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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Great start to the week

Paul Dorian

Large high pressure shifts to the east coast today and southerly winds on its backside will boost temperatures around here to near 80 degrees for afternoon highs.  A weak frontal system approaches the area on Tuesday and it could spark a shower or thunderstorm, but it does not look like a significant event.

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7:00 AM | **Another severe weather threat today as this active pattern continues**

Paul Dorian

The active pattern continues today with another strong upper-level wave of energy impacting the region and one band of showers and thunderstorms is now pushing northeastward well to the south and east of the immediate Huntsville area. This upper-level feature will combine with a strengthening low-level jet and likely bring us another round of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and some of those storms can be on the strong-to-severe side. Following a strong cold frontal passage, overall northwest flow will develop on Thursday and we’ll turn noticeably cooler for the rest of the week. The weekend is looking quite nice with a significant warming trend.

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7:00 AM | *Yet another round of showers and thunderstorms on the way after a nice Tuesday...some of the storms can be strong-to-severe*

Paul Dorian

The active pattern continues, but today we'll see a nice break in the action.  However, another strong upper-level low will bring another round of showers and thunderstorms to the Tennessee Valley on Wednesday and some of the storms can be on the strong-to-severe side. Following a strong cold frontal passage, overall northwest flow will develop and we’ll turn noticeably cooler later in the week, but the weekend is looking quite nice.

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7:00 AM | **Active pattern continues to bring us rain and thunderstorms...some of the rain will be heavy and some of the storms can be strong-to-severe**

Paul Dorian

An on-going active weather pattern across the nation will bring yet another strong upper-level trough into the Tennessee Valley as we begin the new work week.  Widespread showers and strong-to-severe thunderstorms impacted Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi on Sunday and Sunday night and the remains of this activity have now reached our region. There is the good chance for some of the rain to be heavy at times this morning and some of the storms to be on the strong-to-severe side across northern Alabama, but the overall timing of this event puts areas to our south and east of having a better chance at severe weather later in the day. Another threat for showers and thunderstorms will occur here on Wednesday and this can result in some severe thunderstorm activity.

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7:00 AM | *Next shot at severe weather comes late Sunday night/Monday*

Paul Dorian

After yesterday’s active weather, today will be a more tranquil day across northern Alabama as high pressure builds in following a frontal passage.  As a result, the end of the work week and both days of the weekend will turn out to be pretty decent days and quite warm for the beginning of April.  By Sunday, however, a deep trough will be exiting  the southwest US and it will approach this area by late Sunday night and Monday.  This upper-level feature combined with warm, humid air entrenched air at the surface level will likely spark the formation of showers and thunderstorms and the threat for severe weather will likely be a component in this on-going active weather pattern.

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12:40 PM | **Active weather pattern to bring heavy rain to the Mid-Atlantic, significant snow to interior upstate NY/New England/Colorado Rockies, and severe weather to the Midwest, southern US**

Paul Dorian

The next week to ten days will feature numerous strong upper-level waves of energy traveling from the eastern Pacific Ocean all way across to the northeastern US on a fairly regular basis averaging every few days or so. Today's tranquil weather in the Mid-Atlantic region will soon give way to a major rain event for the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor that could result in more than two inches of rain by early Saturday in some spots. This active weather pattern will not only bring soaking rain to the Mid-Atlantic as we close out this current work week, but there will be another chance for significant rain early next week and then yet another chance late next week. In addition to the heavy rain in the Mid-Atlantic, this active pattern will bring substantial springtime snowfall to interior upstate New York and New England as well as across the Colorado Rockies in the western US. Severe weather will also be a major consequence of this energetic weather pattern with numerous threats coming to the Midwest, south-central, and southeastern US.

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7:00 AM | *Showers and thunderstorms today with a severe weather threat and pattern repeats early next week as active pattern continues*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will bring another wave of upper-level energy into the region today and the likelihood for more showers and thunderstorms from mid-affternoon on through the evening.  In fact, the unfolding pattern featuring a strong upper-level jet streak across the Gulf states and a surge of warm, humid air from the Gulf of Mexico into the region, could result in severe weather later today/early tonight across much of northern Alabama.  Yet another wave is likely to arrive Sunday night/Monday and bring us another round of showers and thunderstorms as well as a threat for more severe weather. 

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7:00 AM | *The threat for showers and thunderstorms on Thursday and severe weather is possible*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will edge into the region today, but this unfolding very active weather pattern will bring another wave of upper-level energy into the region on Thursday and the chance for more showers and thunderstorms.  In fact, the potential atmospheric setup on Thursday with a strong upper-level trough in the Southern Plains and a warm surge of humid air from the Gulf of Mexico into the region, could result in severe weather across northern Alabama.  Yet another wave is likely to arrive early next week and bring us another threat for showers and thunderstorms.

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