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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *A hot second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure dominates the scene and it will result in a hot stretch of weather for the northern part of Alabama in coming days. One high pressure center is positioned over the Northeast US and a second over the southeastern part of the country. The combination of the two will produce south-to-southeast winds around here in the lower part of the atmosphere and the result will be hot and humid conditions. In fact, temperatures should peak in the low-to-mid 90’s later today and this kind of heat should persist through the upcoming weekend. Elsewhere, the Atlantic Basin tropical scene continues to be quiet partly as a result of some dry, desert air that has pushed to the west from northern Africa.

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7:00 AM | *Mid-90's coming for the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

A summer-like week continues across northern Alabama with highs in the middle 90’s from mid-week on to the weekend. High pressure at all levels of the atmosphere is controlling the weather across much of the southern US and it’ll produce a pretty hot week across Alabama. Much or all of the next couple of days will be rain-free, but the threat for scattered showers and storms will return for the second half of the week. One final note, Comet NEOWISE is now visible in the evening sky – look straight down and a little bit to the right from the Big Dipper to near the horizon in the northwest sky about an hour or so after sunset (i.e., around 9:30 PM)…may need binoculars.

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**Comet NEOWISE continues to dazzle in the evening sky and is "climbing" higher each night for easier viewing**

Paul Dorian

First, there was Comet ATLAS in April which disappointed sky watchers as it broke apart into pieces. Then there was Comet SWAN in May which also disintegrated. And now we have a third comet named NEOWISE and this one is coming through and could be visible until mid-August. In recent days, this comet has dazzled sky watchers and may be the brightest comet since 1997 (Hale-Bopp). The comet will be easier to see in coming days as it climbs in the evening sky towards the Big Dipper (aka Ursa Major).

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7:00 AM | *Turns into quite a hot week across the Tennessee Valley...Comet NEOWISE now visible in the evening sky*

Paul Dorian

A summer-like week is in store for northern Alabama with highs in the middle 90’s from mid-week on to the weekend. High pressure at all levels of the atmosphere is controlling the weather across much of the southern US and it’ll produce a pretty hot week across Alabama. Much or all of the next couple of days will be rain-free, but the threat for scattered showers and storms will return for the second half of the week. One final note, Comet NEOWISE is now become visible in the evening sky – look low to the northwest an hour or so after sunset.

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7:00 AM | *Low pressure pushes away from the Carolina coastline today and it could become Tropical Storm Fay*

Paul Dorian

Attention will be focused today on the Outer Banks region of North Carolina as low pressure over that area is likely to push to the northeast later today and then move in a more northerly direction reaching the southern part of the Delmarva Peninsula by early tomorrow. With this expected move out over the warm waters of the western Atlantic, there is a chance for intensification and a possible "naming" of the storm by NOAA's National Hurricane Center as it potentially reaches tropical storm status (it would be "Fay"). Whether or not "naming" of the storm takes place, heavy rainfall is on the table for Friday across the eastern Mid-Atlantic and it’ll stay somewhat unsettled around here with copious amounts of moisture left behind from this system will sat over the Southeast US for several days. The departure of this coastal storm on Saturday will not be the end of the wet weather pattern in the eastern US. An impressive upper-level trough should form by later in the weekend likely leading to more rainfall around here during the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Low pressure to move from the Southeast US to the Mid-Atlantic coastline next couple days*

Paul Dorian

An expansive area of moisture currently exists across the Deep South anchored by low pressure over Georgia and it is part of the reason there is patchy, dense fog in the region this morning. This low pressure system continues to produce a large area of showers over the southern states and some of this rainfall is heavy. The low will generally move slowly to the northeast over the next couple of days and it could actually find itself over the warm waters of the western Atlantic by later in the week. Once over water, there is a chance this low pressure system could intensify enough to become a "named" tropical system, but regardless of development, the low could produce some heavy rainfall at week’s end in coastal sections of the Mid-Atlantic. After that, the system is likely to ride up along the east coast of New England and an impressive upper-level trough will form in the eastern US continuing the active, wet weather pattern into the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Low pressure over the Deep South continues to impact the region*

Paul Dorian

A summer-like week is in store for northern Alabama with very warm, humid conditions and high temperatures generally within the 89-92 degree range. In addition, numerous boundaries will result in additional opportunities for showers and thunderstorms and any storm that forms can produce heavy rainfall given the high humidity levels. A storm over the Deep South will ride up along the eastern seaboard later in the week.

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7:00 AM | *Low pressure intensifies over the Southeast US*

Paul Dorian

A summer-like week is in store for northern Alabama with very warm, humid conditions and high temperatures generally within the 89-93 degree range. In addition, numerous boundaries will result in many opportunities for showers and thunderstorms and any storm that forms can produce heavy rainfall given the high humidity levels. Later in the week, a storm will intensify over the Deep South and this system may enhance chances for showers and thunderstorms resulting in some heavy rainfall for the region.

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7:00 AM | *90+ degrees on Friday and through the weekend*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low that has been spinning over the Northeast US in recent days will shift off the coast today and high pressure ridging will intensify over the Northern Plains. At the same time, low pressure will intensify across the Deep South and this system will keep us unsettled for the next few days with additional chances for showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *A change of month, but still unsettled conditions*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low will spin around new England over the next couple of days as an upper-level ridge pattern becomes reinforced over the Plains. Multiple disturbances will impact our region with numerous chances for showers and thunderstorms this week including later this afternoon and evening. Despite lots of clouds, temperatures should be able to climb to the 90 degree mark for afternoon highs.

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