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1:20 PM (Tuesday) | *A stretch of cool, dry weather following today’s frontal passage…late night lows in the 40’s for many suburban locations along the I-95 corridor*


Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

1:20 PM (Tuesday) | *A stretch of cool, dry weather following today’s frontal passage…late night lows in the 40’s for many suburban locations along the I-95 corridor*

Paul Dorian

Cooler-than-normal conditions will rule in the Northeast US as we end the month of September. Map courtesy NOAA,

Cooler-than-normal conditions will rule in the Northeast US as we end the month of September. Map courtesy NOAA,


A cold front continues to push slowly to the south and east today generating scattered showers and thunderstorms in the Mid-Atlantic region and it should clear the coast by midnight.  As a result, clearing skies will set in late tonight and it’ll turn quite cool by tomorrow morning with a few suburban locations likely to drop into the 40’s.  In fact, the next few nights could feature overnight lows in the 40’s in suburban locations to the north and west of the big cities along the I-95 corridor.  In terms of rainfall, following today’s frontal precipitation, it looks to be dry for the next few days following today’s precipitation associated with the cold frontal system. 

Temperatures could drop into the 40’s late tonight across some suburban locations and perhaps even more likely late tomorrow night and late Thursday night.  Map courtesy NOAA,

Temperatures could drop into the 40’s late tonight across some suburban locations and perhaps even more likely late tomorrow night and late Thursday night. Map courtesy NOAA,


As we approach the end of the month, a cool and dry air mass will push into the Mid-Atlantic region following the passage of a cold frontal system.  That front has caused scattered showers and thunderstorms and some of the storms have been on the strong side, but this should not turn into a heavy rain event.  Sunshine will return in full force on Wednesday and there should be plenty of sun each day into the weekend to go along with somewhat cooler-than-normal temperatures.  The next chance of rain around here is likely to be no earlier than Sunday night or Monday when the next frontal system approaches the Mid-Atlantic region. High temperatures during the mid and late week are likely to end up in the range from the upper 60’s to the lower 70’s and late night lows could be in the mid or upper 40’s across many suburban locations in the I-95 corridor.  The normal highs and lows for this time of year are as follows: Philly 74/56, DC 76/60, and NYC 72/58 (degrees F).

Meteorologist Paul Dorian

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