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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Downright chilly tonight as we usher in the new year*

Paul Dorian

It’ll be on the cool side as we close out the year and temperatures overnight should drop all the way to the freezing mark in many spots. The dry weather on Wednesday, New Year’s Day, will likely give way to some shower activity in the wee hours of Thursday morning and then it’ll turn milder again by week’s end.

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7:00 AM | *A cold front passed through the region in the overnight hours, but only a moderate cool down behind it to start the new week*

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region in the wee hours of the morning and a westerly flow of air behind will limit the cooling effects today and temperatures will still be able to make it into the middle 50’s for afternoon highs. It’ll turn slightly cooler on Tuesday, but the cool down will be replaced by milder and more humid air for much of the second half of the week with a shower threat likely on Thursday and Friday.

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7:00 AM | *60's to close out the week*

Paul Dorian

An inflow of moisture will increase in the area today as a storm system begins to take shape across the southern Plains. As the storm begins to push to the northeast, our chance for showers will increase and the threat for rain will continue into Saturday as well. Showers and even thunderstorms are likely on Sunday as well as a cold front arrives in the region and then it’ll turn cooler and drier early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Warmer conditions with the return of some sunshine*

Paul Dorian

Deep upper-level low pressure that has been impacting the southeast US during the past few days has finally pushed off the coastline. High pressure will take over control of the weather around here – just in time for a nice Christmas Day - and it’ll turn warmer as well. The nicer stretch of weather should continue through the remainder of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Low pressure pushes into the Carolinas today...improvement not far behind around here*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will shift into the Carolinas today and light rain this morning will taper off around here and then drier air filters in this afternoon. Mainly clear skies will return for tonight and Tuesday as high pressure pushes into the Tennessee Valley and it’ll turn noticeably milder. In fact, the warmth will stick around for much of the mid and late week time periods as ridging takes control in the middle of the nation and we’ll stay warmer-than-normal around here.

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7:00 AM | *Back to the 60's early next week*

Paul Dorian

The main weather story over the next few days will be a developing storm over the Gulf of Mexico early this weekend that will push to the east over the Florida Peninsula by Saturday night and Sunday. This system is likely to generate showers around here beginning later Saturday and they’ll likely continue on and off through the day on Sunday. High pressure ridging will likely build back into the Tennessee Valley early next week and this will lead to milder conditions with highs back in the 60’s on Monday, Tuesday and Christmas Day (Wednesday).

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11:30 AM (Thursday) | **A major storm to impact Florida this weekend and much of the Southeast US**

Paul Dorian

The weather looks quite favorable this weekend for traveling purposes from the Mid-Atlantic to the Upper Midwest, but a major storm will impact Florida and the rest of the Southeast US.  A slow-moving and deep upper-level low pressure system will spin from the south-central US to the northern Gulf of Mexico by later this weekend and the result will be a strong surface storm that will likely bring a widespread 2-3 inch rainfall to Florida and much of the Southeast US from Louisiana to the Carolinas.

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7:00 AM | *Shower threat here this weekend from Gulf of Mexico storm system*

Paul Dorian

The main weather story over the next few days will be a developing storm over the Gulf of Mexico this weekend that will push to the east over the Florida Peninsula. This system is likely to generate showers around beginning Saturday morning and they’ll likely continue on and off into the day on Sunday. High pressure ridging will likely build back into the Tennessee Valley early next week and this will lead to milder conditions with highs back in the 60’s on Monday and Tuesday.

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7:00 AM | *Chilly air mass remains in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

On the heels of a strong cold frontal passage, it turned noticeably colder on Tuesday and it’ll stay on the chilly side today as well. It’ll stay on the cool side from tonight through Friday as well with temperatures likely held to near 50 degrees for afternoon highs. Strong low pressure is forecast to develop in the Gulf of Mexico this weekend and move across the Florida Peninsula.

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11:45 AM (Tuesday) | ***An Arctic blast for tomorrow night and Thursday in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US***

Paul Dorian

The low pressure system that resulted in a wintry mix of precipitation in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US over the past 24 hours or so will reach a position off the New England coastline by later today.  This system will drag a cold front through the I-95 corridor by early tonight and winds will pick up as a moderately cold air mass moves into the area.  Watch for icy spots later tonight as temperatures drop into the 20’s in most areas and there may still be some wet roadways. Another front will arrive in the I-95 corridor tomorrow afternoon and this front will represent the leading edge of an Arctic air mass.  The arrival of the Arctic frontal system on Wednesday afternoon will be accompanied by strong wind gusts, scattered snow showers, and perhaps an isolated snow squall or two.  It’ll stay windy tomorrow night and on Thursday and it’ll turn sharply colder with some of the lowest wind chill values and temperatures of the season so far in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US.

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