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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Nice weather pattern continues next few days*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the work week looks quite nice across northern Alabama with highs in the 70’s each day to go along with some sunshine. The warm up will gradually bring increasingly moist air to this part of the country and rain will threaten during the upcoming weekend while it remains very mild.

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7:00 AM | **Fog a big issue today...more rain tonight and it can be heavy at times**

Paul Dorian

A cold front will drift south of the area today and it’ll turn colder than yesterday with afternoon highs confined to the middle 50’s. Fog is an issue across much of the region and will remain so into the afternoon hours. This same front will begin to return to the north this evening raising the chances for showers and thunderstorms across northern Alabama. On Thursday, the front will have passed to the north of here as a warm front and it’ll turn much warmer with highs nearing the 70 degree mark in the afternoon. In addition to the warm up, there will be a continued threat for showers and thunderstorms and some of the rain can be heavy at times.

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7:00 AM | **The threat for more heavy rain next couple of days**

Paul Dorian

A cold front will drift south of the area today and it’ll turn colder than yesterday with afternoon highs confined to the middle 50’s. This same front, however, will then stall out and begin to return to the north this evening raising the chances for showers and thunderstorms across northern Alabama. On Thursday, the front will have passed to the north of here as a warm front and it’ll turn much warmer with highs nearing the 70 degree mark in the afternoon. In addition to the warm up, there will be a continued threat for showers and thunderstorms and some of the rain can be heavy at times.

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7:00 AM | ***Heavy rain threat next 24-36 hours and thunderstorms can be on the severe side***

Paul Dorian

The Tennessee Valley region of northern Alabama is in store for a lot of rainfall over the next 24 hours or so as a slow-moving cold front will be the focus area of showers and thunderstorms. Some of the rain that falls during this time will be on the heavy side and any thunderstorm can reach severe levels. Rainfall amounts of 1-3 inches are on the table by later tomorrow and this can result in some flash flooding across the region.

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7:00 AM | **A mild and active week with plenty of rain on the table**

Paul Dorian

The week will be quite active here across northern Alabama and also quite warm for this time of year. The milder weather begins today as will the threat for some rain during the PM hours. The chance of showers and thunderstorms will become even greater on Tuesday and Tuesday night and there is the potential for some heavy rainfall, potential flooding issues, and even some severe thunderstorm activity. Colder air will follow a frontal passage later this week and it’ll turn chilly on Friday and for the start to the weekend.

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7:00 AM | **Much colder today following passage of strong cold front**

Paul Dorian

It turns much colder around here today following the passage of a strong cold frontal system and the winds will remain quite noticeable. After a clear and cold night, a warm up will begin on Saturday and continue into the early part of next week. Rain is likely to return to the area on Monday and it could continue into the middle part of next week.

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11:15 AM | ***Powerful winds late tonight into early Friday associated with the arrival and passage of a strong cold front…strong winds return on Saturday with follow-up system***

Paul Dorian

There will be very active weather from later tonight into early Friday in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US associated with the approach and passage of a strong cold frontal system. Temperatures are surging today ahead of the strong cold front and showers will become numerous from later tonight into early Friday and there can be a strong thunderstorm or two mixed into the picture. Of more concern, however, is the likelihood for powerful winds and there can be potentially damaging wind gusts; especially, in the time period surrounding the arrival and passage of the strong cold front. In the hour or so immediately behind the frontal passage, the pressure will spike, winds will shift in direction, and gusts can reach their highest levels. Temperatures will drop through the day on Friday after early day highs and the winds will die down tomorrow night. A reinforcing shot of cold arrives on Saturday and it will be supported by a very strong upper-level disturbance resulting in scattered snow showers/squalls and wind gusts past 40 mph.

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7:00 AM | *****An active weather day in the Tennessee Valley with the threat of severe thunderstorm activity and isolated tornadoes are possible*****

Paul Dorian

An active weather event is on the way for the Tennessee Valley with the chance of severe thunderstorm activity this afternoon/evening and isolated tornadoes are a threat all the way from Nashville to Huntsville. Strong low pressure and its associated strong cold frontal system will bring a big warm up here today and winds will strengthen and can gust past 50 mph. It turns colder again on Friday following the passage of the strong front, but a warm up will begin this weekend and continue into early next week.

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