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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Wet pattern to continue through the week in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

High pressure across the southeastern US and low pressure over the western US has put the Tennessee Valley in the middle of a battle zone area between these two features. As a result, there will be plenty of precipitation around here in coming days between the warm air to the southeast and cold air to the north and west. It is even possible that a flood watch will be needed across much of the Tennessee Valley given the expected precipitation amounts of potentially a few inches or more over coming days.

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7:00 AM | *A wet pattern for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

High pressure across the southeastern US and low pressure over the western US has put the Tennessee Valley in the middle of a battle zone area between the two features. As a result, there will be plenty of precipitation in coming days between the warm air to the southeast of here and cold air to the north and west. Temperatures here will stay relatively mild for the next few days with highs in the 50’s and 60’s.

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7:00 AM | *A wet pattern shaping up for the Tennessee Valley from later this weekend into the middle of next week*

Paul Dorian

A wet pattern is shaping up for the Tennessee Valley that will extend from later this weekend into the middle of next week. One wave of low pressure will bring us showers on Saturday night and Sunday and then a second low pressure system will extend the rainfall into the early part of next week. A stalled out frontal boundary zone will allow for more waves of precipitation to push into the area during the middle part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled pattern for tomorrow and the weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will push to our east today and winds will veer back to the southeast and south and it’ll turn milder and more humid. The chance of showers will increase by later tonight and that threat for rain will continue right through the upcoming weekend in an unfolding active weather pattern.

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11:45 AM | *Numerous teleconnection indices (MJO, SOI, NAO, AO) point to a stormy pattern*

Paul Dorian

There is ample empirical evidence that environmental phenomena in one part of the world can have a causal connection to another part of the world and several of these “climate anomalies” are tracked by meteorologists through teleconnection indices.  Several of these teleconnection indices are currently suggesting that a cold and stormy stretch of weather is coming to the Mid-Atlantic region which may result in numerous winter storm threats beginning as early as this weekend and perhaps continuing into the month of March.

The teleconnection indices analyzed here include the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Arctic Oscillation (AO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).  The MJO is related to a tropical disturbance that propagates around the global tropics on a regular basis.  The SOI provides us with information on pressure differences across the Pacific Ocean and on the “El Nino Southern Oscillation” (ENSO) state.  The AO and NAO indices provide us with information on the pressure and temperature patterns across the North Atlantic/Arctic region.  All of these indices are heading into territory which suggests that a cold and stormy weather pattern is unfolding for the Mid-Atlantic region and it could last awhile. 

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7:00 AM | *Northwest flow ushers in cooler and drier air*

Paul Dorian

Northwest flow of air will usher in cooler and drier weather for today as high pressure builds into the region. As the high pushes to our east, winds will veer back to the southeast and south and it’ll turn milder and more humid. The chance of showers will increase by tomorrow night and that threat for rain will continue on Friday as well.

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7:00 AM | *Active weather pattern brings more rain to the region*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern across the nation will result in more rain around here as we begin a new work week. Broad upper-level trough of low pressure will be situated over the Rockies today and this will produce lifting motion across the Tennessee Valley. This trough will slide to the center of the nation on Tuesday resulting in a continuation of the rain around here and we’ll have to wait until mid-week for drier weather to return following the passage of a cold front.

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7:00 AM | *What a difference a day makes!*

Paul Dorian

A major change in temperatures today with a drop in the highs by more than 30 degrees following the overnight passage of a strong cold frontal system. High temperatures on Thursday made it into the middle 70’s, but will be confined to the lower 40’s this afternoon despite plenty of sunshine. It’ll stay quite chilly as we begin the weekend, but turn somewhat milder early next week and the chance of showers will be on the rise.

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7:00 AM | *Major change in temperatures with nighttime passage of strong cold front*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will remain well above-normal for another day, but there will be a major change in the overnight hours. Temperatures could actually make it all the way into the upper 70’s later today, but a strong cold front will arrive in the overnight hours and send temperatures plunging across the Tennessee Valley. It’ll stay quite chilly as we begin the weekend, but turn somewhat milder early next week and the chance of showers will be on the rise.

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