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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | Calmer today following passage of strong cold frontal system

Paul Dorian

An eastward-moving strong cold front will continue to push towards the east coast today and we’ll experience cooler conditions around here following its passage and only a slight chance of showers. High pressure will take over for the weekend and both days should feature mild conditions and plenty of sunshine. One final note, it is time once again to turn back the clocks this weekend – a sure sign that winter is fast approaching.

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7:00 AM | **Severe thunderstorm threat this morning**

Paul Dorian

Deep upper-level trough will shift from the central US to the Tennessee Valley over the next 24 hours and a strong cold front will slide slowly to the east in this same time period. Low pressure along the frontal boundary zone will help to generate some heavy rainfall today from the Ohio Valley southward to the northern Gulf region and there will be the threat for some severe weather in much of the Southeast US including Alabama and Georgia. The cold front will slide across the region by early Friday and usher in a cooler air mass for the end of the week and upcoming weekend. One reminder, it is time once again to turn the clocks back this weekend early on Sunday morning.

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7:00 AM | *Heavy rain and severe weather a threat from later tonight into tomorrow*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will form along the strong cold front in the central US and vigorous upper-level support will combine to help to generate a significant precipitation event from later today through Thursday in the region from the Rockies to the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. Severe weather could also get involved with this unfolding pattern on Thursday across much of the southern US including here in northern Alabama. Cooler air will follow the frontal passage at the end of the week and for the upcoming “turn-the-clocks back” weekend.

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11:50 AM | *Large scale precipitation event next few days to impact much of the nation*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front will slowly push across the nation over the next few days and it’ll have an important impact on a wide area from the Rockies to the eastern seaboard. A powerful digging jet stream in the upper atmosphere will help to carve out a deep upper-level trough by late in the week and the result of this overall unfolding weather pattern will be heavy snow across the Rockies, heavy rain in the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys, and a severe weather threat across much of the southern US. Rain will spread into the eastern US by Thursday night as the front continues to slide slowly to the east. The rain will likely continue into Friday night in the eastern US - possibly heavy at times - as low pressure forms along the frontal boundary zone.

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7:00 AM | Threat of some downpours and strong thunderstorms Wednesday night/Thursday

Paul Dorian

A deep upper-level trough of low pressure will form over the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys later this week and impact the weather around here in terms of temperatures and precipitation. First, a warm up will ensue ahead of the front which could bring our highs to near 80 degrees at mid-week. Second, the chances for showers and thunderstorms will increase markedly with the arrival of the front later in the week and there can be some heavy rain and strong thunderstorm activity Wednesday night and Thursday before it turns cooler again at week’s end.

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7:00 AM | Nice start to the new week

Paul Dorian

Upper-level ridging will edge into the Tennessee Valley as we begin the new work and our weather will respond with a warming trend and generally rain-free conditions for the next couple of days. By the middle of the week, however, a deep upper-level trough of low pressure will form over the Midwest and Tennessee Valley and our chances for showers and thunderstorms will increase noticeably and there is going to be a late week cooling trend.

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7:00 AM | Low pressure to intensify later today along the Carolina coastline

Paul Dorian

Low pressure is headed towards the Carolina coastline with plenty of moisture and it’ll keep us cool and unsettled into the weekend. A couple of waves of energy in the upper part of the atmosphere will form a deep and broad trough across the Tennessee Valley that will not only keep us unsettled, but also on the cool side of normal into the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Large area of moisture pulls out of the Gulf of Mexico and heads northeast*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure over the Gulf of Mexico will have lots of moisture associated with it and begin to move northeastward over the next couple of days towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline. The threat for showers and thunderstorms will increase today and remain quite high into Friday as well. A wave of energy in the upper atmosphere will rotate through a deep and broad trough and keep it unsettled and chilly around here this weekend and into early next week with additional showers likely.

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7:00 AM | Low pressure to impact the region later this week as it pulls out of the Gulf of Mexico and heads towards the east coast

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will edge into the Great Lakes region over the next day or so and it will broaden and deepen noticeably by the early part of the weekend. As a result, the weather trend around here will be for cooler conditions and an increasing chance of showers. In fact, lots of moisture will gather over the Gulf of Mexico during the next couple of days and this moist air will push northeastward at the end of the week resulting in rain across the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | Nice day around here today...watching moisture gather over the Gulf of Mexico

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the Mid-Atlantic region today will shift to the east and out over the western part of the Atlantic Ocean and southwesterly flow of air will boost temperatures somewhat for the next couple of days. An upper-level trough will edge into the region at mid-week from the central US and the trend will be for cooler temperatures and an increased chance of showers. Looking ahead, there are signs that moisture over the Gulf of Mexico will push northeastward this weekend and the result could be more rain in the Tennessee Valley.

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