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10:45 AM | *Yet another cloudy day in the Mid-Atlantic region, but sunshine will indeed soon make a return and there will be an accompanying warming trend…next cold front arrives this weekend*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

10:45 AM | *Yet another cloudy day in the Mid-Atlantic region, but sunshine will indeed soon make a return and there will be an accompanying warming trend…next cold front arrives this weekend*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front arrives in the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend and it’ll result in noticeably cooler and less humid conditions for Sunday and Monday of early next week.  Map courtesy NOAA,

A strong cold front arrives in the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend and it’ll result in noticeably cooler and less humid conditions for Sunday and Monday of early next week. Map courtesy NOAA,


It has been a drab and dreary weather pattern in the Mid-Atlantic region during the past several days with plenty of low-level moisture and rather stubborn cloudiness.  Thick clouds rule the skies today and will likely do so again for much of Wednesday; however, there is reason to believe sunshine will return later in the week and this will be accompanied by a warming trend.  In fact, temperatures by Friday afternoon should climb into the 80’s across much of the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. A strong cold front arrives this weekend bringing with it a chance of showers and thunderstorms and it’ll turn noticeably cooler on Sunday and Monday.

The return of sunshine will boost temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic region during the second half of the week.  Map courtesy NOAA,

The return of sunshine will boost temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic region during the second half of the week. Map courtesy NOAA,


Clouds dominate the skies once again today in the Mid-Atlantic region as low-level onshore flow continues to push in lots of low-level moisture from the Atlantic Ocean.  Patchy fog could form again in the late night hours and Wednesday will feature plenty of clouds. However, there will be a shift in low-level winds to a southwesterly direction at mid-week and skies could brighten during the PM hours on Wednesday. In fact, the change in low-level winds should result in a decent amount of sunshine on Thursday and Friday and this will result in a warming trend such that by week’s end afternoon highs will be back up in the 80’s all across the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor.

Much cooler weather returns to the Mid-Atlantic on Sunday and Monday following the passage of a strong cold front. Map courtesy NOAA,

Much cooler weather returns to the Mid-Atlantic on Sunday and Monday following the passage of a strong cold front. Map courtesy NOAA,

A strong cold front will arrive this weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region bringing with it a chance of showers and thunderstorms from later Saturday into Saturday night.  This front will tend to slow down on Saturday and low pressure may try to form along its boundary zone which could enhance rain chances around here during the first half of the upcoming weekend.  Following the frontal passage, cooler and less humid conditions will push into the I-95 corridor for the Sunday/Monday time period and there will be a noticeable NW breeze as high pressure expands eastward.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian
King of Prussia, PA