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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Quite unsettled for the second half of the week and weekend as well*

Paul Dorian

This week will turn out to be quite unsettled with the chance of showers increasing later tonight and on Wednesday and remaining on the table for the rest of the week.  One low pressure system will impact the region on Wednesday and then another one by later Thursday.  The active weather pattern looks like it’ll continue through the weekend with another round of showers and thunderstorms possible both Saturday and Sunday.

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*2023 Tropical and Summer Outlook*

Paul Dorian

Tropical activity is likely to be nearly normal this season in the Atlantic Basin with competing factors in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In a normal Atlantic Basin tropical season, there are about 14 named storms, 7 hurricanes, and 3 of those actually attain “major” classification status (i.e., category 3 or higher on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale).

The major factors involved with this year’s tropical outlook include the development of El Nino in the equatorial Pacific Ocean which generally acts to suppress activity in the Atlantic Basin due to increased wind shear. The development of El Nino in the Pacific Ocean with warmer-than-normal sea surface temperatures comes after three years of La Nina conditions. Meanwhile, the Atlantic Ocean features plenty of warmer-than-normal water which is generally favorable for the development and/or intensification of tropical activity in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico.  Indeed, the warmer-than-normal sea surface temperature pattern in the western Atlantic Ocean makes the east coast somewhat more vulnerable than normal to what I like to call “home-grown” tropical hits during this upcoming tropical season.  

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7:00 AM | **Strong cold front enhances chances for showers and thunderstorms later today and tonight**

Paul Dorian

A strong surface cold front will approach the region later today and enhance the chances for showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley.  A few of the storms can reach strong-to-severe levels, but a lack of high moisture content should be somewhat of a limiting factor for severe weather.  Following the frontal passage, cooler, drier air with its origins in Canada should push into the area and overnight lows going into early Sunday will be in the low-to-mid 40’s.

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7:00 AM | *Cold front to usher in cooler air for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will stay in control of the weather for another day with breezy and warm conditions across the Tennessee Valley.  Temperatures should reach the middle 80’s today and winds can gust up to 25 mph or so. A strong cold front will push into the nation’s mid-section on Friday and its approach will increase chances here for showers and thunderstorms from later tomorrow into Saturday.  Temperatures will trend downward following the passage of the cold front with highs on Sunday likely struggling to reach the 60 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | *High pressure remains in control...strong cold front to deal with by the early weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will stay in control of the weather for the next couple of days with breezy and warm conditions across the Tennessee Valley.  Temperatures should reach the lower 80’s today and stay there for highs on Thursday afternoon. At the end of the week, a strong cold front will push into the nation’s mid-section and its approach will increase chances here for showers and thunderstorms heading into the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *A nice day across northern Alabama...a strong cold front to deal with at week's end*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will take control of the weather for the next few days with dry and increasingly warm conditions for the Tennessee Valley.  Temperatures will be quite pleasant today and then climb gradually to highs around 80 degrees by Thursday afternoon. At the end of the week, a strong cold front will cross into the nation’s mid-section and its approach will increase chances here for showers and thunderstorms by the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Decent stretch of weather on the heels of a frontal passage*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front pushed through the eastern states in the overnight hours and today’s weather here in the Tennessee Valley will feature breezy, cool conditions.  High pressure will remain take control for the next few days and there will be dry weather with increasingly warm temperatures….80’s likely during the second half of the week.   

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7:00 AM | *Gulf moisture still producing a threat of showers and storms around here as we end the work week*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure that formed over the northern Gulf of Mexico yesterday will push moisture into the area and the threat of showers and thunderstorms will continue around here as we end the work week.  After a drier and warmer day to begin the weekend, a cold frontal system will bring us another chance for showers and thunderstorms on Saturday night and Sunday.  Nice weather returns to the Tennessee Valley for the early part of next week following the passage of the frontal system.

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7:00 Am | *Moisture from the Gulf of Mexico increases rain chances around here next couple days*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure has formed over the northern Gulf of Mexico and its moisture field will push northeastward over the next couple of days.  As a result, the threat for showers and thunderstorms will increase around here later today and the chance of rain will continue tomorrow and even into the weekend.  Temperatures will remain on the mild side for the next couple of days with highs in the 70’s.

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