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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Becoming warm and more humid next few days with unstable conditions and a daily chance of showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

A deep upper-level low has pushed off the Northeast US coastline and this has opened the door for a warmer and more humid flow of air into the Tennessee Valley.  This flow of air will result in unsettled conditions not only later today, but through the weekend as well.  Temperatures will climb to near 70 degrees for afternoon highs and then experience an upward trend over the next few days reaching well into the 80’s for highs during the first half of next week. 

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7:00 AM | *A nice day across northern Alabama, but unstable pattern returns for Friday, Saturday and Sunday*

Paul Dorian

A deep upper-level low will finally push off the Northeast US coastline later today and this will open the door for high pressure to edge into the Tennessee Valley providing us with plenty of sunshine and milder conditions.  The improvement in the weather will be rather short-lived, however, as more instability return by tomorrow afternoon with an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms.  In fact, the chance of showers and thunderstorms will stay around through the upcoming as well as temperatures climb back into the 80’s for afternoon highs.

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7:00 AM | *Warmer weather returns for the late week and weekend along with a renewed threat of showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

A deep upper-level low continues to spin around the Great Lakes region and this position will keep a lid on temperatures around here for another couple of days and the breeze will remain quite noticeable.  By the late week and weekend, temperatures will climb to warmer levels and with the warm-up will come a returning threat of showers and thunderstorms. 

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7:00 AM | *Deep upper-level low sitting and spinning over the Great Lakes and influencing the weather all the way down into the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

The main weather feature on the weather map today is a deep upper-level low sitting and spinning over the Great Lakes and this system will keep it windy all the way down into the Tennessee Valley.  In addition, temperatures will be somewhat limited with highs near the 70 degree mark in northern Alabama both today and on Wednesday.  Warmer weather will return by the end of the week and with the warmup will come the return of the possibility of showers and thunderstorms. 

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7:00 AM | *Somewhat unsettled conditions continue today and this weekend...nice stretch of weather first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

Unsettled weather will continue for another day across the Tennessee Valley with a continuing chance of showers and thunderstorms.  High pressure edges into by later tonight and the weekend will feature warm conditions, but the chance for showers will remain.  A nice stretch of weather is likely for the first half of next week. 

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10:45 AM | ***Active weather pattern continues into May…severe weather threat on Thursday along Gulf coast…back-to-back soaking rain events Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US from Friday into Monday***

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will continue across the nation into early May largely fueled by the continuation of cold air outbreaks from Canada into the US.  One such cold shot will push east on Thursday from the south-central states into the northern Gulf region and this “clash” between the incoming cold, dry air and the entrenched warm, humid air mass is likely to result in strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity from Texas-to-Florida and perhaps as far north as the Tennessee Valley. 

This storm system will push northeast on Friday and a secondary storm will form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline later Friday night.  A similar scenario will develop from Sunday into Monday with an initial (primary) low pushing towards the Great Lakes and a secondary storm likely to form near the northeastern US coastline. The end result…back-to-back soaking rain events for the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US from Friday into Monday. 

Following the passage of the second storm system, very chilly air for early May will flood the northeastern quadrant of the country for the Monday-to-Wednesday time period and the atmosphere will be quite unstable. As a result, there are likely to be some instability rain showers during the first half of next week and snowflakes and/or ice pellets can mix in across some of the higher-elevation, interior locations of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast.

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7:00 AM | **Showers and thunderstorms today across northern Alabama...some of the storms can be strong-to-severe**

Paul Dorian

There will be occasional showers and thunderstorms today across northern Alabama and any storm can reach strong-to-severe levels. The threat for severe weather today and tonight will extend all the way across the Gulf States from Louisiana to Florida. The unsettled pattern will continue through the weekend as well with additional chances of showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | **An unsettled weather pattern to last right through the upcoming weekend with multiple chances of rain, thunderstorms**

Paul Dorian

There can be a severe weather outbreak later today and tonight across Texas and Oklahoma and this threat will shift east on Thursday to include the region from Louisiana-to-Mississippi-to-Alabama. The unsettled pattern will continue through the late week and weekend as well with multiple additional chances of showers and thunderstorms.

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10:45 AM | ***Active weather pattern to continue into May…multiple storm systems can impact Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US from Friday into Monday***

Paul Dorian

Cold air outbreaks continue to work their way from Canada into the US as we wind down the month of April and it appears they will continue to do so right through the early part of May.  As long as this kind of pattern holds, there will be an enhanced threat of severe weather outbreaks in the US and an increased chance for the formation of strong storm systems.  In fact, more severe weather is possible on Wednesday in places like Texas and Oklahoma as cold, dry air advances from the west and clashes with entrenched warm, humid air across the south-central US.  This severe weather threat will then shift eastward to Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama by Thursday afternoon.

Looking ahead, there are signs for a soaking rain event in the eastern US from Friday into Saturday and then a second and perhaps stronger system may form later in the weekend and produce more significant rain in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US. This second storm system may feature some strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity of its own in its warm sector from late Sunday into Monday and perhaps even some wet snow and/or ice on its cold side in some of the higher-elevation, interior spots of the northeastern US…just as we begin the month of May. 

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