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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *Some rain from later tonight into tomorrow...back to near 60 degrees by Sunday afternoon*

Paul Dorian

An area of low pressure will likely produce some rain around here from later tonight into mid-day on Saturday, but improvement is on the way for Sunday. In fact, the second half of the weekend should feature mild conditions with high temperatures on Sunday afternoon not far from the 60 degree mark. It stays on the mild side early next week, but there will be an increasing chance of showers by Tuesday and the threat of rain may last into mid-week.

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7:00 AM | *Much colder today and still windy...a warm up begins this weekend*

Paul Dorian

The passage of a strong front last night resulted in a sharp drop in temperatures and temperatures are likely to do no better than about 40 degrees today for afternoon highs. It stays on the chilly side on Friday, but a warm-up begins early this weekend and it’ll take temperatures back to within a few degrees of 60 for highs on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. And like this week’s warm spell, the one on the way for early next week will be somewhat marred by occasional showers.

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1:50 PM | ***Powerful cold front sweeps across the region later today/early tonight with some wild weather***

Paul Dorian

A powerful cold front is pushing through the Ohio Valley this morning and it will produce some wild weather in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor from early-to-mid afternoon to late evening. Winds will become very strong this afternoon ahead of the frontal system and stay very strong into the overnight hours following the passage of the cold front. In fact, gusts can surpass 50 mph in the Mid-Atlantic region later this afternoon and evening including along coastal sections of New Jersey and the Delmarva Peninsula.

Temperatures will peak today near 60 degrees in many spots along the I-95 corridor and then plunge following the frontal passage to the upper 20’s or lower 30’s by later tonight…a drop off of some thirty degrees from today’s highs to the overnight lows. Showers will come in waves today and tonight with some of it heavy at times and there can be a strong thunderstorm or two mixed into the picture. There is an outside chance that the evening rain showers change to snow showers for a brief time before the precipitation winds down later tonight. It stays cold on Thursday, but the cold shot will be rather short-lived and we’ll be pushing to 60 degrees again by the second half of the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | ***A powerful cold front slides through the region this evening...unseasonably mild and very windy ahead of it...sharply colder and very windy behind it***

Paul Dorian

Unseasonably mild weather will continue today ahead of an approaching strong cold frontal system and winds will become very strong as well. There will be occasional showers as the front approaches the area and a strong thunderstorm is possible late in the day or early tonight. The passage of the strong front this evening will result in a sharp drop in temperatures, continued very windy conditions, and the rain showers can change to snow showers for a brief time in the NYC metro region. Temperatures on Thursday will likely peak near 40 degrees – much colder than today - and it'll stay chilly on Friday. A warm-up will then commence on Saturday and we’ll get back to the upper 50’s for highs by Sunday and Monday.

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7:00 AM | **Even milder today and Wednesday, but there will be occasional showers, maybe a thunderstorm...much colder on Thursday**

Paul Dorian

It turns even milder here today with afternoon temperatures likely peaking here not far from 60 degrees, but showers will be possible by late afternoon as a second warm frontal system approaches the area and showers are likely tonight. On Wednesday, the wet and unseasonably mild conditions will continue ahead of an approaching strong cold frontal system and winds will become quite noticeable as well. The passage of the strong cold front on Wednesday evening will result in a sharp drop in temperatures and rain can change to snow for a brief time in the I-95 corridor region. Temperatures on Thursday will be in sharp contrast with highs both today and tomorrow and it’ll stay chilly on Friday. A warm-up will then commence on Saturday and we’ll get to near 60 degree highs for the second half of the weekend.

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10:50 AM | ***Powerful cold front sweeping across the nation…record warmth and very windy ahead of it…sharply colder and very windy behind it…another warm up comes this weekend/early next week***

Paul Dorian

It turns noticeably milder today in the Mid-Atlantic region after a chilly start to the day…even milder weather is coming for Tuesday and Wednesday. In fact, the eastern 2/3rds of the nation will experience above-normal temperatures with the most dramatic departures-from-normal focused today on the central states where some spots can exceed averages by 35+ degrees. The warm-up will come to an abrupt end on Tuesday across the central US as the result of the passage of a powerful cold front and it will end rather dramatically in the Mid-Atlantic region as well on Wednesday evening. This west-to-east moving cold front can produce some severe thunderstorm activity on Tuesday in the Midwest/Ohio Valley and - with the sharp drop off in temperatures - the rain is likely to change briefly to snow in many spots. There can even be a changeover from rain-to-snow for a brief time in the Mid-Atlantic’s I-95 corridor on Wednesday evening following the passage of the strong cold front. The cold air mass that pushes in following the passage of the front will not last too long in the central or eastern US. In fact, another warm-up will commence by week’s end in the central US and by later this weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | *Becoming noticeably milder today...quite mild on Tuesday and Wednesday, but wet at times...much colder on Thursday*

Paul Dorian

The next few days will be noticeably milder across the Mid-Atlantic region, but also becoming unsettled with a couple waves of low pressure to deal with and a strong cold front. Low pressure can result in some shower activity on Tuesday and Tuesday night and then the strong cold front will generate windy and wet conditions at mid-week. Temperatures will likely peak during this warm spell in the lower 60’s on Wednesday, but will then drop off sharply on Thursday following the passage of the front.

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7:00 AM | *Chilly air mass arrives for the weekend...noticeably milder weather first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

A cold front pushes through the region today causing a bit of rain or drizzle at times and then a chilly air mass will follow for tonight and the weekend. It turns noticeably milder during the first half of next week with temperatures likely reaching 60+ degrees by Wednesday afternoon. A strong cold front will arrive here later next week and its passage will bring an end to the warm spell in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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7:00 AM | *Some rain is likely from tonight into mid-day Friday...cold and windy tomorrow night and Saturday...noticeably milder for the first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

There will be increasing cloudiness today ahead of an approaching cold front and that system will produce some rain around here from tonight into mid-day on Friday. On the backside of the front, a cold air mass will move in for Friday night and Saturday and winds will be a noticeable factor making it feel even colder than the actual air temperature. After a chilly day to end the weekend, it turns much milder in the Mid-Atlantic region during the first half of next week with temperatures well up in the 50’s on each afternoon. A strong cold front is likely to arrive in the eastern states late next week after contributing to a possible severe weather outbreak in the Mississippi/Tennessee Valleys.

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7:00 AM | *Cold front brings some rain here tomorrow night and Friday morning...cold air mass for Friday night and Saturday...noticeably milder first half of next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will remain in control of the weather today providing us with more dry, chilly and sunny conditions. Low pressure and its associated cold frontal system will then impact the area with some rain from late tomorrow into Friday morning before high pressure - and a fresh, cold air mass - returns for the upcoming weekend. Noticeably milder weather is on tap in the Mid-Atlantic region for the first half of next week.

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