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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Cold front approaches the region and raises the chances for showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low will slide into the Tennessee Valley as we begin the new work week and it’ll destabilize the atmosphere as a cold front approaches the area. As a result, there will be an increasing chance of showers over the next 12-18 hours and perhaps a few thunderstorms can mix in as well. The cold front will push through late today and usher in much cooler air for Tuesday, but a warm up will begin at mid-week.

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7:00 AM | *A nice way to end the work week*

Paul Dorian

A ridge of high pressure will build into the region today and it’ll turn slightly milder and a relatively nice weekend is in store for the Tennessee Valley. The early-to-middle part of next week will become more unsettled around here as a deep upper-level low will drift eastward from the middle of the nation and into the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Weekend appears to be shaping up nicely*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will approach the area today and it’ll bring some clouds with it and the slight chance for shower activity. A ridge of high pressure will then build into the region on Friday and it’ll turn milder and a relatively nice weekend is in store for the Tennessee Valley. The early-to-middle part of next week will become very unsettled around here as a deep upper-level low will drift eastward from the middle of the nation and into the Tennessee Valley.

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7:00 AM | *Shower threat returns later tonight*

Paul Dorian

After a cool start to the day, mainly sunny skies should boost temperatures to the 60’s this afternoon as high pressure remains in control. An upper-level trough will approach the region tonight and Wednesday and this will raise the chances for showers in the Tennessee Valley. In general, conditions will remain mild and unsettled for the latter part of the week with a shower threat continuing.

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7:00 AM | *Decent start to the new work week*

Paul Dorian

Dry and seasonably mild conditions will persist through the first half of the week as an upper-level trough remains over the eastern US while surface high pressure settles into the southeastern states. Temperatures today and Tuesday will be a bit cooler than recent days, but it’ll turn milder at mid-week and for the latter part of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Very mild today ahead of next cold front, but there will be showers and potential thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn very warm today across northern Alabama with strong winds and occasional showers and thunderstorms. A strong cold front will approach the region later today and generate the unsettled conditions in the Tennessee Valley. Following the frontal passage, it’ll turn cooler for Friday and for the upcoming weekend, but rain-free conditions should prevail.

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9:50 AM | **Powerhouse storm in nation’s midsection to have wide ranging impacts**

Paul Dorian

All the ingredients are coming together for rapid intensification today of low pressure as it pulls out of Colorado and moves into western Kansas.  In fact, the central barometric pressure of this intensifying low pressure system could bottom out near 28.67 inches later today and some spots may very well reach record low levels; especially, across Colorado and Kansas.  The combination of a strong “negatively-tilted” wave of energy in the upper atmosphere, sharp low-level temperature gradient, and powerful jet streaks in the atmosphere will help generate this powerhouse storm system that will have wide ranging impacts from blizzard conditions to its north and west to extreme winds and potential severe thunderstorms on its south and east side. 

Wind gusts are likely to surpass hurricane-force levels later today in a wide part of the nation from New Mexico/Texas to southern Nebraska and perhaps even to 90+ mph in places like Colorado and Kansas. These extreme wind gusts are unfortunately likely to result in widespread power outages, downed or damaged trees and very difficult travel conditions. Blizzard warnings have been posted all the way from Colorado to Minnesota/North Dakota for the expected heavy snowfall and extremely strong winds.

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7:00 AM | *70 degrees on the table for this afternoon*

Paul Dorian

It’ll turn very mild today across northern Alabama with partly sunny skies and temperatures near the 70 degree mark for afternoon highs. This warming trend will intensify a bit on Thursday as we’ll likely climb into the 70’s ahead of the next cold front, but with the warm up will come an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms. Following a late week frontal passage, it’ll turn cooler for Friday and for the upcoming weekend, but rain-free conditions should prevail.

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