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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Overall drier weather pattern to continue right into next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will remain in control of the weather today across the Tennessee Valley and the dry pattern that began a few days ago looks like it will continue for the next several days. While nights will be cold with overnight lows in the 30’s, daytime temperatures should reach 60+ degrees during each of the next several days with plenty of increasingly warm sunshine across the region.

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7:00 AM | *Dry pattern to hold on through the weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure in the southern Mid-Atlantic region will dominate the weather scene around here today in the Tennessee Valley and it looks like a dry pattern can last right through the upcoming weekend. Temperatures will generally be in an up and down pattern in coming days, but most afternoon should feature highs at 60 degrees or above.

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7:00 AM | *A drier pattern to set up for the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

The wet stretch of weather that has dominated the scene around here during the past few days will continue today with additional showers likely across northern Alabama; however, a drier weather pattern is about to unfold. In fact, the drier weather will set in tomorrow and it looks like it can last right through the upcoming weekend. Daily high temperatures will be around the 60 degree mark from tomorrow through the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Shower threat continues next couple days*

Paul Dorian

The wet stretch of weather that has dominated the scene around here during the past few days will continue today with additional showers likely across northern Alabama during the AM hours. In fact, the unsettled conditions are likely to continue through Tuesday, but the mid-week is looking better and relatively mild.

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3:10 PM (Friday) | ***May just see some snow later tonight in some of the northern/western suburbs…(plain) rain this weekend…a quick, but intense Arctic blast from later Monday into Tuesday***

Paul Dorian

Don’t be surprised to see some snowflakes later tonight in some of the northern and western suburbs along the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor as moisture pushes into a relatively cold and dry air mass (dew points in the teens). In fact, there can be a coating to an inch or so in some of the nearby northern and western suburbs of Philly and NYC and also in some of the far northern and western suburbs of DC.

Rain will be the dominate precipitation type on Saturday morning in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor before it winds down at mid-day and there will be significant rainfall on Sunday and Sunday night. An Arctic front will then blast through the Northeast US/Mid-Atlantic region on Monday and the winds will kick up noticeably later in the day and continue quite strong on Monday night. In addition, the plunge in temperatures will be quite dramatic in this short, but intense Arctic cold air outbreak and there can even be a few snow squalls in the Northeast US upon its arrival.

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7:00 AM | ***A very wet stretch of weather for the Tennessee Valley***

Paul Dorian

After yesterday’s nice weather, the weather goes downhill for the Tennessee Valley and this will include the possibility for some soaking rainfall over the next few days. A stalled-out frontal boundary zone will act as a conduit for moisture to move in from southwest-to-northeast and multiple rounds of showers and possible thunderstorms. This unsettled pattern will begin today and continue right into the early part of next week. The rainfall amounts over the next few days can exceed 4 or 5 inches in parts of the Tennessee Valley with the “bullseye” region of highest amounts extending from northeast Texas to northeast Tennessee.

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7:00 AM | *Pretty nice weather today across northern Alabama, but a wet stretch is coming*

Paul Dorian

Today will turn out cooler than yesterday following the passage of a weak frontal system and temperatures should be confined to the lower 60’s for afternoon highs. After today’s nice weather, the weather goes downhill for the Tennessee Valley and this will include the possibility for some heavy rainfall. A stalled-out frontal boundary zone will act as a conduit for multiple rounds of showers and possible thunderstorms beginning on Friday and continuing through the upcoming weekend. The rainfall amounts over the next few days can exceed 4 or 5 inches in parts of the Tennessee Valley with a “bulls eye” region extending from Arkansas to Tennessee.

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7:00 AM | *A comfortable day with highs in the upper 60's this afternoon*

Paul Dorian

Today will turn out even milder than yesterday ahead of a weak frontal system and temperatures should climb to the upper 60’s for afternoon highs. A strong disturbance will move from Texas into Arkansas by late tomorrow and this will bring unsettled weather to the area with an increasing chance of showers. In fact, this wave will hang around into the end of the week with a continuing chance of showers across much of the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Quite comfortable next couple of days with temperatures in the 60's*

Paul Dorian

Today will generally be on the quiet and mild side although winds will tend to kick up this afternoon gusting to 25 mph or so. High pressure over the Gulf of Mexico will shift to the east and control the weather scene across the Tennessee Valley. Wednesday will turn out even milder ahead of a weak frontal system and temperatures should climb well up into the 60’s.

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7:00 AM | *60's possible around here at mid-week*

Paul Dorian

Showers associated with a frontal system should push away from the region this morning and there is likely to be some sunshine later today, but the winds will be quite gusty. High pressure moves into the region on Tuesday and a warming trend will begin and temperatures should be able to climb into the 60’s at mid-week for a nice change from the recent cold.

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