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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Milder today and even warmer next couple days ahead of late week approach of next cold front

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn milder today across northern Alabama with partly sunny skies and temperatures well up in the 60’s during the afternoon. This warming trend will intensify at mid-week and we’ll likely reach into the 70’s on Thursday ahead of the next cold front, but with the warm up will come an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms. Following a late week frontal passage, it’ll turn cooler for Friday and the upcoming weekend, and rain-free conditions should prevail.

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7:00 AM | *A mild week, but wet at times as well*

Paul Dorian

Surface high pressure will build into the region today, but there will still be plenty of clouds around and from a disturbance sliding west-to-east in zonal flow aloft. As the high intensifies aloft over the next few days, our surface temperatures will tend to increase and reach the 70 degree mark for highs by mid-week. Additional disturbances in the upper atmosphere will keep us unsettled for the second half of the week and there can be chances for showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Warmer and wet pattern returns to the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn milder today and the warm up will extend right through the weekend and into the early part of next week. With the warm up will come a return of the long-standing wet pattern that we’ve become accustomed to here in the Tennessee Valley during the past several months. The threat here for showers and thunderstorms will increase today and continue right to the first half of next week.

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1:20 PM | **Some accumulating snow on Friday in parts of the Mid-Atlantic region…frozen precipitation a possibility late Saturday evening in areas north of the PA/MD border**

Paul Dorian

Arctic cold continues to have a grip on the Mid-Atlantic region and weak low pressure on Friday is likely to result in a mainly snow event for most areas and small accumulations are possible.  Snow is likely to break out on Friday during the mid-day or early afternoon hours in the DC metro region and the early-to-mid afternoon hours in Philly as low pressure pushes towards the North Carolina/Virginia coastline.  The NYC metro region may escape with little, if any, snowfall from this weak system on Friday. A more important storm with more available moisture will generate precipitation in the Mid-Atlantic region late Saturday evening and it can be just cold enough at the onset in areas north of the PA/MD border for a period of freezing rain, sleet and/or snow before an ultimate changeover to plain rain.  This same system will produce a major snowstorm in the Northern Plains on Saturday and possibly another severe weather outbreak in the Mississippi Valley. Later Sunday, temperatures can climb to 60 degrees in DC, 55 degrees in Philly, and 50 degrees in NYC ahead of a strong cold front which will usher in colder air for the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *The chill begins to ease today*

Paul Dorian

The big weather story of the week has been the widespread cold across much of the nation, but it will begin to ease here today in the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures yesterday couldn’t escape the 30’s – way below-normal for early March – but should make it to the 50’s this afternoon. In fact, by tomorrow and for the upcoming weekend, highs should be at 60 degrees or above, but with the warm up will come a chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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11:15 AM | **Snow showers possible later today in the I-95 corridor…snow threat continues for Friday**

Paul Dorian

A widespread outbreak of Arctic air continues to grip the nation and today may feel the worst in the Mid-Atlantic region as strong winds will produce wind chill values in the single digits at times.  In addition to the unusual cold and wind, instability in the upper atmosphere is already generating snow shower activity in upstate Pennsylvania and New York and some of these can make it into the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor later today with an isolated snow squall even possible.  The next low pressure system to monitor will trek across the nation over the next 48 hours and reach the Mid-Atlantic region on Friday. Snow may break out in the I-95 corridor during the mid-day or afternoon hours on Friday and there can be some small accumulations from this system.  Another system will bring mainly rain to the Mid-Atlantic region on Sunday, but it may be cold enough at the onset for sleet and/or freezing rain in some interior higher elevation locations.

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7:00 AM | *Still chilly today, but a warming trend begins today*

Paul Dorian

The big weather story this week is the widespread Arctic air outbreak that has dropped temperatures to well below-normal levels in the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures around here will be well below normal for another day, but a warming trend will begin on Thursday. In fact, by late in the week and this weekend, temperatures will again reach the mid 60’s, but with the warm up will come an increased chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Unusual cold wave for early March dominates next few days*

Paul Dorian

The big weather story this week will is the widespread Arctic air outbreak that has dropped temperatures to well below-normal levels across the eastern half of the nation. Temperatures here today will be confined to the 40 degree mark for highs and the lows late tonight will approach the 20 degree mark some twenty degrees above the normal low for this time of year.

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7:00 AM | *Arctic cold for much of the week across the nation*

Paul Dorian

The big weather story this week will be the widespread Arctic air outbreak that will result in much of the eastern 2/3rds of the nation being way below normal for the early part of March. Temperatures here will be confined to the upper 30’s today for highs and the lows over the next couple of nights will bottom out near 20 degrees across much of the region.

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7:00 AM | *Colder-than-normal next week for much of the nation*

Paul Dorian

A big change to colder is coming to much of the nation as we push into the early part of the month of March. After a couple of days of mild weather and occasional showers and thunderstorms, colder air will begin dropping southeastward across the Plains. This cold air mass for this time of year will make its way into the Tennessee Valley by the early part of next week. As a result, the first half of next week is liable to feature high temperatures in the 40’s at best and 30’s at worst and snow showers are on the table.

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