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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

6:30 AM | *A dry and chilly weekend on the way*

Paul Dorian

A cold front is pushing through the region this morning and high pressure will build in for later today and the upcoming weekend. After AM scattered showers, dry conditions should prevail from later today through the upcoming weekend. In fact, there should finally be a decent amount of sunshine on back-to-back days this weekend for the first time in quite awhile. Elsewhere, a powerful storm system will slide all the way across the southern states this weekend after pounding California, and then it will hang out for awhile over the western Atlantic Ocean. A second storm system arrives along the US west coast later this weekend and it’ll produce additional heavy rainfall for the Golden State and lots of interior snows.

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7:00 AM | *Rain showers late tonight into early Friday with passage of cold frontal system*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will push through the area from late tonight into early Friday and it is likely to generate some rain in the region and flakes can be mixed in at times in some spots. High pressure will then push in for the weekend and we should get genuine sunshine on back-to-back days for the first times in awhile to go along with seasonably chilly conditions.

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7:00 AM | *Still lots of clouds around and there can be a bit of light snow or rain*

Paul Dorian

A weak clipper system is tracking to our southwest this morning and high pressure will edge into the area later this afternoon…end result…a continuation of our recent cloudy weather pattern and there can be a bit of drizzle or flurries at times. There will be a weak cold front coming through later tomorrow night into early Friday with a few rain and/or snow showers possible before a new high pressure system takes over for the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *High pressure in control today...weak "clipper" system moves nearby late tonight/early tomorrow*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will remain in control of the weather in the Mid-Atlantic region into tonight with dry conditions and then a weak “clipper” could produce a couple of rain and/or snow showers later night into early Wednesday. High pressure will then resume control for later Wednesday and Thursday and a weak front can generate a couple of showers on Friday morning.

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7:00 AM | *Low pressure pulls away from the Mid-Atlantic coastline...high pressure edges in for tonight and tomorrow*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure pulls away from the coast today leaving us with plenty of clouds, windy and chilly conditions. High pressure takes control for tonight and tonight and then a weak “clipper” heads this way by Wednesday. That system can produce a couple of rain and/or snow showers around here from late tomorrow night into early Wednesday morning before another high pressure system takes over for the late week.

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7:00 AM | *More rain coming for the second half of the weekend...chance for a changeover to snow on Sunday night*

Paul Dorian

A light northeast flow of air will keep us mainly cloudy today and on the chilly side and there can will be occasional light rain or drizzle with patchy fog as well. Another storm system will impact the area with more rain during the second half of the weekend as one low pressure system (primary) heads into the Ohio Valley and a secondary will forms near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. While there will be little cold air around initially, strong high pressure will build into southeastern Canada and act as a cold air source. This is likely to result in a changeover from rain-to-snow across much of the interior, higher elevation locations of the northern Mid-Atlantic region and potentially, there can be a changeover in around here on Sunday night.

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7:00 AM | *More rain, fog and mild weather conditions for today and tonight*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain wet and mild in the NYC metro region for today and tonight with patchy fog around as well. It remains on the damp side on Friday and there will be a battle in terms of air temperatures around here with warmer air likely limited in its northward advance keeping the metro area in the 40’s to close out the work week. Another storm system is then going to impact the Mid-Atlantic on Sunday and Sunday night with one surface low pressure system (primary) heading into the Ohio Valley and a secondary likely to form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. While there will be little cold air around initially, strong high pressure will build into southeastern Canada and act as a cold air source. This is likely to result in a changeover from rain-to-snow across much of the interior, higher elevation locations in the Mid-Atlantic and potentially, all the way down to the NYC metro region on Sunday night.

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1:00 PM | ***Dense fog, wet and mild in the Mid-Atlantic with a surge in temperatures on Friday…rain-to-snow scenario interior on Sunday night…wet MS/TN Valleys and west coast***

Paul Dorian

The next couple of days will be wet, foggy and mild in the Mid-Atlantic region and there will be a surge of temperatures on Friday in much of the I-95 corridor. Another storm system is then going to impact the Mid-Atlantic late in the weekend with one surface low pressure system (primary) heading into the Ohio Valley and a secondary likely to form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. While there will be little cold air around initially, strong high pressure will build into southeastern Canada and act as a cold air source. This is likely to result in a changeover from rain-to-snow across much of the interior, higher elevation Mid-Atlantic region on Sunday night and there is a chance for a changeover to snow all the way down into the N/W suburbs of the big cities.

Elsewhere, the overall pattern for the next several days will bring copious amounts of rainfall to the Lower Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys - areas that have been quite dry in recent weeks - and to the US west coast from California-to-Washington which will be inundated by multiple storms during the next couple of weeks.

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7:00 AM | *Mild and wet weather pattern next few days*

Paul Dorian

The next few days will be milder in the Mid-Atlantic region and quite wet as well as moisture steadily flows to the northeast from the Gulf of Mexico. The warmest day of the week will be on Friday when temperatures surge to the upper 50’s in the NYC metro region. Another storm system is then likely to impact the Mid-Atlantic region later in the upcoming weekend with one surface low pressure system (primary) heading into the Ohio Valley and a secondary likely to form near the Mid-Atlantic coastline. While there will be little cold air around initially, strong high pressure will build into southeastern Canada and act as a cold air source…possibly resulting in a changeover from rain-to-snow on Sunday night.

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7:00 AM | *Chance for some freezing rain late tonight in N/W suburbs...wet and milder during the second half of the week with a surge in temperatures on Friday*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure system will push off the eastern seaboard today opening the door for moisture to push northeastward from the Gulf of Mexico and into the northern Ohio Valley. From there, the moisture will slide eastward later tonight bringing us the chance for late night rain and it could freeze on some surfaces across the northern and western suburbs. On Wednesday - and also during the days on Thursday and Friday - it should be warm enough for just plain rain to fall throughout the metro region. Indeed, the warmest day of the week is likely to be on Friday at which time afternoon temperatures might peak near the 55 degree mark. The weekend begins on a mild note, but it turns colder by Sunday and low pressure is likely to bring us some rain to close out the weekend.

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