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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

6:15 AM | *Chance of scattered PM showers and thunderstorms...beneficial rainfall likely on Monday*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low meandering over the northeastern states during the past several days will finally scoot out-to-sea this weekend, but not before another wave of energy rotates through our area later today raising the chance for scattered PM showers and thunderstorms. The rain later today is certainly no guarantee, but any would be welcomed as it has been virtually rain-free around here for the past few weeks. An even better chance for some beneficial rain is likely on Monday with the combination of yet another slow-moving upper-level low pressure system that will head to the Great Lakes and a frontal system that will inch its ways eastward early next week towards the eastern seaboard. The overall weather pattern continues to look like there should be no extended heat and humidity anytime too soon.

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7:00 AM | *Smoke hangs around today...chance of showers on Friday...beneficial rainfall likely on Monday*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low over the northeastern states will slowly pull away over the next couple of days, but its influence will continue to bring us comfortable temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic region and more smoky skies.  One piece of energy rotating around the low will likely spark some shower and thunderstorm activity on Friday along with the continuation of comfortable temperatures.  The weekend is shaping up to be generally decent weather-wise and there is hope for beneficial rainfall on Monday as a front closes in on the east coast.

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10:45 AM | ***Overall weather pattern continues to bring smoke to the Mid-Atlantic along with comfortable temperatures and low humidity…glimmer of hope for a decent rainfall early next week***

Paul Dorian

It is quite common to have a “Bermuda High” type of weather pattern in the eastern US this time of year with high pressure stationed over the western Atlantic and southwesterly flow of air pushing hot and humid air to the Mid-Atlantic region from the Gulf of Mexico.  Our current weather pattern is about as opposite as you can get with a meandering upper-level low centered over Maine/Nova Scotia leading to persistent northwesterly flow in the lower part of the atmosphere.  This type of wind flow is influencing the weather in multiple ways.

First, it is leading to quite comfortable temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic region for the early part of June and, second, it is resulting in unusually low humidity levels. In addition, this persistent northwesterly flow continues to bring smoke into the area from wildfires that developed several days ago in Quebec, Canada. In fact, the most dense smoke of all in this current outbreak may push into New York City, Pennsylvania and New Jersey this afternoon and evening and the smell of smoke should become much more noticeable. In terms of rainfall, there were scattered late day showers and thunderstorms on Tuesday and a couple of troughs can bring isolated showers/thunderstorms to the Mid-Atlantic region later in the week. Looking ahead, there is a glimmer of hope for a more appreciable rainfall early next week with another upper-level low likely to spin into the Mid-Atlantic region from the Great Lakes.

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7:00 AM | *Smoky skies continue in the Mid-Atlantic along with comfortable temperatures*

Paul Dorian

Smoke from wildfires in Quebec, Canada will continue to fill the skies in the Mid-Atlantic region today leading to hazy conditions. Temperatures will remain quite comfortable for the early part of June influenced by a closed-low spinning around over Nova Scotia/Maine. A couple of weak troughs rotating around the upper-level low can result in isolated showers on Thursday and Friday and there is a glimmer of hope for more appreciable rainfall early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Smoke-filled skies and red/orange sunrises/sunsets...slight chance today of PM showers and thunderstorms with approaching frontal system*

Paul Dorian

Smoke from Canadian wildfires continues to fill the skies in the Mid-Atlantic leading to deep red/orange sunsets/sunrises in the region as well as some “milky” sunshine. Temperatures remain quite comfortable for the early part of June influenced by a closed-low spinning around over the northeastern states. A weak frontal system could spark isolated showers later today and a couple of weak troughs can produce isolated showers later in the week, but it’ll certainly be a struggle to get anything of significance through the week. Looking ahead, there is some hope for a more appreciable type of rainfall early next week in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | *Another week in the Mid-Atlantic region without heat and humidity*

Paul Dorian

The main player in the weather this week across the Mid-Atlantic region will be a closed-low over the northeastern states that will keep it relatively comfortable and generally dry. The best and perhaps only chance for some rainfall over the next few days will come later tomorrow when a cold front pushes across the region bringing with it a chance of showers and thunderstorms.  After its passage, the closed-low to the northeast will resume its domination of the weather scene preventing any hot and humid conditions from moving into the area.

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7:00 AM | *Warm again today...cooler on Thursday and Friday following frontal passage*

Paul Dorian

High pressure stays in control of the weather through today providing us with some sunshine and warm temperatures peaking near the 80 degree mark. A cold front passes through the region later tonight and it’ll usher in a cooler-than-normal air mass for Thursday and Friday with the continuation of dry conditions.  The weather for the upcoming weekend can become somewhat unsettled with low pressure to our south and high pressure to our north. 

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7:00 AM | *Comfortable temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

High pressure stays in control of the weather through tomorrow providing us with some sunshine each day and comfortable temperatures. A cold front passes through the region tomorrow night and it’ll usher in a cooler-than-normal air mass for Thursday and Friday to go along with the continuation of overall dry conditions.  The weather for the upcoming weekend can become somewhat unsettled with low pressure to our south and high pressure to our north, but temperatures should remain in the comfortable zone. 

One final note…skies have had a “milky” appearance in recent days and there have been some unusually orange sunsets and sunrises…all due to smoke from Canadian wildfires that has made its way into the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | *Dry pattern continues through the work week along with comfortable temperatures*

Paul Dorian

It looks like the overall dry weather pattern of recent days in the Mid-Atlantic region will continue through the work week, but the holiday weekend could turn out to be somewhat unsettled as an upper-level low might move to a nearby position. High pressure will maintain control of the weather through mid-week providing us with dry conditions and comfortable temperatures and humidity levels. The passage of a cool front on Wednesday evening will usher in a bit cooler air mass for Thursday and Friday, but it should remain dry.

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6:45 AM | *Chance of showers late tonight and on Saturday...looking nice for Sunday*

Paul Dorian

It turns a bit milder today in the Mid-Atlantic region as high pressure pushes off the eastern seaboard. Low pressure will form along the east coast later tonight and, at the same time, a frontal system will close in on the eastern states from the Midwest. The combination of the two systems will bring us plenty of cloudiness from later tonight into the PM hours on Saturday and occasional showers will be possible. High pressure is expected to return for the second half of the weekend bringing us plenty of sunshine on Sunday along with comfortably warm conditions.

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