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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Much colder today following passage of strong cold front*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will push towards the southern New England coastline later today and a much colder air mass is pushing into the Tennessee Valley on the heels of a strong cold frontal passage. Temperatures yesterday climbed to within a few degrees of 70, but will likely hold at or below the 50 degree mark today for afternoon highs. It’ll stay quite chilly on Wednesday and only a modest warming trend will take place later in the week.

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7:00 AM | *Generally in the 50's for highs next few days*

Paul Dorian

A brisk flow aloft from west-to-east will bring multiple disturbances in our direction over the next few days and this will keep the chances alive for some shower activity. Rain is a threat for today, tonight and Saturday and then another threat arrives early next week. Temperatures will generally be held to the 50’s over the next few days for highs, but could climb well into the 60’s on Monday before more chilly air arrives by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *The threat of rain returns for tonight into tomorrow night*

Paul Dorian

A brisk flow aloft from west-to-east will bring multiple disturbances in our direction over the next few days and this will keep the chances alive for some shower activity. The first threat of rain will be in the period of tonight to tomorrow night and many spots will receive half an inch of rainfall. Temperatures will remain rather cool over the next couple of days with limited sunshine as a result of the unsettled weather pattern. Another disturbance will arrive here early next week, but this time it’ll be rather mild in the northern Alabama region.

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7:00 AM | *A cold day in the Tennessee Valley following yesterday's cold frontal passage*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front pushed through the region yesterday and today will turn out to be quite a chilly day across the Tennessee Valley despite some sunshine. It’ll turn slightly milder on Thursday, but clouds will be on the increase late in the day and especially tomorrow night. A deep upper-level trough will form a broad southwesterly flow of air later in the week and that will result in unsettled conditions around here with a few rounds of rainfall possible.

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7:00 AM | *Rain-to-snow scenario is on the table*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will push across the region early today and usher in much colder air for the Tennessee Valley. Rain showers are expected today and with the influx of colder air, there can be a changeover to snow as we get into the late afternoon. Accumulations are possible, but they should stay on the light side (i.e., under an inch) due to the relatively warm ground temperatures. It’ll turn drier again at mid-day, but remain on the chilly side for this time of year.

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7:00 AM | *Warm and unsettled to start the week*

Paul Dorian

The week will start off quite warm and unsettled as strong low pressure crosses the Great Lakes region. Showers are likely in the area as we begin the new work week and there can even be some thunderstorm activity. A slow-moving cold front will bring colder air into the region later tomorrow night and there can be a changeover of rain showers to snow showers in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

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7:00 AM | *Shower threat next couple of days as western disturbance moves nearby*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will push out of the central US today and head into to near Arkansas by later in the day and the threat for showers will return to the Tennessee Valley. A warming trend will begin late this weekend and temperatures should climb into the 60’s by the early part of next week although showers and perhaps thunderstorms are likely to return to the region. After that, another cold air outbreak is destined to drop southeastward into the central and eastern US by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Not far from the 60 degree mark for afternoon highs*

Paul Dorian

Today will be a bit milder than yesterday as high pressure remains in control and produces a southerly flow in the area. A disturbance from the western US will head this way for the end of the work week and will increase the chance of showers on Friday and Friday night. A warming trend will begin this weekend and temperatures should climb into the 60’s by the early part of next week although showers and perhaps thunderstorms are likely to return to the region.

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12:15 PM (Wed) | *Snow pack at high levels across the US for early December and throughout North America…impressive cold air outbreaks into at least mid-month for the central and eastern US*

Paul Dorian

The snow pack across the nation is well above-normal for early December and it is actually at or near record high levels across all of North America.  In addition, the first few days of December are colder-than-normal across the nation as a whole and this follows a colder-than-normal month of November for the eastern two-thirds of the nation.  Looking ahead, multiple cold air outbreaks are destined to reach the central and eastern US from Canada right into at least the middle part of the month, but there will be some short-lived warmer-than-normal breaks as well. 

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7:00 AM | *Pleasantly cool today with plenty of sunshine*

Paul Dorian

Today will be a seasonably cool day across northern Alabama with plenty of sunshine thanks to high pressure that will be building into the area. The high will remain in the vicinity on Thursday providing us with more dry weather and a bit milder conditions. A disturbance from the western US will head in this direction by the end of the work week and will increase the chance of showers as we end the work week. A warming trend will begin this weekend and temperatures should climb to the 60’s by the early part of next week although rain showers are likely to return to the region.

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