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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Mild and wet pattern in the Tennessee Valley to continue well into next week*

Paul Dorian

The warm and wet pattern that began earlier this week will continue into early next week. The combination of warm, humid air and a relatively stationary frontal system will create unsettled conditions going forward and a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will remain on the mild side for this time of year with highs generally in the 60’s right through the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Warm and wet pattern continues into next week*

Paul Dorian

The warm and wet pattern that began earlier this week will continue into early next week. The combination of warm, humid air and a relatively stationary frontal system will create unsettled conditions going forward and a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms. The storms late today and early tonight can be on the strong-to-severe side in the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures will remain on the mild side for this time of year with highs ranging from the middle 60’s to the lower 70’s right through the week and upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Prolonged period of warm and wet*

Paul Dorian

The main weather headline in the longer-term remains the prolonged wet pattern that is likely to extend into next week. The combination of warm, humid air and a relatively stationary frontal system will create unsettled conditions going forward and a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures will remain on the warm side with highs ranging from the middle 60’s to the lower 70’s right through the week and upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Warm and unsettled weather pattern to continue*

Paul Dorian

A warm, but unsettled week continues across the northern part of Alabama. While temperatures will climb to within a few degrees of 70 degrees each day, there will be a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms as well. Multiple low pressure systems will pass by to our north this week keeping us unsettled with trailing frontal systems impacting the local area.

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7:00 AM | *A warm, but unsettled week in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

A warm, but unsettled week is in store for the northern part of Alabama. While temperatures will climb to within a few degrees of 70 each day, there will be a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms as well. Multiple low pressure systems will pass by to our north this week keeping us unsettled with trailing frontal systems impacting the local area.

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7:00 AM | *Weekend is shaping up to be quite nice around here*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system that has been stalled out across the southern part of Alabama for the past 24 hours or so will lift northward today in response to an upper-level trough shifting eastward into the SE US. As a result, the threat of showers will continue today and there can be some heavier rainfall; especially, during the early part of the day. As surface low pressure tracks into the Carolinas, the rain will taper off around here later in the day and skies may actually clear in the overnight hours. A cooler and drier air mass will push into area on Friday and the winds will become quite noticeable as well. High pressure ridging will expand into the region this weekend paving the way for dry and increasing warm conditions.

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7:00 AM | *Significant rain event for the southern US next few days*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will stall across Alabama today and meander around for the next couple of days. This frontal boundary zone will continue to be the focus area of showers and thunderstorms over the next couple of days with strong low pressure moving from Texas towards the Carolinas between early tomorrow and Thursday night. As a result, rainfall amounts of up to three inches are on the table for the region and given the recent rains, this can lead to flash flooding concerns in parts of the area. Drier air will filter in late in the week as this southern storm system pushes to the eastern seaboard and then off the Mid-Atlantic coastline.

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12:00 PM (Monday) | *Monitoring a setup for the late week that will feature a southern storm heading towards the east coast and a northern system that’ll be digging southeast across the Great Lakes*

Paul Dorian

A strong wave of energy is sitting off the coast of southern California at mid-day Monday and it’ll push eastward across northern Mexico and then into Texas by mid-week. This upper-level system will help to spawn the development of a strong surface low pressure system in Texas by early Wednesday and this storm will spread significant rainfall to the southern states from Texas to the Carolinas in the Wednesday/Thursday time period. By late Thursday, the southern low will push towards the Carolina coastline at the same time a northern stream wave of energy drops southeastward across the Great Lakes. This two upper-level features will likely phase together at the end of the week, but it’s a little too early to tell the exact timing and placement of the phase which will have an impact as to how far north and west the southern storm’s precipitation shield can extend. Temperatures are likely to be borderline in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US at the end of the week with respect to rain versus snow; however, colder air will be sitting just to the northwest and it certainly can feed in making this an unfolding scenario to closely monitor in coming days.

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7:00 AM | *Warmer and wet to start the week*

Paul Dorian

A broad southwesterly flow of air developed over the weekend in the Tennessee Valley and this will lead to a warm day to start the new work week. Temperatures both today and tomorrow will climb well up into the 60’s in the Huntsville metro region, but there will also be a threat of showers and thunderstorms. In fact, the warm, wet weather pattern is likely to continue right through the mid-week time period, but drier air arrives for the latter part of the week.

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