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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Turning unseasonably warm next couple days*

Paul Dorian

The break in the action from our recent active weather pattern will continue for the next couple of days as we get increasingly warm with nothing more than a couple of isolated showers. Temperatures today will climb to the 80 degree mark and then well into the 80's by tomorrow afternoon. A broad ridge of high pressure in the upper atmosphere will extend from the Gulf States to the east coast and this system will promote an increasingly warm southerly flow of air into this region as we progress into the weekend. Another strong system will impact the area on Saturday with showers and possible late day/evening thunderstorms and a few of the storms can be on the strong-to-severe side.

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7:00 AM | *A break in the action for the next couple of days...strong storms possible again on Saturday*

Paul Dorian

The unsettled pattern that we have experienced over the past several days will take a bit of a break today and tomorrow with increasingly warm weather and rain-free conditions. Temperatures today will climb to the 70 degree mark and then approach 80 degrees on Thursday and into the 80's by Friday afternoon. A broad ridge of high pressure in the upper atmosphere will extend from the Gulf States to the east coast and this system will promote an increasingly warm southerly flow of air into this region as we progress through the week. By Friday afternoon, temperatures should be able to climb well into the 80's in much of the northern part of Alabama. Another strong system will impact the area on Saturday with showers and thunderstorms and a few of the storms can be on the strong-to-severe side.

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7:00 AM | *Some storms today can be on the strong side*

Paul Dorian

Unsettled conditions will continue today across the Tennessee Valley as low pressure lifts out of the Rockies and tracks northeastward towards the Upper Midwest. A warm front will extend into the Tennessee Valley from the low pressure center and it will increase our chances for occasional showers. In addition, the atmosphere will become unstable enough later today to raise the possibility of strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity.

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1:00 PM | *Active early spring-time weather pattern to bring multiple storms across the country...cold air outbreaks to continue into early April for the central and eastern US*

Paul Dorian

Multiple storms will track across the country over the next several days bringing significant rainfall to much of the eastern half of the nation, substantial snowfall to higher elevation locations across interior New York State and New England, and severe weather to the Deep South, Tennessee and Ohio Valleys. This active weather pattern is partly the result of continuing cold air outbreaks into the central and eastern US which will very likely persist right into early April. The first storm of a series of upcoming storms is currently bringing heavy rainfall to portions of the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US and also accumulating snow to higher elevation interior sections of New York State and New England. A second storm will bring more significant rainfall to the Mid-Atlantic region later Tuesday night into Wednesday and there can be snow on the northern edges of this next storm system. By the end of the week and early weekend, low pressure will intensify over the nation’s midsection and a frontal boundary zone will extend from the low pressure center to the Mid-Atlantic region. The combination of the low and frontal system will produce more unsettled weather conditions on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in much of the eastern half of the nation.

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7:00 AM | *A very warm and unsettled week across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

A very warm and unsettled week is in store for the northern part of Alabama. Showers are likely today and there can be a thunderstorm or two and the same unsettled pattern will continue on Tuesday as well. In addition, as a frontal system extends into the Tennessee Valley early tomorrow, there can be some strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity.

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7:00 AM | *Cooler this weekend, but warm, wet pattern resumes next week*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern continues across much of the nation; however, the Florida Peninsula continues to enjoy and overall warm and rain-free conditions. Temperatures will continue to reach 80+ degrees for afternoon highs across central Florida in coming days to go along with plenty of sunshine and it looks like this same pattern will continue into at least the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled through tomorrow with the chance for showers and storms...cooler this weekend*

Paul Dorian

A strong storm system will be moving to the northeast today from the Northern Plains and heading towards the Great Lakes region. This system will continue to funnel in unstable and moist air leading to a continued threat around here for showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will remain quite a ways above normal today with highs near 80 degrees, but will take a step down on Friday. The real noticeable change in temperatures will come this weekend following the passage of a strong cold frontal system tomorrow afternoon or evening.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled few days around here with strong thunderstorm activity possible*

Paul Dorian

The active weather pattern that we have experienced over the past several days will continue for the next few days with lots of moisture in the central and eastern US. In fact, there is a chance of showers and thunderstorms around here today, tonight, tomorrow and Friday and some of the rain can be heavy at times. A cold front will push through by the weekend and we’ll turn noticeably cooler on Saturday following the passage of the frontal system.

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7:00 AM | *Active pattern to bring us the chance of strong thunderstorm activity on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday*

Paul Dorian

The unsettled weather pattern that we have experienced over the past several days will continue for much of this week as an overall “western trough and eastern ridge” weather pattern intensifies. As a result of this pattern, moist air from the eastern Pacific will be able to feed into the southern US and combine with northern stream disturbances to continue unsettled weather conditions across the Tennessee Valley. While scattered showers are a possibility today across northern Alabama, a better chance will come in the Wednesday to Friday time period and there can be strong thunderstorms as well.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled week with a good chance of strong thunderstorms in the Wednesday to Friday time period*

Paul Dorian

The unsettled weather pattern that we have experienced over the past several days will continue for much of this week as an overall “western trough and eastern ridge” weather pattern unfolds. As a result of this pattern, moist air from the eastern Pacific will be able to feed into the southern US and combine with northern stream disturbances to produce unsettled weather conditions across the Tennessee Valley. Showers are a possibility today across northern Alabama and, as instability increases in the atmosphere, the chance for thunderstorms will be on the increase later this week; especially, in the Wednesday through Friday time frame.

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