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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Turns pretty hot around here for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will continue to meander across the Carolinas today and then it’ll take a turn to the north later this week and begin to weaken. As a result, a warming trend will ensue in the Tennessee Valley and temperatures will likely approach the 90 degree by Friday afternoon for highs. By the time we get to the weekend, it’ll turn downright hot and humid with highs in the lower and middle 90’s and an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *Hot weather to return here this weekend with highs likely in the 90's on both days*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough will continue to influence the weather around here as it spins over the Carolinas into the middle of the week. Low-level winds will continue to keep a lid on afternoon temperatures for the next couple of days, but later in the week, this system will weaken and push to the north. As a result, a warming trend will ensue in the Tennessee Valley later in the week and by Friday highs will approach the 90 degree mark. By the time we get to the weekend, it’ll turn downright hot and humid with highs in the 90’s and an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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7:00 AM | *A nice stretch of weather for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

High pressure has expanded into the Tennessee Valley and it will be in control of the overall weather pattern for the next several days. In general, this system will lead to rain-free conditions and warm temperatures with highs in the mid and upper 80’s through Tuesday. By the middle of next week, the mercury should climb to the 90 degree mark as even warmer air pushes into the region from the south-central states.

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7:00 AM | *Rain-free, warm conditions next several days*

Paul Dorian

A surface cold front passed through the region on Wednesday and the next several days will feature mainly rain-free conditions as high pressure builds into the Tennessee Valley. Temperatures will likely hold in the lower 80’s for highs this afternoon and should stick in the range of the middle 80’s on Friday and during the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | *The remains of Cristobal continue to push northward over the Mississippi River Valley*

Paul Dorian

The remains of Cristobal continue to move to the north through the Mississippi Valley and strong moisture advection will once again increase the chances of thunderstorms in the PM hours. A surface cold front will move through the region on Wednesday bringing an additional chance of showers and thunderstorms, but cooler and drier air will push in behind it for the latter part of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Remnants of Cristobal to push north and impact the Tennessee and Mississippi Valleys*

Paul Dorian

The remains of Tropical Storm Cristobal will push northward over the next few days producing heavy rainfall all along the Mississippi Valley from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border. Outer bands of the tropical system will indeed have an impact in this area generating a chance of showers and thunderstorms, but with high pressure just to our east, the impact will be rather limited. By tomorrow morning, the remnants of Cristobal should be centered over southern Missouri and moving rather quickly to the north. The next system to have an impact here will be a cold front that should swing through the Tennessee Valley on Wednesday.

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11:00 AM (Fri.) | **Continued unsettled conditions with additional very heavy rainfall and strong storms…nicer weather Sun/Mon…Cristobal to turn north and approach the north-central Gulf on Sunday**

Paul Dorian

There are two important weather stories here at the end of the work week with continued very unsettled weather conditions in the Mid-Atlantic region and also tropical depression Cristobal which remains just inland over the Yucatan Peninsula region of Mexico at mid-day. The surge of summer-like heat and humidity into the Mid-Atlantic region on Wednesday was accompanied by severe thunderstorm activity and a stalled out frontal boundary zone will remain the focus area for showers and thunderstorms over the next 24 hours or so. Any rainfall in the Mid-Atlantic region can be heavy at times with the potential of localized flash flooding and any thunderstorm that forms can be strong-to-severe with gusty winds.

Meanwhile, tropical depression is parked inland over Mexico, but it is likely to move back out over the open warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and take a turn to the north this weekend. There is a chance that Cristobal – the third named tropical system of this young tropical season – will close in on the north-central Gulf coastal region by the end of the weekend and all eyes from the Panhandle of Florida to Texas should remained focused on this threat.

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7:00 AM | **Cristobal to turn north this weekend and likely in the vicinity of the north-central Gulf coast by late Sunday**

Paul Dorian

Tropical depression Cristobal remains parked just inland over Mexico this morning, but it should head out over the open warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico by tonight and then move generally in a northward direction over the next couple of days. This kind of a track would bring Cristobal in the vicinity of southern Louisiana by late in the weekend likely as a strong tropical storm, but there is the chance that it reaches minimal hurricane status - all should closely monitor the situation from the Panhandle of Florida-to-Texas.

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