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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *December starts off relatively mild, but also unsettled with the chance of showers today, tonight and both weekend days...maybe a couple of thunderstorms mixed in*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled and relatively mild end to the work week and weekend with a daily threat of showers, maybe a couple of thunderstorms mixed into the picture. Temperatures should climb well into the 60’s during the next few days, but will trend downward early next week following the passage of a couple of cold frontal systems.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled weather pattern begins late tonight/Friday and continues into early next week with a daily threat of showers*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will continue to modify today as high pressure off to our east producing a low-level flow of air out of the south-to-southwest and this will boost afternoon temperatures to near the 60 degree mark. Even milder conditions will develop here on Friday, but the overall weather pattern will become quite unsettled to end the week and through the upcoming weekend. The threat of showers will increase later tonight and continue on a daily basis into the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Looking unsettled and milder for the late week and weekend with a daily threat of showers*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will begin to modify today as high pressure pushes off to our east and afternoon highs are likely to be in the middle 50’s. Even milder conditions will develop here by the end of the work week, but the overall weather pattern will become quite unsettled. The threat of showers returns here by Friday and it looks like it can continue right through the upcoming weekend. 

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7:00 AM | *Another chilly day around here, but moderation in temperatures begins on Wednesday*

Paul Dorian

The colder-than-normal air mass that we have been dealing with around here during the past couple of days will continue to be an influence today, but milder weather is on the way. Today’s high temperatures will likely be in the upper 40’s across northern Alabama, but then climb well up into the 50’s at mid-week and reach 60 degrees or higher late in the week along with a returning threat of showers.

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7:00 AM | *The weather is setting up pretty nicely for us on Thanksgiving Day*

Paul Dorian

The chance of showers will diminish today as an upper-level low passes by the region to our east, but it will result in a cloudy and raw day with highs held down in the lower 50’s. Skies should clear tonight and winds will die down allowing for the possibility of some late night patchy frost. The holiday on Thursday looks dry and cool in northern Alabama with highs likely not far from the 60 degree mark.

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7:00 AM | **Still quite unsettled weather today across the Tennessee Valley...quiets down in time for Turkey Day**

Paul Dorian

A strong storm system will continue to impact the region on Tuesday with lingering showers likely and winds will remain an important factor as well.  Also, there is enough instability around that the chance of a strong thunderstorm is on the table; especially, north of the I-20 corridor later today. The threat of rain will diminish tonight and Wednesday and the Thursday holiday is shaping up pretty nicely weather wise.

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12:00 PM | *Interesting recent developments with respect to El Nino in the tropical Pacific*

Paul Dorian

After back-to-back-to-back La Nina (colder-than-normal water) winters, El Nino (warmer-than-normal water) has formed in the tropical Pacific Ocean and it will play an important role in the upcoming winter season across the nation as discussed in the Arcfield Weather 2023-2024 “Winter Outlook”. Two aspects of El Nino are important when it comes to its potential impact on winter weather patterns in the US and they include both its magnitude and location. Evidence continues to mount suggesting this El Nino event will not rival some of the strongest episodes in recent history such as in 2015-2016, 1997-1998 or 1982-1983. Instead, and as outlined in the “Winter Outlook”, it appears this El Nino will be one of moderate strength and will tend to weaken as we progress through the winter season. In terms of the location with respect to the greatest sea surface temperature anomalies in the equatorial Pacific, the thought was that an “eastern-based” focus would shift to more of a “central-based” and recent developments suggest this transition may already be getting underway.

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7:00 AM | ***Threat of showers and thunderstorms increases by tonight and continues on Tuesday...winds to become a major factor from this evening into early Tuesday***

Paul Dorian

Strong upper-level low pressure will push towards the Tennessee Valley today and increase the chance of showers and thunderstorms by tonight and the threat of rain will continue on Tuesday. Some of the rain tonight can be heavy at times; especially, during possible strong thunderstorm activity. Winds will also become an important factor during this event with gusts to 50 mph on the table for tonight. Dry weather should return later tomorrow into Thursday with the holiday looking dry and cool with highs well up in the 50’s.

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