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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Dry, cool weekend coming to the Tennessee Valley...frost possible late tomorrow night*

Paul Dorian

It stays unsettled in the region today with the chance of afternoon showers as moist air pushes in on low-level southeasterly winds. A cold front moves through the area on Friday night and its passage will pave the way for a cool, but dry weekend in the northern part of Alabama. Widespread frost is possible late Saturday night/early Sunday morning as temperatures should drop to near the freezing mark.

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11:45 AM | **Big-time cold air outbreak sweeps across the nation next week…strong storm system to impact a large part of the country ahead of the Thanksgiving Day holiday**

Paul Dorian

A widespread and impressively cold air mass will cross the nation next week and reach the eastern seaboard in time for Thanksgiving Day (Thursday). A strong storm system will develop out ahead of the incoming cold air mass and it will impact a large part of the nation with rain, snow and wind on the busy travel days of Tuesday and Wednesday.

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12:00 PM | ***Cold air mass to sweep across the nation next week…strong storm system likely to impact a large area of the country ahead of the Thanksgiving Day holiday***

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern across the nation is becoming more and more active compared to recent days and it is likely to result in a strong storm system by the middle of next week that impacts a wide area from the Great Lakes and Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. In terms of temperatures, the overall pattern will flip across the nation from today’s widespread warmer-than-normal conditions to below-normal for the last ten days or so of the month of November. In fact, a widespread cold air mass with its origins in northern Canada will sweep across the nation next week from northwest-to-southeast…just in time for the Thanksgiving Day holiday. This is very likely not going to be the last cold blast for the eastern half of the nation as the colder pattern that sets up next week will likely take us to the beginning of December.

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7:00 AM | *Threat of showers today and slightly cooler*

Paul Dorian

It turns cooler today across the northern part of Alabama and increasing moist with the chance of showers. Low pressure over the Gulf will keep us somewhat moist on Thursday and Friday as it slides to the east so the chance of showers will remain.  Drier and cooler air pushes into the Tennessee Valley this weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Mild today with afternoon highs near 70...cooler on Wednesday post-frontal passage*

Paul Dorian

It stays mild today across the northern part of Alabama and increasing moist. As a result, the chance of showers will increase here by tonight and remain high on Wednesday and Wednesday night. Low pressure over the Gulf will keep us moist later in the week so that the chance of showers is likely to remain on Thursday and Friday before drier air pushes in for the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Much cooler today following passage of a cold front...stays cool and unsettled this weekend*

Paul Dorian

Big-time changes today in the weather department with the influx of much cooler air following the passage of a strong cold frontal system. Temperatures peaked well up in the 70’s on Thursday, but will be confined to the 50’s for highs today along with a stiff N-NE wind. It stays chilly and unsettled into the weekend with the frontal system taking up residence in nearby proximity.

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7:00 AM | *Much cooler air pushes in for Friday and the weekend stays chilly and unsettled*

Paul Dorian

Our warm weather of recent days will continue today, but changes are coming to the Tennessee Valley with the arrival of a cold frontal system. That approaching front will lead to an increasing chance of showers later today and tonight and it turns much cooler behind it on Friday with highs tomorrow likely confined to the upper 50’s. It stays unsettled and cool this weekend with the chance of showers on both days.

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7:00 AM | *Another unseasonably warm day in northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

Dry and unseasonably warm conditions will persist through another day across northern Alabama featuring high temperatures this afternoon at or slightly above the 80 degree mark. By Thursday, an upper-level ridge of high pressure will begin pushing to the east of here and this will open the door for a cold front to advance in this direction from our northwest. After another warm day, much cooler air arrives on Friday likely limiting high temperatures to the 50’s as we close out the work week.

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