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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *The gloomy pattern continues...periods of rain today and tonight and remaining on the mild side*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will bring periods of rain to the NYC metro region today and tonight…some of the rain can be heavy at times late in the day and during the evening hours. Temperatures will remain on the mild side for this time of year reaching into the lower 50’s for afternoon highs. It stays unsettled for the next couple of days as a second low pressure system pushes into the eastern states. High pressure returns for the weekend as it turns slightly colder with temperatures likely back to the mid-to-upper 40’s for afternoon highs.

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6:30 AM | *Dry, chilly conditions into tomorrow...turns milder early next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure across southeastern Canada remains in control of the weather around here for another couple of days with dry and chilly conditions. It turns milder early next week with temperatures on Monday, Christmas Day, likely to climb to the 50 degree mark for afternoon highs. The next low pressure system to impact the region pushes in this direction by Tuesday and this will enhance the chance of rain throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.

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10:30 AM | *Mild conditions for Christmas Day…colder pattern to set up as we transition to 2024…updates on MJO, stratospheric warming*

Paul Dorian

The weather stays on the chilly side in the Mid-Atlantic region into the upcoming weekend, but becomes milder by the time we get to early next week with afternoon highs on Monday, Christmas Day, likely at or above the 50 degree mark in much of the I-95 corridor. By the next Tuesday and Wednesday, the mild weather pattern will likely result in more rain for the area as a low pressure system pulls out of the southern US and heads towards the Great Lakes.  By the time we get to the end of the next week and following weekend, important upper-air changes across North America will become more evident and they should lead to colder, more winter-like, conditions in the eastern and southern US as the new year gets underway. An update is given in this posting on the teleconnection index known as the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and a stratospheric warming event that continues to unfold which could impact US temperatures in the month of January.

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7:00 AM | *Dry and chilly into the holiday weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure across southeastern Canada takes control of the weather today following the passage of a weak frontal system. This leads to dry and chilly conditions right into the first part of the upcoming holiday weekend. It turns milder early next week with temperatures on Monday, Christmas Day, likely to climb to near 50 degrees for afternoon highs. The next low pressure system to impact the region pushes in this direction by Tuesday and this will enhance the chance of rain throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.

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1:30 PM | **Pattern change by later next week likely to bring more sustained cold to eastern and southern US and a better chance for snow…a look at some teleconnection indices**

Paul Dorian

The remainder of this week and the upcoming weekend are likely to be seasonably cold-to-slightly below-normal in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US, but much of the rest of the nation should be warmer-than-normal. The return to seasonal cold in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US follows what has been a very mild few days that culminated with a major rainstorm up and down the eastern seaboard. There are signs that the overall pattern will change by later next week that can result in more sustained cold for the eastern and southern states. A look at some teleconnection indices tends to support the notion of a change in the pattern that would favor more colder-than-normal air for the eastern and southern US - and potentially, an increased chance for snow as well.

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7:00 AM | ***Heavy rain continues for awhile...then becoming very windy today on backside of powerhouse storm***

Paul Dorian

Rain continues for awhile this morning, heavy at times, and then winds down during the mid-day/early afternoon. It becomes very windy on the back side of the departing powerhouse storm system that brought us a lot of rainfall and winds can gust up to 45 mph from a northwesterly direction in the afternoon. This can result in some downed tree limbs and possible. scattered power outages. Temperatures will drop from early day highs in the 60’s to the 40’s by the mid and late afternoon hours. There is a chance for scattered snow and/or rain showers tonight and on Tuesday and then high pressure takes over for a few days and temperatures will remain on the chilly side.

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6:30 AM | ***Powerful storm system to impact us with heavy rain and strong winds from later Sunday into Monday***

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will slide into the central Gulf of Mexico region by tomorrow and an intensification process will begin there that will soon result in a powerhouse storm system. The intensifying storm system will impact the Florida Peninsula and other parts of the Southeast US on Saturday night and Sunday and then it pushes northward producing rain and wind throughout the eastern states from later Sunday into Monday. Some of the rain around here will become heavy at times and flash flooding is a concern and winds will be strong. Along the coast, winds can become potentially damaging and beach erosion/coastal flooding will be on the table. There will be no cold air around initially in the Mid-Atlantic region when the storm hits, but colder air will likely pour in from the northwest by late Monday night and Tuesday.

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*****Powerful storm system to impact the Gulf/eastern states Sunday into Monday…torrential rain, strong and potentially damaging wind gusts…cold air on back end*****

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will slide into the central Gulf of Mexico region by the early part of the weekend and an intensification process will begin there that will soon result in a powerhouse storm system. The intensifying storm system will impact the Florida Peninsula and other parts of the Southeast US on Saturday night and Sunday and then it pushes northward producing rain and wind throughout the eastern states from Sunday into Monday. The rain will be heavy all along the path of the storm and winds are very likely to reach damaging levels; especially, along coastal sections where 60+ mph gusts are possible...power outages are on the table up and down the coast. There will be no cold air around initially in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US when the storm hits; however, cold air will pour in from the northwest on Monday night and Tuesday raising the chance for a transition to some accumulating snow on the back end; especially, in “lake-effect” locations just downstream of Lakes Erie and Huron.

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