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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Severe weather threat coming to the Tennessee Valley**

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm will intensify today over the south-central US and begin a very unsettled period for us here in the Tennessee Valley. This storm will amplify over Texas today and then trek towards the eastern Great Lakes on Saturday and then into New England by early Sunday. Ingredients are likely to come together for a severe weather outbreak in the southern US from later today through the day on Saturday. Severe thunderstorms are possible here from late tonight into tomorrow night with damaging winds and heavy rain being the main threats and there can be some tornadic activity as well in this part of the nation. The weather settles down on Sunday around here following the passage of a cool frontal system.

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3:00 PM (Thursday) | *Major storm to impact the central and eastern US next few days…hazards to include heavy rain/severe weather in the warm sector...significant snow/ice on the cold side*

Paul Dorian

A major storm is going to become a multi-hazard event for much of the eastern half of the nation during the next few days. The storm will begin to unfold on Friday in the south-central US and then trek northeast to a position near the Great Lakes by Saturday evening and then over New England on Sunday.  Heavy rain and severe weather is likely to take place south and east of the storm track and significant snow and ice is likely to its north and west. The impact in the I-95 corridor will be to bring unusually warm conditions this weekend with highs generally in the 60’s and there will be some rainfall, stiff winds, and perhaps a heavy thunderstorm or two.

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7:00 AM | *Severe weather threat for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

A major storm will form over the south-central US by early this weekend and it has the potential to bring severe weather to the Tennessee Valley. An upper-level trough will swing from the Rockies to the central Plains over the next couple of days and southerly flow will begin to increase in the region. A warming trend will begin today and intensify on Saturday with highs likely to reach the 70 degree mark on Saturday afternoon. Rain will accompany this warm up from later Friday into the weekend to go along with the developing unusually warm conditions. Thunderstorms are also likely to form and there is the potential for severe weather on Saturday as low pressure pulls out of the south-central US and treks towards the Great Lakes.

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1:30 PM (Wednesday) | *Multi-hazard event this weekend as major storm impacts much of the eastern half of the nation*

Paul Dorian

A major storm system this weekend is going to become a multi-hazard event for much of the eastern half of the nation. The storm will begin to unfold later Friday in the south-central US and then trek northeast to a position near the eastern Great Lakes by Saturday evening and then it’ll end up in New England by early Sunday.  Heavy rain and severe weather is likely to take place on Saturday south and east of the storm system and significant snow and ice is likely to its north and west. The I-95 corridor region from DC-to-Philly-to-NYC will experience unusual warmth on Saturday afternoon (e.g., 65 degrees in DC) and then some rainfall and possible thunderstorms on Saturday night and Sunday. 

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7:00 AM | *Severe weather threat for the region this weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure stays in control today and the overall weather pattern looks quite mild for the next several days. However, with the mild conditions comes the chance for rain by Friday and Saturday and there can be thunderstorms mixed into the picture. A storm system that threatens us with rain and mild conditions this weekend also poses a threat for severe weather and we’ll monitor that possibility over the next couple of days.

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7:00 AM | *A cool day will be followed by a cold night and overnight lows near the freezing mark*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will intensify over the Tennessee Valley early today and head towards the coastal waters of the Mid-Atlantic by early tonight. The result around here will be a tightening pressure gradient and gusty northwest winds; especially, in higher elevation locations. By tonight, high pressure will shift overhead and this will allow for excellent radiational cooling and low temperatures near freezing by morning. As the high shifts to the east at mid-week, it’ll turn warmer and highs will back to near 60 degrees by Thursday afternoon.

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7:00 AM | *A relatively mild week for early January*

Paul Dorian

A low pressure system is likely to develop over the Tennessee Valley on Tuesday as two waves of energy aloft try to consolidate – one moving along in the northern stream and the other in the southern stream. This low pressure area will push moisture into the region and the threat for showers will increase late tonight. The overall pattern will remain rather mild for early January and we can climb into the 60’s at the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *More rain today and then a colder air mass arrives for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

The soaking rain even that began on Thursday will continue today with occasional showers and possibly a thunderstorm or two. An additional half inch of rainfall is possible from today’s action on top of what fell yesterday and last night in the northern Alabama region. It’ll stay quite mild today with continuation of warm air advection and highs are likely to be in the 60’s across the region. The low pressure system associated with an upper-level trough will move from the southern Plains early Saturday to the Ohio Valley and drag a cold front through our region early in the day. Colder air will surge into the region later in the day and lows late tomorrow night are likely to be near the 30 degree mark across the region.

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7:00 AM | *A heavy rain event is underway for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

A heavy rain event is underway for the region as copious amounts of moisture flow northward from the Gulf of Mexico as a trough of low pressure continues to track eastward. There will be occasional showers today and tonight with embedded thunderstorms possible and some of the rain is likely to be heavy at times. In fact, some spots in the Tennessee Valley can receive as much as two inches of rain by later tonight and flash flooding will likely become a concern.

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7:00 AM | *Soaking rain possible around here from late tonight into Friday*

Paul Dorian

The dry weather of today will give way to some shower activity by late tonight and periods of rain are possible on Thursday and Friday and there is the potential that some of the upcoming rainfall can be heavy at times. A trough of low pressure will intensify over the next couple of days as it slides towards the Tennessee Valley from the Rockies. On Friday, a trailing cold front will move through the region and this will act to push any rainfall to our east, but it’ll also result in a big time cool down to begin the weekend.

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