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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Chance of showers and storms today, tonight and tomorrow*

Paul Dorian

It’ll stay unsettled and quite warm over the next couple of days as a series of west-to-east moving disturbances will produce chances for showers and thunderstorms in the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures will close in on the 80 degrees mark for highs later today and then push into the 80’s on Wednesday afternoon. After a frontal passage, however, there will be a downward trend as we head into the late week and into the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Quite warm for the first half of the week starting off today near the 80 degree mark*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled stretch of weather is likely this week across the Tennessee Valley and it’ll also be quite warm into the second half. A series of west-to-east moving disturbances will produce multiple chances for showers and thunderstorms in coming days. Temperatures will start the week not far from 80 degrees for highs and then trend downward late in the week following a frontal passage.

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7:00 AM | *Nice today to close out the wok week, but it becomes more unsettled this weekend*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the Tennessee Valley will lead to another nice day around here with plenty of sunshine today and comfortable temperatures. It’ll become increasingly unsettled this weekend with the chance for showers and thunderstorms on each day and it’ll remain unsettled during the first half of next week as several disturbances pivot in our direction.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled weather conditions return this weekend after a nice couple of days*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure has pushed off the Mid-Atlantic coast and will not be much of a factor around here any longer, but it will tend to loop back towards the NE US as it encounters an atmospheric roadblock. We’ll experience decent weather for the next couple of days, but then it will become increasingly unsettled this weekend and going into the early part of next week. The chance for showers and thunderstorms will start off on the low side as we begin the weekend, but will climb to “quite likely” by the early part of next week.

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1:55 PM | *Just can’t shake off the cold air outbreaks into the central and eastern US through at least the middle of April*

Paul Dorian

One thing a snow lover in the central and eastern US is rooting for during the wintertime is a “high-latitude blocking” pattern in the upper part of the atmosphere as it is often favorable for sustained cold air outbreaks and potentially accumulating snow. One way meteorologists can monitor the likelihood for this type of weather pattern is to track a teleconnection index known as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). If this index falls into “negative” territory for a sustained period of time during the wintertime – a snow lover’s dream – it is often associated with sustained colder-than-normal weather in the eastern and central US and an increased chance for accumulating snow. Here we are now into the month of April and the largely absent “-NAO” pattern this winter season has finally arrived with “high-latitude blocking” likely for the next week or two across the northern latitudes. This may not lead to snow this time of year – although stranger things have happened – but it does signal the likely continuation of cold air outbreaks into the central and eastern US through at least the middle of April.

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7:00 AM | *Decent weather next few days, but weekend looks somewhat unsettled again*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure is pushing off the Carolina coastline and will make a move to the northeast out over the open waters of the western Atlantic. It will not, however, continue in this direction for too long before it encounters a blocking pattern in the upper part of the atmosphere which will lead to an unusual movement in coming days as it will retrograde back towards the Northeast US. The impact here will be minimal and we’ll enjoy a couple of nice days, but more unsettled weather returns for the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *A pretty nice second half of the week*

Paul Dorian

Upper level ridging will stall over the Gulf of Mexico and produce a persistent southwest flow of air in the region. A couple of disturbances will cross over the Tennessee Valley keeping us unsettled tonight and Tuesday with the chance of occasional showers and thunderstorms. The pattern becomes generally drier for much of the second half of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Showers return to the area for tonight and Tuesday...maybe even a thunderstorm or two*

Paul Dorian

Upper level ridging will stall over the Gulf of Mexico and produce a persistent southwest flow of air in the region. A couple of disturbances will cross over the Tennessee Valley keeping us unsettled tonight and Tuesday with the chance of occasional showers and thunderstorms. The pattern becomes generally drier for much of the second half of the week.

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7:00 AM | *An unseasonably warm couple of days*

Paul Dorian

The break in the action from our recent active weather pattern will continue for the next couple of days as we get increasingly warm. Temperatures today will climb to the 80 degree mark and then well into the 80's by Friday afternoon. A broad ridge of high pressure in the upper atmosphere will extend from the Gulf States to the east coast and this system will promote an increasingly warm southerly flow of air into this region as we progress into the weekend. Another strong system will impact the area on Saturday with showers and thunderstorms and a few of the storms can be on the strong-to-severe side.

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12:25 PM (Thursday) | *Significant storm threat by the middle of next week in the southern US, but still unclear as to how far north and east it'll come*

Paul Dorian

The active weather pattern that we have been experiencing across much of the nation in recent days will continue at least into the middle of next week. Low pressure over the middle of the nation this weekend will keep much of the eastern half of the nation unsettled and there are signs that a significant storm may form by the middle of next week. The potential is there for a strong storm to develop next week in the south-central US and then head northeast towards the Mid-Atlantic region and it could have a wide-ranging impact on a large part of the eastern third of the nation.

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