy rain along the way in the Deep South and heavy snow on the north side from Oklahoma-to-southwestern Virginia/western North Carolina. In fact, some higher elevation spots in SW VA and western NC could see a couple of feet of snow if this weekend storm reaches its full potential.

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7:00 AM | *Big storm treks from Texas to the Carolina coastline late this week and weekend*

Paul Dorian

Later this week, low pressure system will approach the southern California/northern Baja California region from the eastern Pacific Ocean and it will then re-emerge over Texas by early Saturday morning. From there, this late week/weekend storm should head towards the Carolina coastline and it should produce a swath of heavy rain along the way in the Deep South and heavy snow on the north side from Oklahoma-to-southern Virginia/North Carolina.

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7:00 AM | *Strong storm to cross the southern states at the end of the week...impact here is likely*

Paul Dorian

The next storm of significance to monitor will push towards southern California by Thursday from the eastern Pacific Ocean and low pressure will then likely emerge over Texas on Friday. From that point, all signs point to a general west-to-east track in this storm to a position off the Georgia coastline by the early part of the weekend. Given this track, copious amounts of rain will likely fall from Texas-to-Georgia and there can even be some severe weather to deal with in the Deep South. Farther north, along and just to the north of Route I-40, significant accumulating snow may take place from Oklahoma-to-North Carolina and the significant snow can extend as far north as southern Virginia over the upcoming weekend.

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1:00 PM | **Significant weekend storm threat continues for the east coast**

Paul Dorian

A storm will approach the southern part of California later this week and it will then take a southern track from Texas to the Southeast US coastline.  This storm is likely to have a significant impact in the Deep South in terms of rainfall and even the potential for severe weather and it could very well generate significant snowfall along the “Route I-40” states from Oklahoma-to-North Carolina.  After that, it is still unclear as to whether this storm will take a ride up along the Mid-Atlantic coastline and impact the big cities from DC-to-Philly-to-NYC, but that scenario is certainly still on the table.

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7:00 AM | *Strong storm will cross the country late in the week*

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn cooler today and then even colder on Tuesday and that chill will last for the remainder of the week. A strong storm system will head from the Pacific Ocean to California at mid-week and then likely take a southern track right across the south-central and southeastern states later in the week. By the weekend, this storm could very well head right towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline and it is likely to have some significant impact in the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Warmup begins in earnest today*

Paul Dorian

A warming trend will begin in earnest today as afternoon temperatures are likely to peak in the middle 60’s and the same levels can be reached on Saturday afternoon. It’ll turn even warmer by Sunday with high temperatures likely to reach the 70 degree mark along with mainly sunny skies.

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