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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

11:45 AM (Friday) | *Potential major rain event next week from the Lower Mississippi Valley to the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

The weekend will turn out to be quite cold for this time of year in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US, but a warming trend will begin on Sunday across the Mississippi Valley. At the same time, a strong wave of energy in the upper part of the atmosphere will crash into California and this will become one key player in the eastern half of the nation by the middle of next week. The combination of warmer and increasingly humid air and strong energy aloft may very well result in a major rain event next week from the Lower Mississippi Valley to the eastern US.

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7:00 AM | **Chilly pattern continues as we end the work week...warmer next week and there is the chance for a significant rain event in the Tennessee Valley***

Paul Dorian

A weak disturbance will push into the Tennessee Valley region today and there may be some light rain shower activity as a result. Another disturbance rolls into the region tonight and it could generate a few snow showers, but it’ll push out of here as the weekend gets underway. High pressure builds across the SE US on Saturday and a warming trend will begin here that will take us back to the 70 degree mark for highs by Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. With the warm up, however, will come an increasing chance for showers and thunderstorms on both Tuesday and Wednesday. In fact, there is the potential for a heavy rain event in this time frame of Tuesday and Wednesday for the Tennessee Valley...stay tuned.

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7:00 AM | *Quite chilly today despite some sunshine...warming trend begins this weekend*

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front passed through the region on Wednesday and highs this afternoon will generally be confined to the middle 40’s despite plenty of sunshine. A gradual warming trend will begin on Friday and continue through the upcoming weekend as a surface high pressure system builds into the region. With the high overhead on Saturday night, temperatures will drop to chilly levels due to good radiational cooling conditions, but a southwesterly flow by the early part of next week will boost temperatures back into the 60’s.

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7:00 AM | *Cold frontal passage to bring about some cool changes for the second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

A strong upper-level trough will push out of the central US today and head to the eastern Great Lakes and this system will drag a cold front through the region. As a result, it’ll turn noticeably cooler here today and the breeze will be noticeable with a continuing chance of showers. Below-normal conditions will continue on Thursday as well and then we’ll have to watch for a possible “clipper-like” system quickly dropping from our northwest which could produce some snow shower activity in the region on Friday night or early Saturday.

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7:00 AM | *Warm again today with highs in the 60's*

Paul Dorian

High pressure has shifted to off the east coast and this will result in warmer conditions today across the Tennessee Valley. In addition to the warm up, it has turned more humid as Gulf of Mexico moisture pushed northward on the back side of the high pressure system and this will increase our chances for showers by tonight and Wednesday. It’ll turn cooler on Wednesday and then even colder for the latter part of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Cold today, but a warming trend begins this weekend...60's again for highs early next week*

Paul Dorian

In the wake of yesterday’s storm system, the week will close out on a cold, but dry note with afternoon highs confined to the middle 40’s. The normal high for this time of year is about 57 degrees so we’ll be well below as we head into the weekend. High pressure will settle in this weekend and a warming trend will begin across the Tennessee Valley. In fact, the 60’s are likely for highs around here by the early part of next week, but the warm up on Monday and Tuesday will also come with a chance of showers. It’ll turn colder again for the second half of next week following a mid-week cold frontal passage.

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7:00 AM | **A cold rain to start the day and there can be some snow and/or ice later today/early tonight across northeast Alabama and southern Tennessee**

Paul Dorian

Colder air has moved into the region and a large batch of moisture will head northeast today resulting in some rain around here and it might become just cold enough for a transition to snow and/or ice later today across northeast Alabama and southern middle Tennessee. In these colder areas, small accuumulations are even possible by early tonight. A clearing trend will develop late tonight as a large scale upper-level trough slides to the east of here and a reinforcing Arctic air mass will push in resulting in quite a cold finish to the work week and also to the beginning of the upcoming weekend. High pressure will settle in later in the weekend and a warming trend will begin. In fact, the lower 60’s are likely for highs around here by the early part of next week, but the warm up on Monday and Tuesday will also come with a chance of rain showers.

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12:20 PM (Wednesday) | *Accumulating snow threat continues for the region from southern Virginia to the Carolinas*

Paul Dorian

It has turned colder today across the Mid-Atlantic region and an even colder air mass will push in for tomorrow and Friday. At the same time, a large batch of moisture will push northeastward on Thursday and the combination of the fresh, cold air and moisture should lead to a significant snow event from southern Virginia-to-North Carolina-to-upstate South Carolina. As has been the case for much of the winter season, the corridor from DC-to-Philly-to-NYC will very likely escape without any appreciable snowfall, but there are some signs for more sustained cold and perhaps a better chance for snow as February winds down and March gets underway.

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7:00 AM | *Cooler following the passage of a frontal system*

Paul Dorian

A cold front has passed through the region bringing cooler air to the region and it’ll turn even colder on Thursday. It’ll stay quite unsettled as well with a chance of rain showers today and tonight and then a chance of rain and/or snow showers for tomorrow and tomorrow night. Dry and chilly weather conditions are likely for the end of the work week and then a warm up will take place this weekend and into the early part of next week.

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2:30 PM (Tuesday) | *Accumulating snow threat later in the week from southern Virginia to the Carolinas…only adds to the frustration for DC, Philly, NYC snow lovers…may be a bit of hope though*

Paul Dorian

It goes without saying that this winter has been very frustrating for snow lovers in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor as there just hasn’t been the right combination of cold and moisture to result in significant snowfall. A strong cold frontal passage at mid-week will indeed usher in a cold air mass fully capable of producing snow in the Mid-Atlantic region as long as moisture becomes available. In fact, there will be plenty of moisture meandering across the southern US over the next couple of days and it looks like some of this will northeastward into the Carolinas and as far north as southern Virginia at the same time this upcoming cold air mass becomes firmly established. The result may be a significant snow event from southern Virginia to upstate South Carolina with half a foot possible in North Carolina and – as has been the case for much of the winter – snow lovers from DC-to-Philly-to-NYC will be looking with envy from the outside. Longer term, there are some signs of hope for cold and snow in the Mid-Atlantic’s I-95 corridor, but we have had false promises already this winter and time is beginning to run short.

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