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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Highs in the 80's next couple of days...cooler air arrives early next week*

Paul Dorian

Above-normal temperatures will continue for the next couple of days at the same time much colder-than-normal air dominates the scene across the Northern Plains and interior Northwest. A weak cold front will pass through the area at week’s end and its passage will knock off a few degrees for the upcoming weekend. An even stronger front will arrive here early next few week and it’ll turn cooler by Tuesday throughout the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Above-normal temperatures next few days*

Paul Dorian

Above-normal temperatures will continue for the rest of the work week at the same time much colder-than-normal air dominates the scene across the Northern Plains and interior Northwest. A cold front will approach the area at week’s end and its passage will knock off a few degrees for the upcoming weekend. The chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase at the end of the week as the front pushes through the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Above-normal temperatures next few days across the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

Above-normal temperatures will continue for much of the week in the Tennessee Valley at the same time it turns considerably colder-than-normal across the interior NW and Northern Plains. A strong cold front will approach the area at week’s end and a downward trend in temperatures will begin on Friday and continue into the weekend. The chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase by Friday with the approach of the strong cold front, but rain-free conditions should dominate until then.

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12:30 PM (Monday) | *That transitional time of year with lingering tropical activity in the Atlantic Basin and cold, accumulating snow across parts of the northern and central US*

Paul Dorian

This is the time of the year in which summer is trying to hold on at the same time winter is trying to make a statement that cold and snow is on the way. Indeed, the next week to ten days will feature tropical activity in the Atlantic Basin – Tropical Storm “Epsilon” has now formed – at the same time cold air dominates the scene from the interior Northwest to the Upper Midwest with significant accumulating snow in many parts of the northern and central US.

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7:00 AM | *Above-normal temperatures will be the rule around here for much of the week*

Paul Dorian

It’ll be warmer-than-normal around here through at least the middle of the week with daily high temperatures peaking in the mid 80’s. There will be a series of short-waves swinging through the middle of the country in coming days, but the next chance of rain is likely to not arrive until Thursday. A cold front likely arrives at the end of the week with additional showers possible.

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7:00 AM | *Much cooler around here today following the passage of a strong cold front...nice pattern sets up this weekend*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front pushed through the region in the overnight hours and today will turn out to be windy and noticeably cooler than yesterday. The weekend will be dominated by high pressure and after a cold night, temperatures will rebound nicely tomorrow afternoon and Sunday should feature highs back up in the 70’s. The nice weather pattern is destined to continue in the Tennessee Valley right through the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Turns much cooler on Friday following passage of strong cold front*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will shift off the east coast today and the broad upper-level trough will dig south through the Northern Plains and the Midwest. A strong cold front will push into the region late tonight with some shower activity possible, but it does not appear to be a significant rain event. Much cooler air pushes into the region on Friday as high pressure builds back into the area and frost is possible by early Saturday in some of the normally colder suburban locations.

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7:00 AM | *Noticeably cooler conditions here by Friday following the passage of a strong cold front*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will continue to control the weather around here at mid-week and it’ll result in plenty of sunshine and comfortably warm conditions for the next couple of days. A strong cold front will pass through the area by Friday and it’ll turn noticeably cooler at the end of the work week. The weekend will start off on the cool side, but should get back to comfortably warm conditions by Sunday afternoon and Monday.

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7:00 AM | *Nice stretch of weather for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region last night paving the way for a nice day today featuring plenty of sunshine and comfortable temperatures. High pressure builds into the Tennessee Valley resulting in nice weather for the next few days. Another cold front passes through the region by Friday and it’ll turn cooler to end the work week and for the weekend as well.

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7:00 AM | *Warm weather around here for the next few days, but a big cool down comes by week's end*

Paul Dorian

The remnants of Hurricane “Delta” continue to move away from the Tennessee Valley today and the result will be improving and warmer weather conditions. In fact, the warmer weather will continue into mid-week, but changes are coming after that. High pressure is to remain in control from Wednesday into Thursday, but a strong cold front will usher in a chilly air mass for week’s end and the upcoming weekend. High temperatures should drop about 15 degrees from highs on Thursday afternoon to the highs on Friday.

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