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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

1:00 PM | *Cold front inching its way through the region…tropical troubles with a possible hurricane off the east coast early next week*

Paul Dorian

A refreshing air mass for this time of year has arrived and the cold front that ushered in this change it is only slowing grinding its way through the region.  As a result, occasional showers will continue this afternoon in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor and some of the rain can come down hard at times.  There can also be an embedded thunderstorm or two along the frontal boundary zone; primarily, to the south of the PA/MD border. 

On the tropical scene, low pressure just east of the Upper Florida Keys at mid-day will slowly drift west over the next day or so which will move it over the Florida Peninsula and this should limit development.  After that, this tropical system should push back to the northeast and over the western Atlantic where sea surface temperatures are running at warmer-than-normal levels.  Consequently, this system should intensify later in the weekend and into the early part of next week - perhaps becoming the next named tropical storm or even a hurricane.

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7:00 AM | *Temperatures generally confined to the 80's for highs next several days*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will drop southeastward into the Tennessee Valley today and it’ll keep it quite unsettled around here with the continuing threat of showers and thunderstorms. The good news is that the excessive heat of earlier this week will be replaced by a more comfortable air mass and highs will generally fall in the mid-to-upper 80’s range during the next several days.

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1:30 PM | *Strong thunderstorm and heavy rain threat tonight…refreshing air mass for the weekend (and possibly another one for next weekend)…potential tropical activity next week to ten days*

Paul Dorian

There is a refreshing air mass headed our way for this weekend and there are signs that there could be a repeat performance for next (Labor Day) weekend as well with both air masses backed up by strong high pressure to the north and west.  The transition from today’s warmth and high humidity to below-normal temperatures will likely come with one more round of heavy rainfall and strong thunderstorms as the cold from arrives late this evening.  The threat for showers and thunderstorms will continue into Friday as the front grinds its way through the region, but late tomorrow and much of the weekend will feature drier weather and comfortable temperatures and humidity levels. 

On the tropical scene, low pressure will meander off the eastern seaboard over the next several days and given the warm waters in that part of the western Atlantic, tropical storm formation is not out of the question.  Later next week or during the Labor Day weekend, there are signs for some potential activity over the Gulf of Mexico where sea surface temperatures are quite warm as well.

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7:00 AM | *Slight, but welcome downward trend in temperatures next few days*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will drop southeastward over the next couple of days from the northern US towards this area and it’ll keep it quite unsettled around here with the continuing threat of showers and thunderstorms. In fact, a very moist environment will make the chances for showers and thunderstorms quite high during the next couple of days and any rain can be heavy at times. Temperatures will trend downward from highs in the lower 90’s this afternoon to the mid 80’s by early next week as a more comfortable air mass pushes into the Tennessee Valley.

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12:45 PM | *Severe storm threat later today/tonight and it’ll continue into Friday when much cooler air arrives…the latest on a more active Atlantic Basin tropical scene*

Paul Dorian

There is a much cooler air mass headed this way for Friday, Saturday and Sunday and it’ll be an active stretch of weather in the Mid-Atlantic as we make that transition from today’s heat and humidity to the weekend comfort. There is a threat for strong-to-severe thunderstorms later today and tonight in the Mid-Atlantic region and northeast US as a surface low pressure trough will combine with high humidity and upper-level energy to destabilize the atmosphere later in the day. The threat for showers and thunderstorms will continue from Thursday/Thursday night into Friday as a strong cool front only slowly grinds its way through the region. Elsewhere, a minimal tropical storm (Chantal) has formed out over the open Atlantic Ocean and is no threat to the US; however, another system now near the Bahamas will have to be closely monitored in the coming week or so.

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7:00 AM | *Another day with high heat and humidity*

Paul Dorian

It’ll be another day with excessive heat and humidity in the Tennessee Valley as high pressure remains stuck to our west and there is the chance for PM showers and thunderstorms. A frontal system will drop southeastward over the next couple of days from the northern US towards this area and that’ll keep it quite unsettled with the continuing threat of showers and thunderstorms. In fact, a very moist environment will make the chances for showers and thunderstorms quite high during much of the second half of the week.

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7:00 AM | *The heat continues next few days, but some hope for improvement by the weekend*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain hot again today in the northern Alabama region with highs likely in the middle 90’s to go along with scattered showers and thunderstorms. The chance for showers and storms may increase on Wednesday as northwest flow aloft sets up with upper-level ridging over the Central Plains. The chance for showers and storms will continue on Thursday as a frontal system drops southeastward from the north-central states and its passage should usher in more comfortable air by the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Uncomfortable heat and humidity to start the new week*

Paul Dorian

The tropics remain quiet, but there are signs that activity may pick up again in the near term and the western Gulf of Mexico may be the region to focus on late this week or during the upcoming weekend. In this particular part of the Gulf, sea surface temperatures are especially warm relative-to-normal and this could fuel the formation of a tropical system. Meanwhile, as high pressure ridging strengthens over the western Atlantic, very hot and humid conditions will prevail across the Tennessee Valley during the next few days. In fact, temperatures should reach the middle 90’s for highs through mid-week, but a more comfortable air mass should arrive by the latter part of the week anchored by high pressure over the Great Lakes.

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7:00 AM | *Quite hot and humid conditions continue all across the southern US*

Paul Dorian

The tropics remain quiet, but there are signs that activity may pick up again in the near term and the Gulf of Mexico may be the region to focus on in a week or so. Meanwhile, as high pressure ridging strengthens over the southern US, very hot and humid conditions will dominate the scene in the Tennessee Valley for the next few days. In fact, temperatures could reach the middle 90’s for highs on both Saturday and Sunday with only a slight downturn expected as we begin the new work week. Showers and thunderstorms will be scattered during the weekend, but their chances will be on the rise as we get into the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | **Get ready for a hot weekend**

Paul Dorian

As high pressure ridging strengthens over the southern US, excessive heat and humidity will make a return to the Tennessee Valley beginning this weekend. In fact, temperatures could reach the mid-to-upper 90’s for highs on both Saturday and Sunday with only a slight downturn expected as we begin the new work week. Showers and thunderstorms are not too likely during the next couple of days, but their chances will be on the rise as we get into the early part of next week.

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