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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 Am | *After a cold start to the day, Mother's Day (Sunday) should turn out to be quite nice*

Paul Dorian

A cold front will approach the region today and result in an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms. It’ll turn colder in the overnight hours following the passage of the cold front and it stays on the cool side to start the weekend. On Sunday, Mother’s Day, there will be a cold start to the day, but sunshine will boost afternoon temperatures to near 70 degrees.

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7:00 AM | *Mother's Day afternoon should turn out to be rather nice after a chilly start to the day*

Paul Dorian

A large dome of high pressure will push into the region today and maintain a relatively cool and dry pattern across the northern part of Alabama. Another cold front will approach the area late tonight and on Friday giving us an increase in clouds and a chance of showers, maybe a thunderstorm. It’ll turn even cooler by the early part of the weekend with temperatures below normal on Saturday as northwest flow develops following the passage of a strong cold frontal system. Mother’s Day (Sunday) may get off to a very cool start, but sunshine should boost temperatures to near 70 degrees during the afternoon hours.

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12:00 PM | ***An amazing outbreak of cold air for the early part of the weekend with very strong winds…rain-changing-to-snow scenario on the table…much more bearable for Mother’s Day afternoon***

Paul Dorian

Today is an unusually chilly day in the Mid-Atlantic region with temperatures far below-normal for the 6th of May aided by a low-level easterly flow of air and thick cloud cover. In fact, high temperatures today in much of the Mid-Atlantic region will be confined to levels rarely experienced for this time of year. Believe it or not, this air mass may pale in comparison to what is on the way for the early part of the weekend.

Quite an amazing outbreak of cold air will arrive in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US on Friday night and the cold frontal passage may actually be accompanied by a rain-changing-to-snow event – even into higher elevation suburban locations just to the north and west of I-95. Saturday will turn out to be a very windy and unusually cold day in much of the northeastern quadrant of the nation with temperatures in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC perhaps more than twenty degrees below normal. While Sunday, Mother’s Day, will remain colder-than-normal, the afternoon will become much more bearable when compared to Saturday as there should be far less in the way of wind and plenty of sunshine. Looking ahead, cold air outbreaks will likely continue into mid-May across the central and eastern US, but a pattern change to warmer looks like it’ll begin during the 3rd week of the month - and tropical season may not be far behind.

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7:00 AM | *Mother's Day may turn out to be quite decent after a chilly start*

Paul Dorian

Today will be a cooler day in the Tennessee Valley with highs around the 65 degree mark in the northern part of Alabama as compared with the upper 70’s on Tuesday. It’ll turn even cooler by the early part of the weekend with temperatures well below normal on Saturday as northwest flow develops following the passage of a strong cold frontal system. Mother’s Day (Sunday) may get off to a very cool start, but sunshine should boost temperatures to near 70 degrees during the afternoon hours.

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12:30 PM (Tuesday) | ***Quite cool on Wednesday in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US and then very impressively cold to start the Mother’s Day weekend…there is finally light at the end of the tunnel***

Paul Dorian

The temperature reached 74 degrees yesterday at Philly Intl Airport, but a cold frontal passage ushered in considerably cooler air for today with mid-day readings still in the 50’s. It’ll turn even chillier on Wednesday in the Mid-Atlantic region with plenty of clouds around and occasional showers. In fact, some spots may experience some of the lowest maximum temperatures ever recorded for the 6th of May in this unusually cool air mass for this time of year. An even colder air mass is headed this way for the beginning of the Mother’s Day weekend and Saturday could turn out to be quite an amazing weather day in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US.

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7:00 AM | *Turns cooler for the second half of the week after one more warm day*

Paul Dorian

Today will be another very warm day in the Tennessee Valley with highs around the 80 degree mark in the northern part of Alabama. It’ll turn cooler tomorrow following the passage of a cool frontal system which will knock about ten degrees off temperatures. It’ll turn even cooler late in the week and for the upcoming weekend with temperatures well below normal for this time of year as northwest flow develops following the passage of a strong cold frontal system.

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11:20 AM | ***Very chilly air mass for this time of year reaches the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US by the early part of the upcoming weekend…snow is even possible in higher elevation interior locations***

Paul Dorian

The contrast between this past weekend and next weekend will be quite remarkable in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US. An unusually cold air mass for this time of year will drop into the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US by the early part of the upcoming Mother’s Day weekend and it will contrast markedly with the above-normal temperatures experienced this past Saturday and Sunday. In fact, the chill that is headed this way for the late week/weekend may very well result in near record lows across a wide region of the nation extending from the Rockies to the eastern seaboard and snow is even a possibility in the interior higher elevation locations of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. Cold air outbreaks from Canada into the central and eastern US will quite likely continue until at least the middle of the month May.

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7:00 AM | *Quite warm to start the week, but it turns cooler for the second half*

Paul Dorian

The week will start off with quite warm conditions in the Tennessee Valley and highs both today and on Tuesday not far from the 80 degree mark. Cooler, drier air will filter into the region at mid-week as a large area of high pressure builds southeast from the Northern Plains. It’ll turn even cooler late in the week and for the upcoming weekend with temperatures well below normal as northwest flow develops following the passage of a strong cold frontal system.

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7:00 Am | *A chilly start to the day will finish quite comfortable...weekend looking good*

Paul Dorian

With mainly clear skies and light winds last night, radiational cooling allow for temperatures to drop into the 40’s across northern Alabama, but there will be a quick rebound today with plenty of sunshine to boost temperatures. It’ll turn even warmer this weekend as high pressure takes control and we should see temperatures climb to 80+ degrees on both days.

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7:00 AM | *Quite cool tonight with clear skies, light winds...quick rebound on Friday with plenty of sunshine*

Paul Dorian

A cold frontal is edging towards the east coast and there will be a significant rain event today and tonight in much of the eastern US. While there can be a few showers in the area, the impact of this frontal system in terms of rainfall will be to our east. With mainly clear skies tonight and light winds, radiational cooling will allow for temperatures to drop into the 40’s across northern Alabama. Temperatures on Friday will be quick to rebound with plenty of sunshine as high pressure takes tonight.

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