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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *On the lookout today for possible strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity*

Paul Dorian

Active weather will continue today in the Tennessee Valley region with the likelihood of showers and perhaps a strong-to-severe thunderstorm or two. A cold frontal system with strong support aloft will be the cause of our shower activity today and it can perhaps set off the formation of a few strong-to-severe thunderstorms depending on the cloud cover situation. It’ll turn cooler later this week following the frontal passage, but an impressive warm up is coming this weekend and into the early part of next week ahead of the next cool front.

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7:00 AM | *Possible strong storms on Wednesday in the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

The overall flow aloft in the local region is westerly and we’ll continue to enjoy decent weather with some sunshine and highs not too far from the 80 degree mark. A strong wave in the upper atmosphere will approach the region resulting in an increase in clouds and possible showers and thunderstorms late tonight and Wednesday. Some of the rain associated with this system could come down hard at mid-week and there can be a few strong-to-severe thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Nice way to start the new week...strong storms possible at mid-week*

Paul Dorian

The overall flow aloft as we begin the new week will be out of the WNW and the result will be decent weather here on Monday. A wave in the upper atmosphere will approach the region late tonight and Tuesday resulting in an increase in clouds and possible showers and thunderstorms on Tuesday night and Wednesday. Some of the rain associated with this system could come down hard at mid-week and there can be a few strong-to-severe thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *A break in the action to end the work week*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure this morning will move towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline and loosen its grip on the region and we’ll enjoy a pretty decent day to end the work week. Yet another upper-level trough and surface low pressure will take shape on Saturday and keep us unsettled around here from later tonight into Sunday. By later Sunday, slightly cooler and drier air will push into the region following the passage of a frontal system. It’ll begin to turn warmer again early next week and – yet again – the chances for showers and thunderstorms will tend to climb.

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11:30 AM (Thursday) | *Active weather pattern persists as cold air outbreaks continue into the central and eastern US...pattern to hold into early May…includes additional severe weather outbreaks*

Paul Dorian

A very active weather pattern will likely continue across the eastern half of the nation into the early part of May in large part due to a continuation of cold air outbreaks from Canada into the central and eastern US. These on-going cold air outbreaks are combining with increasingly warm and humid conditions across the southern US to help in the generation of storms and also has increased the chances for severe weather outbreaks; especially, across the southern states. In fact, tornadoes this year are running at above-normal levels and are the highest for the month of April since 2011. The next storm in a series of storms will impact the Mid-Atlantic region from today into late Friday and then another system arrives over the upcoming weekend and colder-than-normal conditions will persist through the period.

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7:00 AM | **Very windy today with a continuing threat for strong thunderstorms**

Paul Dorian

The overall active weather pattern across the nation will persist as long as cold air outbreaks continue to drop into the central and eastern US from Canada and indications are that this type of flow will continue into at least early May. Low pressure this morning will move to the southern part of Missouri and an area of showers and thunderstorms could move right over this region. There is the chance that some of the thunderstorms that head our way will reach severe levels with gusty winds, hail, frequent lightning and heavy downpours. Shower activity should wind down later tonight and Friday should be a dry day to end the work week.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled pattern to continue this week with multiple chances of rain*

Paul Dorian

The overall active weather pattern will continue with multiple chances of rain over the next week or so and there will be a continuation of cold air outbreaks into the northern US. Low pressure will push away from the Mid-Atlantic region as we begin the new work week and it’ll remain unsettled across the Tennessee Valley. The weather will settled down on Tuesday and Wednesday, but it’ll get unsettled again for much of the second half of the week. High temperatures this week will generally be at 70+ degrees and overnight lows the next couple nights are likely to be well down in the 40’s.

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7:00 AM | *Morning chill melts away in the sunshine...comfortable PM with highs near 70 degrees*

Paul Dorian

After a chilly start to the day, sunshine will boost afternoon temperatures to near the 70 degree mark and then we’ll experience another chilly night with lows in the 40’s. The weather will become more unsettled this weekend with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms. Highs on both weekend days should be near the 70 degree mark to go along with the chance of rain on Saturday and Sunday.

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7:00 AM | *Another frosty start to the day possible on Thursday...unsettled weather returns this weekend*

Paul Dorian

After a chilly start to the day, sunshine will boost afternoon temperatures to the 60 degree mark and we’ll then likely experience more patchy frost in the overnight hours. After tomorrow’s chilly start, afternoon temperatures will climb towards the 70 degree mark as high pressure takes control. The weather will become more unsettled this weekend with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms.

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