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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

11:15 AM (Thursday) | ***Heavy rain and severe weather threat later today and tonight greatest in the Deep South…threat shifts to the east coast late tomorrow and tomorrow night***

Paul Dorian

Deep upper-level low pressure will intensify over the next 24 hours as it slowly grinds its way across the southern states.  The combination of this strong wave of energy in the upper atmosphere and an influx of very moist tropical air will result in a severe weather threat later today and tonight in the Deep South.  In addition to the severe weather threat which includes the potential for hail and isolated tornadoes, heavy rainfall is likely later today in the southern states and localized flooding is a concern as grounds are well saturated.  The threat for heavy rainfall and severe weather will shift to the eastern seaboard late tomorrow and tomorrow night with the possibility of strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity extending from the Mid-Atlantic region to Florida.

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6:00 AM | ***Heavy rain and severe weather threat later today into tonight***

Paul Dorian

Deep upper-level low pressure will intensify today as it slowly grinds its way across the southern US. The combination of this strong wave of energy in the upper atmosphere and an influx of very moist low-level air will result in a severe weather threat today in Mississippi, Alabama and perhaps Tennessee. In addition to the severe weather threat which includes the potential for hail and tornadoes, heavy rainfall is likely here and flash flooding could be the result as grounds are well saturated. The heavy rainfall and severe weather threat will reach the eastern seaboard on Friday with the possibility of strong-to-severe thunderstorms from the Mid-Atlantic region to Florida.

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12:45 PM | ***Significant weather event next few days to include heavy rain and severe thunderstorms***

Paul Dorian

Deep upper-level low pressure will intensify over the next couple of days as it slowly grinds its way across the southern states.  The combination of this strong wave of energy in the upper atmosphere and an influx of very moist low-level air will result in a severe weather threat today in the region from Texas-to-Kansas and later tomorrow across Mississippi, Alabama and perhaps as far north as Tennessee.  In addition to the severe weather threat which includes the potential for large hail and tornadoes, heavy rainfall is likely later today in the south-central states and then on Thursday across the southeastern US.  Any heavy rainfall can result in localized flooding as much of the eastern half of the nation is experiencing well-saturated ground conditions. The heavy rainfall and severe weather threat will reach the eastern seaboard on Friday afternoon and evening with the possibility of strong-to-severe thunderstorms from the Mid-Atlantic region to Florida.

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7:00 AM | ***Heavy rain and severe weather threat on Thursday***

Paul Dorian

An upper-level ridge of high pressure will continue to result in dry, warm conditions, but important changes are coming. A deep upper-level low will push eastward by Thursday dragging a cold front into the Mississippi Valley. This front will slow down as it reaches this area and that stalling pattern will allow for the possibility of a significant rain event here as well as a threat for severe weather including possible tornadoes. The most likely timing on Thursday for the greatest severe weather threat will be during the afternoon and evening hours. The good news is that this strong system will push out of here for the upcoming holiday weekend.

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7:00 AM | *A couple of nice days before a potential significant rain event*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level ridge of high pressure will build into the region today and dry, warm conditions will continue for the next couple of days. A deep upper-level low will push later in the week dragging a cold front into the Mississippi Valley. This front will slow down as it reaches this area and that stalling pattern will allow for the possibility of a significant rain event.

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7:00 AM | *Nice couple of days to start the new week*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level ridge of high pressure will build into the region today and dry conditions will dominate for the first half of the week. The northwesterly flow will usher in slightly cooler air, but by tomorrow afternoon we’ll likely be back into the middle 70’s for highs. Another deep upper-level trough will cross the country over the next few days and that will generate unsettled conditions here for much of the latter part of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Showers and thunderstorms the rule for the next few days*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will push into the Northern Plains today and its associated cold front trails south from the center into the Tennessee Valley. This frontal system will decelerate as it pushes east and it’ll keep us very unsettled from today into the weekend with frequent chances of showers and thunderstorms. Another system will reinforce the chance for showers and thunderstorms on Sunday, but should clear through the Tennessee Valley as we begin the new work week.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled weather pattern for the next few days begins tonight*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will pull out of the Plains states later today and reach the Upper Midwest by tonight and early Friday. A cold front will extend from this system all the way to the Gulf of Mexico and showers and thunderstorms are likely to form just ahead of the frontal system. Chances for showers and thunderstorms will increase here by tomorrow night as the front approaches and this boundary zone may stall nearby this weekend extending the threat of rain here into early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Upper 70's for highs next couple of days*

Paul Dorian

Clouds should diminish later today as low pressure pushes away from the Tennessee Valley and temperatures will likely peak in the very warm upper 70’s during the PM hours. High pressure will push into the region at mid-week keeping it rather warm and quiet around here for the next couple of days. An impressive upper-level low will deepen as it lifts to the northeast into the Mississippi Valley region later in the week and this will cause an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms.

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