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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Heavy rainfall threat next couple days will give way to excessive heat and humidity**

Paul Dorian

A moist atmosphere set up by the remains of Barry will likely result in showers and thunderstorms for the region today and tomorrow and some of the rain will be heavy at times. After this moisture field pushes away, excessive heat and humidity will become the big weather story for the latter part of the week and weekend. In fact, after a flirt with the 90 degrees mark for highs over the next couple of days, temperatures are likely to climb to the low-to-mid 90’s on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Excessive heat by the weekend with highs in the mid 90's on Friday, Saturday, Sunday**

Paul Dorian

A moist atmosphere set up by the remains of Barry will again likely result in showers and thunderstorms for the region today and tomorrow and then the excessive heat will be the big story for the latter part of the week and weekend. In fact, after a flirt with the 90 degrees mark for highs over the next couple of days, temperatures are likely to climb to the mid 90’s on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Lots of moisture remains in the region...heat really dominates the weather story later in the week*

Paul Dorian

A very moist atmosphere set up by the remains of Barry will again likely result in showers and thunderstorms for the region today and Tuesday and then the heat will be the big story for the latter part of the week. In fact, after a flirt with the 90 degrees mark for highs during the first half of the week, temperatures are likely to climb to the mid 90’s by Friday and Saturday.

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7:00 AM | *Weekend hurricane threat centered on Louisiana*

Paul Dorian

A tropical system over the Gulf of Mexico has intensified into tropical storm status (named Barry) and it could reach hurricane status by later tonight or early tomorrow. This system is slowly drifting towards the Louisiana coastline and could make landfall in the south-central part of the state by early Saturday as a cat 1 hurricane or a strong tropical storm. With the building ridge of high pressure to the northwest, this system will remain a slow mover and this will only exacerbate the flooding potential. The Mississippi River which flows into the Gulf of Mexico is already running at high levels as a result of heavy snow melt and flooding rains this spring season.

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11:20 AM | *Gulf hurricane threat continues with possible Louisiana landfall by the early weekend…strong-to-severe thunderstorm threat this afternoon and tonight in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US*

Paul Dorian

A broad area of low pressure is drifting westward this morning over the Gulf of Mexico and there is not yet a well-defined center of circulation.  As atmospheric conditions become more favorable and the system moves over warmer-than-normal water, intensification will become more likely and tropical storm status could be attained by later tonight or early tomorrow and perhaps (weak) hurricane status can be reached by later tomorrow night.  A turn to the northwest by the early part of the weekend could bring this tropical system into central Louisiana and it’ll likely remain a relatively slow-mover raising the chances for substantial amounts of rainfall across southern Louisiana and parts of Mississippi as well over the next few days.  Elsewhere, there is a threat this afternoon and tonight in the I-95 corridor for strong-to-severe thunderstorms – any one of these storms can bring heavy downpours to an already-soaked part of the country.

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7:00 AM | *Weekend hurricane threat in the Gulf with a focus on central Louisiana*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure that pushed over the northeastern Gulf of Mexico yesterday will get better organized later today and it is very likely to reach named (Barry) tropical storm status by later today or early tomorrow. There are reasons to believe that the combination of favorable atmospheric and oceanic conditions will allow for this more rapid strengthening over the next 24-36 hours and this could result in a category 1 or 2 hurricane by the time it closes in on the central Louisiana coastline. With a building ridge to the northwest, there is the good chance that this system will remain a slow mover and this will only enhance chances for some serious rainfall in the Gulf of Mexico region from northeastern Texas to Mississippi and with a focus on southern Louisiana.

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7:00 AM | *Tropical system could have a direct impact on Louisiana/Texas border region this weekend - perhaps even as a hurricane*

Paul Dorian

All eyes continue to focus on the Gulf of Mexico as a tropical system will intensify over the next couple of days into named (Barry) tropical storm status. This system is likely to drift to the west over the next couple of days and it could very well have a direct impact on the Texas/Louisiana border region this weekend – perhaps even as a hurricane category status 1 or 2. Whether or not hurricane status is actually reached, there will be very heavy rainfall over much of the Gulf coastal region; especially, across southern Louisiana…stay tuned.

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7:00 AM | *All eyes on the Gulf of Mexico for tropical development*

Paul Dorian

The main weather story of the week could turn out to be the formation of a named tropical system over the northern Gulf of Mexico. Broad low pressure will drift westward over the northern Gulf in coming days and favorable atmospheric conditions combined with warmer-than-normal sea surface temperatures will likely lead to intensification by the end of the week. Whether or not tropical storm status is actually reached, there will be heavy rainfall this week over much of the Gulf region…stay tuned.

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1:45 PM | *All eyes on the Gulf of Mexico this week for likely tropical storm formation*

Paul Dorian

Overall activity in this still rather young Atlantic Basin tropical season has been pretty much non-existent so far, but it looks like the Gulf of Mexico will be the breeding grounds this week for tropical storm development.  Low pressure will first drift southward to a location over the northern Gulf of Mexico over the next couple of days and then drift westward across the northern Gulf of Mexico and likely intensify into tropical storm status – perhaps even reaching hurricane status.  All eyes from the Florida Panhandle to Texas should closely monitor this unfolding situation as heavy rainfall is likely whether or not there is a named tropical system (would be called Barry).

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7:00 AM | *All eyes on the Gulf of Mexico...possible tropical storm formation later in the week*

Paul Dorian

The main weather story of this week could turn out to be the formation of a tropical storm – potentially even a hurricane – over the Gulf of Mexico. Low pressure this morning over the Southeast US will drop southward to a position over the Gulf of Mexico over the next couple of days. From there, this system could very well intensify into a named tropical storm as it churns over the northern of Mexico and there is an outside shot at it strengthening into hurricane status later in the week…stay tuned

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